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Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
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Locked. No further comments permitted.The betrayal of America by the Supreme Court part 3
Mar 2 2024 09:33AM more by sherkahn
Tags: Current Events

“The Biden admin coordinating all these indictments is the actual threat to democracy, Trump was and never will be a threat to democracy lmao such a low IQ take. Claiming trump is a threat while the current administration actively uses the court to prevent the main challenger to power from running... that some African warlord shit right there.”

Except everyone knows these are separate groups that are seeking accountability and reciprocity on Trump for violation after violation.

Or can it be that the administration that “bungled everything since day one they took office”, per MAGA fools, is actually and successfully masterminding all of these attacks on Trump. All of this as part of a grand scheme to turn Umerika into several different states with uncertain gender less Muslims who want to kick the white Americans out and pay for and finance illegals to taking over Umerika to make Umerika brown again, so they can finally offer it to the Red Man as reparations for taking their land.

Holy white jeebuzz, what a bunch of dumb fucks.

Trump is guilty and paying heavily for his sins. And his pain has just begun.
There are 50 comments on this blog. This blog is locked and no further comments are permitted.
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
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Mar 2 2024 09:33AM     link to this

Vote Haley.
Inland Empire, CA
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Mar 2 2024 09:59AM     link to this

Every night when Rand Paul came home his wife would ask, " Why isn't Fauci in jail ? "

Mama Bear needs to wake up papa's.
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Humanity Must Break Free From The Mind Control
3 blogs/2125 comments
since Apr 27 2017

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Mar 2 2024 04:30PM     link to this

sherkahn you communist.

Haley has yet to get enough votes to say she got any votes. In Iowa she lost to "no one"
In case you missed it. Trump is winning in the courts. Be patient, we shell see.
I make no predictions, but I believe he is the most likely be the next president.
Mission Viejo, OC, CA
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since Sep 21 2016

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Mar 2 2024 04:49PM     link to this

Shut the fuck up, Shitcan.

You wouldn't know anything about jurisprudence if it bit you in the cock.
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since Apr 27 2017

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Mar 2 2024 05:03PM     link to this

sherkahn=no cock communist
Irvine, OC, CA
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Mar 2 2024 05:07PM     link to this

Its just a coincidence that Trump is the first president to ever be prosecuted after leaving office even though every single president before him in modern times has committed crimes worthy of prosecution. There is no way that all these legal actions against trump are a plot to prevent the only threat to the establishment from regaining power..... use your brain it is obviously an attempt to stop Trump, all of the cases are total bullshit and people only give them credence because there are so many. you are being manipulated by people who hate you.
West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Mar 2 2024 05:17PM     link to this

“You wouldn't know anything about jurisprudence if it bit you in the cock.”

@yellowB2 Same goes for you, and you’re supposedly a lawyer.

“The Biden admin coordinating all these indictments is the actual threat to democracy”

Ahhh, ya gotta love the ignorant.

Of course it couldn’t be that Trump is finally going to be prosecuted for the crimes he actually committed. Trump is an idiot. He’s essentially admitted to every fucking crime he’s been accused of committing. Take the Mar a Lago documents case. He’s admitted to taking the documents, he has no excuse for retaining the documents, and he’s been caught lying about giving the documents back repeatedly, and he was caught destroying evidence (by ordering an employee to drain the pool to damage the servers that had the footage of the storage area).

Again, Trump is an idiot. He’s already lost a total of $550 million in judgments. Despite the conservative Supreme Court helping to delay the J6 trial, Trump will be prosecuted, will be found guilty, and will get the penalty he deserves.

Like every other criminal, he needs to pay for his crimes.

San Fernando, SFV, LA, CA
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Mar 2 2024 05:46PM     link to this

Pluto's next place to live is to be traveling to Mars with Musk with his Starship, and live there happily ever after the rest of his life, or start immigrating to Hungary or Russia with Carlson to get the citizenship of his choice. But make sure NEVER to come back to the US.

I must say wherever he decides to live, it is the same thing for him because he is not living in a real world any way This guy is a tone deaf.

