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Today in gloom: hunting the planet killer
Jul 16 2021 08:48AM more by sherkahn
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Bad boys, bad boys, watch’s gonna do? Watch a gonna do when Bennu comes for you?

“ Asteroid Bennu is now mostly known for having been visited by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx – the spacecraft is slowly coming back to Earth with a precious sample of material from it. But there’s another concerning fact about Bennu: the asteroid has a one-in-2,700 chance of hitting us on September 25, 2135.

On that Sunday morning, Bennu will pass Earth five times closer than the Moon, based on current estimates. The uncertainty is still wide enough that it might hit our planet or miss it, but it remains concerning. Bennu is over 500 meters (1,640 feet) across, and an impact would release 1,200 megatons of energy. That’s 24 times the yield of the Tsar Bomba, the most powerful nuclear weapon ever built and tested.”

The Chinese are proposing a plan to gradually nudge it away, should the threat become real.

Good news is that most of us will be gone by then, but I know some youngsters here and people who are thinking about the next generation that are concerned.

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