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San Diego, CA
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since Feb 1 2018

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Can I Phuk?
Apr 1 2020 11:48PM more by OVAHERE
Tags: Orange County, Random (All tags)

Can I Fuck?
You see a girl, she sees you. We have some small talk about social distancing. You see what's in her basket, she can see what's in yours. Neither one of us got much of shit. But it looks like a Netflix night because I can't take her out anywhere. She pulls her hair behind her ears, and now I know shes wide open. You exchange numbers and off we go our separate ways.

Can I Fuck! Or do I have to practice COVID-19 celibacy?

So we make a date...Wine, Beer, Food, Netflix. What will we watch?
1. A Scary movie. So she can fake like she's scared and jump next to me, so I know I can get some of that Booty?

2. A Romantic Comedy. Now I gotta try and stay awake, encase she gets all touchy-feely, so I think that I might get some of that Booty?

3. Or, She picks an Action movie which makes me think "Dam she might be alright." So I get up to use the bathroom and drop the condoms on the floor, of course, she asks "Did you think you were gettin some Pussy tonight?" I'm like know, but I was hoping I'd get some pussy tonight!

Can I Fuck! Or do I have to practice COVID-19 celibacy?
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