Assupguy in Part 2 is by far the most honest guy living in Orange County right now.
4 blogs/2619 comments
since Sep 3 2007

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Mar 2 2024 05:52PM     link to this

Again, you two, get a room.
Irvine, OC, CA
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Mar 2 2024 06:09PM     link to this

you low IQ munchkins are so flippant about the fact that no previous president has been charged after leaving office, yet the President who has committed the least egregious crimes if any crimes at all is the one that happens to break the trend that goes back to the founding of the country?

Trump 100% has the authority to keep those documents..... some people just believe everything they talking heads on TV tell them. There is not a single legitimate case being brought against trump right now, literally every single one is bullshit and will not stick. The only purpose of all this is to drain Trumps money and potentially get him off the ballot, which wont happen. Trump will not pay a single cent in any of these cases just wait and see.

The fact that they are even trying to fight Trump in the courts shows that the establishment is losing their grip on power and Trump is an actual tangible threat to the corrupt establishment. Coming to any other conclusion is just ignorance and stupidity. Almost as retarded as thinking Jan 6ht was an actual attempt to over throw the most powerful government in the history of earth and not just an angry mob.
3 blogs/2125 comments
since Apr 27 2017

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Mar 2 2024 06:29PM     link to this

Read and heed what He said^ 100% true.
3 blogs/2125 comments
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Mar 2 2024 08:44PM     link to this

The LIBTARDS and COMMUNISTS are strangely quiet.
Makes me wonder.
Fullerton, OC, CA
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since Dec 12 2019

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Mar 2 2024 08:53PM     link to this

"Assupguy in Part 2 is by far the most honest guy living in Orange County right now."

He's not even a guy, anymore.
Fucking Thresher lol
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 2 2024 08:57PM     link to this

"This guy is a tone deaf."


The irony is strong with this one!
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 2 2024 09:04PM     link to this

You creepy fuck, Thresher.
Telling others to leave the US, when you can't even master the English language.
You're not even a native speaker, are you?
Are you a citizen?
Legal immigrant?
For sure, not an illegal who overstayed his education visa cause it's obvious you never got an education lol

"This guy is a tone deaf."
Not just "tone deaf" but "a tone deaf"

Huntington Beach, OC, CA
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since Feb 7 2023

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Mar 2 2024 09:42PM     link to this

FN idiot tramptards. Do you a$$hats have any idea who this orange a$$hole that you worship really is?

He has refused to pay hundreds of contractors and subcontractors. In NY his peers call him Do the Con.

Filed for bankruptcy 6 times to get out of paying his debts. Don the Con

25 accusations of assault, and owes one of his accusers $84M

Started an insurrection January 2020

91 criminal indictments

Adores putin and was his lap dog during his time in the WH.

Stated he thinks putin should be allowed to have his way with NATO allies.

And this is the POS you maga morons idolize? You FN nazi idiots really are stupid.
3 blogs/2125 comments
since Apr 27 2017

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Mar 2 2024 10:33PM     link to this

LngbdSR; document your claims
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 2 2024 10:51PM     link to this

Before you bust a vein.......well, and me too 🤣
Let's get back to SCOTUS, K.

These robed maggots need to review this immunity shit and be very clear that it's not blanket but situational.

The President steps out in the Rose Garden and machine guns his guests one day.
Immunity? I think we can all agree....fuck no.
Trump's case? He will LOSE this one and it's important this decision be set for stare decisis

Hur decided not to charge felonies against Biden although the evidence is clear that Biden committed the crimes willfully with premeditation (intention is necessary for a conviction) over many years. Biden underlings tried to sneak some docs back into classified areas but before doing so, NARA officials reported the extent of the docs, strewed all over the place, to the National Security Division of the DOJ..........which means it's now officially logged. (Hur report p. 19 -20).

The point is.......a future Republican President could direct his DOJ to resurrect those charges after Biden leaves office. Presidential Immunity or no? Probably not since the felonies were committed prior to his presidency.

In Atlanta, a woman is murdered by an illegal immigrant that had been caught and released 7 times in the US. This crime is directly attributable to a change in immigration enforcement made by one person, Biden. Does Presidential Immunity cover for his actions?

President Obama drone bombed an American citizen on foreign soil without a criminal court conviction in contravention of US law...........Presidential Immunity?

