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Whittier, LA, CA
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since Sep 21 2018

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Rona people unite!
Mar 24 2020 01:39PM more by NigelCollins68
Tags: Orange County, Current Events (All tags)

What if HX were split into clean HX and dirty HX? There is no harm in two people getting together when both of them already have coronavirus.

The problem with coronavirus is not that healthy people are going to get it. The problem is that healthy people might spread it to weak people who can't handle it.

Everyone should avoid getting it and spreading it. But if you already have it, like I do, there is no harm in having sex with other people who have it too.

Coronavirus is far more widespread than the news reports would indicate. Experts predict that half of the planet's 7.5 billion people will get it before it's run its course.

I have it. I am on day eight of my sickness. For eighty percent of the people who get it, it is going to be no big deal, i.e., they won't need to see a doctor. I am running a temperature. I have an achy body. I have nasty farts because the virus is attacking the lining of my intestines. It is attacking my lungs, but I don't feel it. I will be OK. I will be ready for work on Monday. But I will still be under quarantine for the next two weeks.

There are going to be a lot of HX people who have coronavirus. They will be well enough to have sex, but they will be under quarantine for at least two weeks. Us coronavirus HX'ers need to get together.
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