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Whittier, LA, CA
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since Sep 21 2018

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Dating apps are experimenting with pricing in a desperate search for profit
Aug 30 2023 08:42PM more by NigelCollins68
Tags: LA, Random (All tags)

Marketplace Radio ran a story about dating apps today.

Dating apps aren't making money like they used to. The name of the game used to be growth in the number of users. Now user numbers are starting to fall. In my opinion the issue is that men have figured out that dating apps are a waste of time. Now the dating apps are having to figure out how to squeeze more money out of the users that they have.

These quotes come from the story:

"Tinder, Bumble and other apps are developing new premium subscription services that would, in the case of Tinder, cost up to $500 a month per user."

“When you pay, you’re going to do less work and find more dates — that’s what we’re trying to engineer,” said Mark Brooks, who has been a consultant in the dating app world from the beginning

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