There's hundreds of these "situational" immunity decisions that could be reviewed........but by whom?
This is a sticky wicket especially in light of 91 charges lol

One thing is certain, the DOJ needs to be removed from oversight by the White House. There's far too much danger that a Biden or a Trump can direct this powerful office to do their dirty work.....and there's almost NO way to stop them.

You Progs should be especially worried if Trump gets a second term.
First thing his DOJ will do is charge Rash Cream with felonious blogging!

Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 2 2024 11:02PM     link to this

If you don't know that Bidens DOJ has had a hand in coordinating and giving tacit approval to local DA's to charge an ex-President............I've got some swamp land I'd like to sell you. 🤣🤣🤣

Convicting Trump on anything would be nice but the idea is.......
#1. Tie him up in court expending money and energy
#2 Make him look the victim so idiot Pubs will back his play cause Joe knows that Trump is the ONLY guy he might be able to beat.........and, even now......barely, if at all

The bonus is that there's about 20% of Pubs that say they won't vote Trump is he's got a conviction.
It's dirty pool but....hey, that's politics, right?
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 2 2024 11:25PM     link to this

My balls on your chin got your tongue?
Or, the cock tickling your uvula?

San Fernando, SFV, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 07:16AM     link to this

GBD, 3 stack for nothing as always. You brain is obviously ballooned with liquid gas. We all see it when it explodes, but that will be good for all the people in this community.

"He's not even a guy, anymore"

I am talking about his mind, His sexual preference is not my business. You idiot.
San Fernando, SFV, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 07:27AM     link to this

"t the President who has committed the least egregious crimes if any crimes at all"

"There is not a single legitimate case being brought against trump right now"

You are obviously oblivious to the fact that Nixon would have been criminally indicted if Ford didn't pardon him. Learn your history lesson often. Trump will be criminally indicted and pay for his crime, both financially and physically in prison. Let's see how it goes.

That is your wish thinking talking, if you want to prove it, join Trump's lawyers. Probably you are not that smart anyway.

San Diego, CA
OC, CA Today!
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Mar 3 2024 07:28AM     link to this

I would be shocked if the founding fathers intended for a sitting president to be immune from prosecution FOREVER for a criminal complaint.

Immunity from civil complaints I can see, any Tom-Dick-or Harry could file a frivolous civil complaint just to fuck with a president they don't like. That would be a huge distraction for the president and he shouldn't have to deal with those things. But I do agree that if a civil complaint has some merit then it should be tolled until the president becomes a regular citizen (out of office).

A criminal complaint is totally different, and since criminal complaints cover a broad spectrum of offenses it might be wise to let a grand jury decide if it warrants further prosecution, even if the miscreant is still in office as president. And again, the statue of limitations should be tolled if it is decided that the offense is minor and could wait until the president leaves office.

Either we are a nation of laws - or we aren't. It makes sense that if you are going to let anyone break the law and get away with it would be the top guy, the head honcho, el jefe! But that also sets up the incredibly dangerous situation of having an accused criminal that has garnered absolute power (a president) squash or influence investigations into his own criminal actions. If that isn't absolute power - I don't know what is. (and you know what they say about absolute power)
Huntington Beach, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 07:43AM     link to this

Longwalker. Do you know how to use a search engine?

All the stories are there. But the maga morons chose to ignore the facts behind ‘don the con’.
West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 08:15AM     link to this


As usual, your thought process has deviated from reality. I suspect you do this on purpose.

The issue isn’t whether Trump will lose the immunity decision by the Supreme Court. Of course he will because a President isn’t above the law. The problem is that the Supreme Court is slow walking hearing the case so that it cannot be decided prior to the November election. They could have expedited review, as they did for Watergate and Bush v. Gore, but didn’t. They are acting politically by giving Trump the opportunity to win the election and then defeat the prosecution by ordering the DOJ to drop the case when in office.

Second, the prosecutions were moving forward against Trump before Trump announced that he was running again. Trump ran again simply to help prevent his prosecution. It obviously wasn’t the other way around where the Biden administration is trying to prosecute his political rival.

Again, it’s these twisted lies that inflame conservative retards into thinking that Trump is innocent when he’s obviously guilty of all of the crimes he’s been alleged of committing (and that he’s already admitted that he committed).

