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Pasadena, SGV, LA, CA
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since Apr 10 2008

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Holiday Disasters
Nov 29 2021 09:33AM more by calIvan
Tags: LA, Random (All tags)

Some morning show was opening the lines up for people to tell their thanksgiving or holiday family disasters and some of the stories were really freaking funny, ie... Grandma was convinced her dead husband was a cat and wanted the family to give it a seat at the table!

My most cringe worthy holiday story is that my brother went out drinking with some friends thanksgiving afternoon one year and tried to drive off half drunk after leaving the bar. He backed out of his spot and hit a shopping cart but he had just seen a homeless lady walk by with a cart so he thought he hit the lady. First thing he did was pick up the phone and tell me that he had just killed someone and he was sorry for everything he had done. He started crying and said he was going to turn himself in and was going to jail.... he kept me on speaker when he got out of the car and walked around back to find it was just a cart, no lady under the car, so I drove to pick his dumb ass up and took him home to sleep it off. He had a plate of leftovers for breakfast because there was no way he was fucking it up for everyone.
Funny now that I think back but damn... it was a stressful 2 minutes waiting to hear what was behind the car.

Anyone else have a holiday disaster story...that doesn't end in some sad circumstances?
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