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Senate Should Dismiss Trump Impeachment Trial And Redux
Jan 24 2020 09:38PM more by GoBallsDeep
Tags: Random

This one got to 50, so seems like maybe there's more to be said.
Let me start, k?

tango1066, you ignorant slut (said in Dan Aykroyds voice)

You have a fundamental misconception of politics, of course that was a clear "quid pro quo".
Don't make any trouble for me now going into my last election (scratch my back) and tell Mr. Putin I can scratch his back by giving him what he wants later, if and when I win. You know, like I helped you when I scrapped those nukes in eastern Europe back in 2009 and broke that agreement with US allies .

That's called making the US less safe and helping me with my political career, lol. And, you're right that he couldn't trust Putin.

As KS pointed out, Mueller spent $40 million proving there was no request of Russia to hack the opposition, so we know the collusion theme is bullshit.

Your last part is interesting though. Trump could legitimately ask the Ukraine to get to the bottom of corruption due to the Treaty signed long ago AND in doing so, get a twofer by smearing Biden before the election. Did he do it? Probably yes. Can you prove it? Probably not. Not anymore than it could be proved that Obama asked Putin to not cause him any problems prior to his reelection, after which he'd have more flexibility to give away the store.

Obama here is just an example. Every president is looking to conduct foreign policy to get both a win for the US and for themselves politically. That's just politics and to think otherwise is hopelessly naive.

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