West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 08:28AM     link to this

“ LngbdSR; document your claims”


There’s this thing called Google where any of the facts raised by LngbdSR can be found. Use it.

It’s unbelievable that you people don’t even know what a scam Trump’s life has been. Trump has been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits prior to becoming president. What loser would be that litigious than a criminal attempting to use the legal system to defraud people?

“ From the 1970s until he was elected president in 2016, Donald Trump and his businesses were involved in over 4,000 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts, including battles with casino patrons, million-dollar real estate lawsuits, personal defamation lawsuits, and over 100 business tax disputes.”

Attached Links,over%20100%20business%20tax%20disputes.
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 08:59AM     link to this

"The problem is that the Supreme Court is slow walking hearing the case so that it cannot be decided prior to the November election."

That's only a problem if you're depending on a conviction to save Biden from defeat. If, as you say, Biden will win because he's a better President.........then all the court cases are just sideshow.

Your problem is that Biden is currently losing or, at best, tied with a lying, criminal, bombastic sexual predator lol. You're hoping that criminal prosections driven by Biden's WH will tip the balance.

It's fairly evident to an independent non-partisan that the Obama/Biden administrations have essentially skewed the DOJ/FBI complex onto a "lawfare" methodology. Clinton, Berger, Biden never charged for clear felonies while Trump is charged multiple times (some deservedly so imho). Independents believe they ALL should be charged and let the chips fall where they may.

If, in fact, SCOTUS has a finger on the scales of far that's unproven fever in Progressive might be a simple off-setting of the multiple fingers weighting the scales in the other direction.

Obviously, you'll disagree in your own mind-numbingly kool-aid drinking partisan fashion but this is what independents see when viewing the landscape..........hence the attitude of "a pox on both your houses".

Enjoy your kool-aid.

Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 09:01AM     link to this

* prosecutions, not prosections
West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 10:05AM     link to this

Most Republicans still believe that Trump won in 2020 and most believe the disinformation that January 6 was a bunch of tourists on a peaceful visit to the Capitol.

These falsities need to be corrected and the best way to do that is through these prosecutions. Conservative media doesn’t give a shit about the truth until they are forced to through litigation.

Everyone should watch the linked snippet of the Trump interview with Brett Baier of Fox News. The only reason Baier is saying the truth that Trump lost the 2020 election is because of Fox News’ $787 settlement with Dominion is forcing him to say the truth.

As I’ve said many times, I think Biden is too old to be president. I do think Biden will still win when pitted against Trump, whether or not any of the cases are completed prior to the election, but Biden may actually lose against Hayley. I don’t like Hayley, but I’d rather have her than Trump who is an obvious criminal and a wannabe fascist who is against democracy and supports our enemies.

But I think our democracy is important enough to ensure Trump’s loss by giving the voting public the truth about what happened in 2020, January 6, and how Trump tried to steal the election.

Trump should not be allowed even a chance to win by lying to the American public.

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West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 10:27AM     link to this


Fox News’ $787 million settlement with Dominion voting machines
Irvine, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 11:17AM     link to this

Wow a lot of you guys have literally no idea what your talking about but think you so LMAO

"He has refused to pay hundreds of contractors and subcontractors. In NY his peers call him Do the Con." haha so fucking what? that's how business in the New York city goes... if you look at individual cases its the contractors going over the costs and demanding more money but that was not the agreed price so Trump paid them what he legally owed...

"Filed for bankruptcy 6 times to get out of paying his debts. Don the Con"
Trump has had less than 10 business fail and over 100 succeed that makes him one of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time.....

"25 accusations of assault, and owes one of his accusers $84M"
first, all billionaires are accused of SA because its easy to settle and make take their money,
second he owes Jean E Carrol for defamation ( which wont stand once appealed with a non activist judge) the court even ruled he did not assault her.

"Started an insurrection January 2020"
Seriously? how can you possible believe that 200 unarmed people tries to over throw the US government? how can you be that naïve? I am a Proud Boy and we knew it was a FBI honey pot for at least a month prior....

"91 criminal indictments"
91 bullshit charges to convince people like you that they are legitimate because there are so many, glad to see you have no critical thinking skills....

