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Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
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since Apr 27 2008

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Communism/socialism in the Contemporary US.
May 2 2020 04:57PM more by sherkahn
Tags: Random

Carrying that topic to this thread...

The US has always had a unique thing, with unique social triggers that make and keep change.there must be leaders, there must be motivation and there must be a need for change. It depends on who is leading and why they are taking power. We will not get another Stalin.
We will not get our own Mussilini (although i have argued that Trump was going that route when he was a candidate). Too many factors in our nation that would stop us from giving up power or a regime to take power.

Let me put it to in other terms. When the Founding Father’s first put the country together, did they plan for Obama? Or Trump? Would they have been terrified that such leaders came to power through a coup or through elections?
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La Jolla, San Diego, CA
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May 2 2020 06:44PM     link to this

"The US has always had a unique thing, with unique social triggers that make and keep change.there must be leaders, there must be motivation and there must be a need for change"

Would you be surprised if I said Govt should be small, exist FOR the people, be OF the people, and let private sector solve the many problems that govt would be ineffective with. Govt needs to be economically sustainable while meeting the needs of the people.

We dont need a Stalin or a Mussolini.... We do need an executive with a Capitalist vision and business knowledge who instinctly consults the right people and forms decisions without delay. I really think people liken Trump to a dictator because he makes firm decision and doesn't pussyfoot around with dilemmas.

The change you speak of should come from the needs of the people and not forced from a dictator.

"When the Founding Father’s first put the country together, did they plan for Obama? Or Trump? Would they have been terrified that such leaders came to power through a coup or through elections?"

I'm would bet the founders expected Presidential elections as has always been the case. I'm not sure why you imply Obama or Trump as peculiar results.

With regards to a coup the typical path is a military coup but I dont see this countries military swaying away from unquestioned allegiance to the elected President.

However, when you look at the arrogant and reckless behaviour of the FBI after Trump came into office with countless probes and fruitless witchhunts one could question the motives.

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since Jan 19 2018

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May 3 2020 01:29AM     link to this

America. The great experiment. Where there has been a dumbing down of the school system in order to keep the poor poor and the rich rich.

America where if you have money you get treatment from illness and if you don’t you get nothing so the rich stay healthy and the poor die young. they have also managed to convince you that health is not a basic human right

In fact isn’t health and education a basic human right to enable the next generation to progress. But if the poor can’t progress the same rich families just pass the baton

America where a political system has convinced the masses they have democracy. When in fact you have three branches of government that cancel each other out year after year. So nothing ever changes. Where the democracy in no change ? but to keep the people blind to this they have managed to turn Neighbour against Neighbour with the whole left and right thing and while your all arguing about that. Guess what nothing changes and nothing gets done.

America the only country in the world that tells its people every day it’s number one in the world. Well per capita it is. Number one on incarnation. Number one on murder , number one per capita on third world poverty in a first world country. the list goes on. Sadly health care , education and standard of life are nowhere near the top 10.

It won’t change. Educate the masses and keep them healthy , they may wake up and want a democratic system that works. communism socialism won’t ever be here. Why. Your all controlled anyway. The moment you need to be told your free. Your not. And they tell you your free every day. your three branches of government ensure nothing changes. Your education system ensures no one will rise and your brain washing of the flag and military keeps you following like sheep. there is no need for communism. Communism can’t control a population as much as your controlled. And the beauty is. You don’t realize your the most un free society in the west
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since Jan 1 2019

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May 3 2020 02:18AM     link to this

With capitalism, you build walls to keep people out. With communism, you build walls to keep people in.
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