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Real Money Yes Gold Backs are here
Feb 20 2024 09:42AM more by AFMadness
Tags: Orange County, Current Events (All tags)

Real Gold Embedded into each one.

Goldbacks are intricately designed and made of a laminate polymer with a layer of physical 24K actual gold deposited into the Goldback. Each "1" in the Goldback denominations represents 1/1,000th of a Troy ounce of 24K gold, and Goldbacks are available in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50.

Goldbacks are not paper currency, and their intrinsic value requires no faith in any government, institution or bank. Instead, the gold is physically present in the Goldbacks, so that when people exchange Goldbacks, they are exchanging precisely measured amounts of real 24K gold.

The No. 1 question raised about Goldbacks by potential users is, Do they REALLY contain the gold they claim to contain? We were determined to conclusively answer that question, and through three scientific tests, we have the final answer on that, shared here.
Attached Links
Lab Verified Physical Gold Embedded In Each One
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