"Adores putin and was his lap dog during his time in the WH."
thats just like your opinion man... and its wrong and misinformed

"Stated he thinks putin should be allowed to have his way with NATO allies."
He never said that. he said that If NATO doesn't pay their fair share he wont help when Putin attacks.

"And this is the POS you maga morons idolize? You FN nazi idiots really are stupid."
Can you make a single meaningful connection between Trump and Nazis?? The leftists have actual similarities with Nazis, Not MAGA

"You are obviously oblivious to the fact that Nixon would have been criminally indicted if Ford didn't pardon him. Learn your history lesson often."
Learn my history? Ford DID pardon him so your what ifs mean nothing

"Trump will be criminally indicted and pay for his crime, both financially and physically in prison. Let's see how it goes"
He will be indicted by corrupt courts and then he will win appeal and ultimately Trump will be cleared of all these charges

"I would be shocked if the founding fathers intended for a sitting president to be immune from prosecution FOREVER for a criminal complaint."
Prepared to be shocked then because that exactly what the founding father intended. The process to criminally prosecute a president involves removing their immunity by impeaching and convicting the president first in congress. Criminal cases just like Civil cases can be frivolous and filed by any "Tom-Dick-or Harry"

"The issue isn’t whether Trump will lose the immunity decision by the Supreme Court. Of course he will because a President isn’t above the law. The problem is that the Supreme Court is slow walking hearing the case so that it cannot be decided prior to the November election. They could have expedited review, as they did for Watergate and Bush v. Gore, but didn’t. They are acting politically by giving Trump the opportunity to win the election and then defeat the prosecution by ordering the DOJ to drop the case when in office."
Wow youre very good a reading other peoples minds, you should invest in the stock market.... The SCOTUS will rule in favor of presidential immunity because like I said there is already a path to remove that immunity from the president, which is impeach and convict in congress.

"Second, the prosecutions were moving forward against Trump before Trump announced that he was running again. Trump ran again simply to help prevent his prosecution. It obviously wasn’t the other way around where the Biden administration is trying to prosecute his political rival."
what kind of retard take is that? you really think there was any doubt that Trump would run again? Of course Trump was going to run again all the insiders knew that from day 1 of the Biden Amin and they have been preparing to stop him since then.

"It’s unbelievable that you people don’t even know what a scam Trump’s life has been. Trump has been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits prior to becoming president. What loser would be that litigious than a criminal attempting to use the legal system to defraud people?"
“ From the 1970s until he was elected president in 2016, Donald Trump and his businesses were involved in over 4,000 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts, including battles with casino patrons, million-dollar real estate lawsuits, personal defamation lawsuits, and over 100 business tax disputes.”

Its unbelievable to me that you dont under stand how Litigious America is and that Trump is a prolific businessmen worth billions of dollars, 4000 lawsuits means nothing lmao after 8+ years of the media trying to find all the dirt on trump that they can, if any one of those 4000 lawsuits had any real implications we would have already heard about it. Use your head lol

"Most Republicans still believe that Trump won in 2020 and most believe the disinformation that January 6 was a bunch of tourists on a peaceful visit to the Capitol."
Biden did cheat in 2020 thats not even up for debate. They changed the laws in PA so that you could vote by mail which is directly forbidden by the PA state constitution, then after the election that law was overturned by the State courts yet all the unconstitutional illegal mail in ballots were still counted..... that's the very definition of cheating. on top of the mountain of evidence ( not proof) that there were actual votes fabricated... if you aren't at least skeptical of the "safeness and security" of the 2020 election you're too dumb to vote. Someone the Official knew it was the Safest and most Secure election ever even before they were done counting the votes lol common use your head.

"Everyone should watch the linked snippet of the Trump interview with Brett Baier of Fox News. The only reason Baier is saying the truth that Trump lost the 2020 election is because of Fox News’ $787 settlement with Dominion is forcing him to say the truth."
Fox news? Fox news is fake and gay they are way too liberal to be considered conservative news, no one likes fox news, fox news does not represent conservative republican ideology, they are neo - cons that want war and trans kids

"As I’ve said many times, I think Biden is too old to be president. I do think Biden will still win when pitted against Trump, whether or not any of the cases are completed prior to the election, but Biden may actually lose against Hayley. "
do you even read polls? Trump will absolutely destroy Biden if the election was held today. and that's taking the polls at face value and we all know they are biased against Trump.

