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Huntington Beach, OC, CA
2 blogs/17 comments
since May 16 2016

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How can I ask for help getting votes without becoming a spammer?
Apr 24 2022 06:58PM more by mentallysingle
Tags: Bay Area, QQ (All tags)

So...I'm really at a loss here. I have a video (NSFW) that I did together with a friend and all where all the paperwork was signed and it's all good to go. We entered it into a contest at an adult site and I've posted a number of times on social media to ask people for help with voting for our video but I've only managed to get like 20+ votes. Granted, I'm friends on the platform with the person who's in first place and asked them halfway through the month how many votes they had and they said around 3,000 so I know I'm not going to beat anyone out for first place or anything like that. But I'd like to figure out what I could be doing better or maybe where my mindset about it is preventing me from figuring out a better way to go about asking people for votes.

While I sort of did send out messages like that person was doing in the beginning, I just don't have the massive following as a newer creator yet or influence capable of rallying such support. I thought about paying for ads but since it's for an adult video contest, I can't buy ads from other social media platforms because of its sexually explicit content. If I were to go to forums and post about it, I'd just end up being like one of those ignored spammers n stuff.

Does anyone have ideas on different ways to approach this?
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