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Covid 20 Months Away from Loved Ones Should Have Walked Across Border
Nov 9 2021 08:29AM more by Waterdisport22
Tags: Orange County, Random (All tags)

United States of AMOR! Lovesick couples separated by COVID finally reunite in US airports after international travel restrictions are lifted after 20 months - and the stories will bring a tear to your eye!

Couples who have been separated by COVID restrictions reunited at airports across America on Monday
They were among the first tourists from Europe, the UK, China, India and Brazil since March 12 2020
Some hadn't seen each other for two years, like married couple Lai Wi, 31, and his wife, Hui Ling

He drove from Virginia to pick her up at the airport in New York City after her flight from Shanghai

The first flights came in from Mumbai and Delhi, landing at Newark Airport at 4.35am

BA and Virgin launched tandem flights from Heathrow which landed at JFK at 11am

The eased restrictions mean anyone who is fully vaccinated and COVID-19 negative can enter the USA now

Funny.....all they had to do was get to Mexico and walk across the border and collect FREE MONIES.....

Conclusion: Law abiding citizens get can NOT see love ones for 20 months....not so for illegals.
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Mission Viejo, OC, CA
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since Sep 21 2016

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Nov 10 2021 10:18AM     link to this

Families separated by government policy...

Are they also entitled to $475,000 each?????

Asking for some friends.
Mission Viejo, OC, CA
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since Sep 21 2016

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Nov 10 2021 11:30AM     link to this

Hey Extra...

Today's headline:

"U.S. inflation hit a three-decade high in October, delivering widespread and sizable price increases to households for everything from groceries to cars due to persistent supply shortages and strong consumer demand.

The Labor Department said the consumer-price index—which measures what consumers pay for goods and services—increased in October by 6.2% from a year ago. That was the fastest 12-month pace since 1990 and the fifth straight month of inflation above 5%."

Forget about one is going to be able to afford anything pretty soon. And when pressed, Biden says oil prices are up to OPEC, he is unwilling to take any governmental action that will IMPROVE the situation.

The Secretary of Transportation took a month off work in the middle of a crisis in our ports because he and his husband had a baby. As the economy collapses, he's on maternity leave.

And when Peppermint Patty was questioned about the crisis in the ports and whether or not people would be able to get their Christmas presents this year, her response was, "The Federal Government has nothing to do with that...ask FedEx."

And not to mention the mask and vaccine mandates, as COVID rages on among the previously vaccinated, who are getting sick, and passing the virus on to other vaccinated and unvaccinated people...another news report from today:

Highly-vaccinated Vermont has more COVID-19 cases than ever

"Elizabeth Murray, Burlington Free Press
Wed, November 10, 2021, 8:40 AM·3 min read
As Vermont reports higher than ever COVID-19 case rates, state health officials have been trying to understand why.

How can a state that did so well during the first part of the pandemic — even garnering national recognition — be doing so much worse now?

"There is not one simple answer," said Vermont Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine during a news conference Tuesday. "But, there are clearly factors that have come together to create the situation that we're in now."

Signs and posters that were up as the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in March 2020 remain on display July 20, 2021 at Esox bar in Burlington.
Signs and posters that were up as the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in March 2020 remain on display July 20, 2021 at Esox bar in Burlington.
Slowing the spread is critical right now to prevent Vermont's hospitals from being overwhelmed with people sick with the virus, Levine said. He encouraged Vermonters to take the same preventative steps that have been preached throughout the pandemic: wearing masks, practicing physical distancing, staying home when sick and getting vaccinated.

"There's not one single solution to stop it," Levine said. "We do need to live with it, taking the simple and common sense actions for protecting one another as much as we can."

COVID case rates in Vermont right now

"Positive cases have been climbing in Vermont in recent weeks despite the state's having one of the highest vaccination rates against the virus in the U.S. Cases rose last year around this time as well as people spent more time indoors, but the state still enjoyed one of the lowest case rates in the country then.

Cases in Vermont have increased by about 55% over the last 14 days, according to a modeling report by Financial Regulation Commissioner Mike Pieciak. Some recent days have seen daily cases spike above 400 — the highest Vermont has seen since the beginning of the pandemic."

So sweep it under the rug if YOU wish...recent elections have shown that the People know what is happening, and intend to take action at the ballot box. Your days in "power" are numbered.
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