"I don’t like Hayley, but I’d rather have her than Trump who is an obvious criminal and a wannabe fascist who is against democracy and supports our enemies."
What has he done that even remotely fascist? How is he against democracy? Jan 6th was a couple hundred losers who got worked up over the election, Trump told them to leave the capital and go home..... what about may 28th? do you even know what happened on may 28th? no you dont because you are being manipulated by the media to believe in the narrative they want you to believe in.

"But I think our democracy is important enough to ensure Trump’s loss by giving the voting public the truth about what happened in 2020, January 6, and how Trump tried to steal the election."
The US is a constitutional republic not a democracy, get wrecked faggot haha ok lets be real do you actually think Trump tried to steal the election? really think about this, how could any of their plans ( according to you) actually work? how could Jan 6th actually steal the election? you have to be so incredibly dumb or brainwashed to think that was an actual insurrection to overthrow the US. with no guns by the way also grandma was there to take pictures.

"Trump should not be allowed even a chance to win by lying to the American public."
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" - Obama
Trump is probably the most truthful president we have ever had. I will admit he quotes numbers and statistics wrong occasionally but that's not lying, lying is knowingly stating an untruth with the intention of deceiving. I dont Think trump has lied as president even once. Hes been wrong about stuff but not a liar.

Trump will win again in 2024 and we will probably see people high in the US government hanged for treason on live TV and it will be great. People like James Clapper are literally fighting for their lives.

West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 11:54AM     link to this


Ahh, you're one of them. Have you noticed that people roll their eyes when you speak?

You sound completely unhinged.

It's a waste of time even discussing anything with a person like you. Believe what you'd like to believe. TDS is strong with you, but not the way you clowns like to use Trump derangement syndrome (TDS).

Irvine, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 12:09PM     link to this

mildlyamusing1 what is the strongest case currently against Trump? do you even know? Have you even thought about it at all before forming your conclusions?
West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 12:22PM     link to this

The classified documents case is the strongest because there is no excuse for him to have stolen those documents. The problem is that it is being tried in Florida where I believe 70% of the jury pool voted for Trump. If they can remain honest, he will easily be convicted.

NY hush money case is also very strong and it's being tried on March 25. Michael Cohen went to prison for 3 years because of it, and Donald J. Trump was Co-conspirator #1.

The Georgia case is very strong, but the stupidity of the DA's relationship with the lead prosecutor has derailed the case for the time being. The merits of the case remain unaffected by the relationship scandal.

The January 6 case in Washington is also strong, obviously, but more complicated.

Irvine, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 12:41PM     link to this

"The classified documents case is the strongest because there is no excuse for him to have stolen those documents. The problem is that it is being tried in Florida where I believe 70% of the jury pool voted for Trump. If they can remain honest, he will easily be convicted."
As president he has absolute authority of what documents he can take and keep for literally any reason whatsoever, this case argues that there is another group of people above the president that has power over which documents the president can take, that is obviously unconstitutional and is a legal slam dunk for Trump.

NY hush money case is also very strong and it's being tried on March 25. Michael Cohen went to prison for 3 years because of it, and Donald J. Trump was Co-conspirator #1.
Cohen went to prison for lying under oath, and he lied about irrelevant stuff lol Trump is allowed to engage in contracts with people, he broke no laws. nothing here.

The Georgia case is very strong, but the stupidity of the DA's relationship with the lead prosecutor has derailed the case for the time being. The merits of the case remain unaffected by the relationship scandal.
This is the actual case that may hurt Trump but Trump just spoke in legally ambiguous terms. "you keep finding boxes of votes for Biden, can you go find a box of votes for me?" Which the governor DID NOT do and also claimed that he thought Trump was being sarcastic and making a joke. Easy legal win for Trump much harder to win the publics opinion on this one though, just look at hw many people think Trump grabs women by the pussy lol

