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Newport Beach, OC, CA
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since Aug 20 2017

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Any Harvey & Irma victims here? part 2
Sep 13 2017 10:21AM more by abra.lin
Tags: Orange County, Current Events (All tags)

Part 1 shows the problem of Tramp supports and now Bannon supports. (I'm now a Bannon supporter. Go Bannon go! Dirt more dirt! War more war! )

If you think I'm trying to shame you, you are a bit sensitive. Tramp reacts very badly to criticism because nobody did that to him. That's the problem of electing a Boss who never held a public office.

Discussion/debate involves back and forth, unlike who owned who on video by a sound bite and who's twit is virally mean when nobody can meaningfully reply to it.

If you feel ashamed, it's because the propaganda you got is too easy to be taken down. Comparing Galileo to William Happer? Yes, you should be ashamed if you look it up what they did.

And then the others who have valid and relevance opinions but just wouldn't like to talk about, and make it difficult for others to talk about it. Forever high school?
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