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City of San Diego, San Diego, CA
21 blogs/1610 comments
since Dec 24 2013

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Sooo this is what I'm getting - a rebuttal of sorts
Sep 23 2022 03:31PM more by wunanddun
Tags: San Diego , Current Events (All tags)

If the Cubans had flown to Mexico or some other South American country paid money or guaranteed payment through indentured servitude then risked life and limb with the cartel.... s'all good. Should have to pay the cartel tax or no land of opportunity for you.

You guys are evil man ....

By the way ... on Iran I support the people of Iran .... I hope Elon deploys starling there so they can get their message out. I hope they form a government that is representative of their population. But I think my other hand will fill up faster.

I also think anyone drawing a parallel between Iranian fundamentalism and American conservatism needs their head examined.

And Sherk... I don't care how hard it was for you to work on immigration papers for anyone, family, employees whatever. It's not supposed to be easy but it shouldn't be impossible aaaaaaand it's not. I have a family full of immigrants and 3 or 4 over the last 10-15 years ... some had job skills others didn't but they got here and it wasn't as hard as its made out to be. But it is more difficult than it need be and impossible to do in a short amount of time.

Thats pretty much all I have to say, except I think yall or hypocritical and I have said that before soooo shouldnt have been a surprise.
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since Feb 18 2022

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Sep 23 2022 04:22PM     link to this

The immigration issue is always a hotbed of differing opinions. As Americans we tend to jump to conclusions and try to impose our sense of morality or right on other peoples and cultures. But seldom do we try to investigate deep enough to understand the root of the problem.

I can't think of another place in the world where a flimsy border separates 2 cultures with such different standards of living. This creates a natural phenomenon similar to what we learned in high school about semi-permeable membranes. Things (molecules) have a tendency to try and balance out. The problem with immigrants heading north will only be solved when the standard of living south of the border becomes closer to that north of the border.

Having said that, I will confess to having worked in Mexico for 6 years. I have a strong affinity for the Mexican people and I take pride in knowing that I have a better understanding of their culture, and their dreams, than most people. However, my stronger belief is in the rule of law. Personally, I wouldn't care if CONGRESS (not the president) were to enact laws to simply take the border down and let them come and go as they please. But as an American citizen committed to the rule of law, I expect our laws to be followed.

It is wrong for a president to undermine congress and supplant existing laws. It is the duty of every federal agency to enforce the rule of law. When any political figure attempts to intervene in that process, for the sole purpose of garnering votes, it is very, very, very wrong. But if you find that behavior abhorrent then you should take it up with your elected officials; just bitching about in blogs will have limited effect (except to maybe make you feel better after venting).
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Sep 23 2022 04:47PM     link to this

"The problem with immigrants heading north will only be solved when the standard of living south of the border becomes closer to that north of the border."

The other option is the Progressive method to destroy the US economy thru socialism such that nobody wants to come here, even the Guatemalans, El Salvadorans and Nicaraguans! Lower the standard of living to homeless guvmint supported Okie status but all equal in social justice

Seriously, AMLO (another authoritarian socialist) is in the process of systematically destroying any hope of achieving a higher standard of living in Metsico. Been traveling there for many years, got friends down there and it's becoming more of a shit show than ever, politically........and that's saying a lot!

City of San Diego, San Diego, CA
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since Dec 24 2013

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Sep 23 2022 05:24PM     link to this

"But if you find that behavior abhorrent then you should take it up with your elected officials; just bitching about in blogs will have limited effect (except to maybe make you feel better after venting)."

All that's true but this is a kind of followup post and didn't have much to do with illegal immigration as it had to do with asylum. It's obvious to anyone if there are asylum seekers in this hemisphere they would be coming from a Cuba and Venezuela... and after China runs roughshod over SA everywhere else. But hey who's to care Sherkahns business will be doing well .... he loves him some chicoms.
4 blogs/171 comments
since Feb 18 2022

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Sep 23 2022 08:33PM     link to this

^^^^ All true in the larger scheme of things. I have always thought that the only real solution to our porous southern border in regards to immigration was to simply take over all of Mexico (which we could have easily done in the early 80's when they were essentially bankrupt). That would also solve the problem of natural population growth that we have in America, not enough children being born to sustain the economic growth that we need to remain competitive in a global economy. Not only that, the southern border of Mexico (697 miles) versus its northern border with the US (1,952 miles) is a much easier place to defend and control from invasion of hostile entities or illegal immigrants . If we ever had to fight a land war of encroachment with anyone I would prefer to fight it at Mexico's southern border.

Yeah, I know, wishful thinking of a typical "ugly American", but it does make sense strategically.
Rancho Cucamonga, Inland Empire, CA
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Sep 24 2022 12:00PM     link to this

actually never thought about it that way until you mentioned it... but there is definitely a parallel.

"a parallel between Iranian "extreme" Fundamentalism and American "extreme" Conservatism... same thing just different ignorant assholes.... no head examination needed... a bunch of crazy fucks on both sides.
City of San Diego, San Diego, CA
21 blogs/1610 comments
since Dec 24 2013

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Sep 24 2022 04:04PM     link to this

^ Deaths rates attributed to those groups would prove otherwise ... while the liberal extremes are trying to play catchup ... but hey man it's all about perception not provable fact.

Anywho definitely there are wingnuts of all persuasions that murder no doubt about that .... but I tend to favor the rule of calling murder murder, and as punishment for such I favor our most extreme measure within the law. But that's just me.
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