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Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
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since Apr 27 2008

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It Came from My Underpants. The Horror.
Dec 21 2020 12:04PM more by sherkahn
Tags: Current Events

Nope, not a monster movie, but (pun intended) a tale of espionage and failed assasination.

Russian opposition leader Navalny himself found out who the person was who poisoned him and got him to confess over the phone.

“How Navalny did it

Navalny, who is still recovering at a secret location in Germany, posed as a senior official from Russia's National Security Council tasked with carrying out an analysis of the poisoning operation. His phone number was disguised as that of the headquarters of the FSB, according to Navalny's team and a recording of the call later.


After Kudryavtsev confirmed his identity, Navalny said he'd been tasked with getting "a brief understanding from the team members: what went wrong, why was there a complete failure in Tomsk with Navalny?"


Most dramatically Kudryavtsev provided a detailed account of how the nerve agent was applied to a pair of Navalny's underpants.
Navalny asked: "What item of clothing was the emphasis on? What is the most risky piece of clothing?"
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Pasadena, SGV, LA, CA
47 blogs/1468 comments
since May 21 2008

Level 4
Dec 21 2020 12:13PM     link to this

Ha he asked for "a brief understanding" and it was the briefs!

Maybe 10 years ago I was reading a page (before blogs) on the internet by some whacky paranoid woman who was convinced that the CIA was out to get her. Now... she was unemployed, living in a trailer or something so hardly a big threat to national security and hard to see why she would be a target, but she was sure.

She thought they were beaming sounds and mind control at her. (turns out that happens with the US Embassy in Russia).

And she was convinced they were trying to kill or drug her by sneaking in and putting chemicals in her underwear. She went so far as to cut out the crotches to keep herself safe.

Who knew she was right about that tactic too!?!

It's like Shakespeare where the fools tell the truth...
Pasadena, SGV, LA, CA
47 blogs/1468 comments
since May 21 2008

Level 4
Dec 21 2020 12:20PM     link to this

BTW loved how stupid the Russian agents were.

The version I read said the agent was at first suspicious they called him on an unsecured line, but they yelled at him and said they were in a hurry so he said okay.

And news agencies were able to track a lot of agent's travel plans because they used their real names or their wife's maiden name on tickets. And they could track a lot of their cell phone locations and reconstruct their movements by pings.

Maxwell Smart or Bond would have done it much better...
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