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since Dec 12 2019

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With regrets to Theodor Geisel
Aug 20 2022 11:21PM more by GoBallsDeep
Tags: Random

They gotta be punking us.....
Republicans are coming out with a special lineup of books, lol

Horton Hears a Dog Whistle
Green Eggs and Hannity
How the Grinch Stole the Election
The Cat in the MAGA Hat.

Hansel and Greta Thunberg
Snow White Anglo Protestant
Goldman Sachs and the Three Bear Markets
Roger Stone Soup
Little Red State Riding Hood

"Where the Woke Things Are", about a little DNA clone that visits an island of leftist monsters who try to scare him with accusations of racism, transphobia and climate denial. He discovers they're a bunch of oversized snowflakes and he sends them to bed with no supper.

Then there's "The Three Little Libs", 2 get eaten. One after declaring the wolf an endangered species and the other when a liberal DA reduces the wolf's charge to a misdemeanor and releases him. The third little lib wisely switches parties, joins the NRA and enjoys some wolf fajitas

Then theres....
Cloudy With a Chance of Rand Pauls
The Phantom Voting Booth
James and the Giant Impeachment Hoax
Heather Has 2 Mommies......Who Will Burn In Hell

The Chronicles of Antifa
Harry Potter and the Soros Stone

Plus for adults, we have.....
Curious George Bush
Goodnight Roe
The Little Elon That Could
Charlotte's Web of Conspiracy Theories
And To Think I Saw It On MSNBC
Donald and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad FBI Raid

I lol'ed, kudos to Roy Rivenberg formerly at the LA Times
That's fucking funny

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