The January 6 case in Washington is also strong, obviously, but more complicated.
I dont understand the obsession with Jan 6th yet no one even cares about may 28th. Jan 6th is a nothing burger and will amount to nothing in the courts, Trump will win 2024 pardon all of the lefts political prisoners and all of these cases will be revisited and cleared. Just go watch the fucking tapes all the evidence is there to be seen its was OBVIOUSLY a riot that was instigated by the capital police and then people were let into the capital. Trump had nothing to do with it. I wonder if Twitter will be held responsible for removing all of trump tweets asking the protestors to stop and go home? Removing those tweets within minutes of Trump tweeting them..

lol every single case on its own is bullshit
West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 01:03PM     link to this

Since it's a waste of time to argue with you, I will address the documents case. Try to follow along:

1. All documents are the property of the United States, not the President.
2. He could have taken documents while he was President, which he admitted he didn't. They have a recording of him saying, and I'm paraphrasing, "These documents are classified. I could have taken them when I was president." And then the dumbfuck showed them to the journalist who was interviewing him.
3. Had Trump given back the classified documents to the FBI/DOJ when requested, he wouldn't have been prosecuted. But he repeatedly lied about having the documents, he moved the documents within Mar a Lago to prevent investigators from finding them, then he had his pool drained to damage the servers that had recordings of people moving the boxes of documents.
4. He had them in public areas of Mar a Lago, where spies from China and Russia had easy access to the top secret classified documents.
5. Only the dumbest of dumb fucks would act like Trump when handling out nation's top secret documents.

Summary: At the very least, he's a major security risk. He put this country at risk keeping classified documents in public areas. Who knows what the dumb fuck traitor did with 5,000 pages of classified documents. Maybe he's selling them to pay his substantial debts. There are reports that many other documents that he took still haven't been found.

West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 01:12PM     link to this

Fuck it. I'll comment on the other cases as well:

NY hush money case
"Cohen went to prison for lying under oath, and he lied about irrelevant stuff lol Trump is allowed to engage in contracts with people, he broke no laws. nothing here."

Trump paid off Stormy Daniels so that news of his affair would not be leaked to the public. That breaks NY voter laws. Trump will easily be convicted in this case.

The Georgia case
"This is the actual case that may hurt Trump but Trump just spoke in legally ambiguous terms. "you keep finding boxes of votes for Biden, can you go find a box of votes for me?" Which the governor DID NOT do and also claimed that he thought Trump was being sarcastic and making a joke. Easy legal win for Trump much harder to win the publics opinion on this one though, just look at hw many people think Trump grabs women by the pussy lol"

On what planet is this not a crime "I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have" when Trump asked the Georgia Secretary of State to find him enough votes to win the election? That was on tape, by the way.

The January 6 case
I dont understand the obsession with Jan 6th yet no one even cares about may 28th. Jan 6th is a nothing burger and will amount to nothing in the courts, Trump will win 2024 pardon all of the lefts political prisoners and all of these cases will be revisited and cleared. Just go watch the fucking tapes all the evidence is there to be seen its was OBVIOUSLY a riot that was instigated by the capital police and then people were let into the capital. Trump had nothing to do with it. I wonder if Twitter will be held responsible for removing all of trump tweets asking the protestors to stop and go home? Removing those tweets within minutes of Trump tweeting them..

It blows my mind when someone claims January 6 wasn't one of the worst days in this country's history. It's not worth discussing with you.

Irvine, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 01:29PM     link to this

"1. All documents are the property of the United States, not the President."
thats not even relevant because the issue is the classification status of the documents not the owner

"2. He could have taken documents while he was President, which he admitted he didn't. They have a recording of him saying, and I'm paraphrasing, "These documents are classified. I could have taken them when I was president." And then the dumbfuck showed them to the journalist who was interviewing him."
has it ever occurred to you that there are more than one set of documents?? jeez you guys are so dumb, hes talking about different documents

"3. Had Trump given back the classified documents to the FBI/DOJ when requested, he wouldn't have been prosecuted. But he repeatedly lied about having the documents, he moved the documents within Mar a Lago to prevent investigators from finding them, then he had his pool drained to damage the servers that had recordings of people moving the boxes of documents."
the National Archives knew where the documents where the whole time, Trump lied to no one about the documents, thats fake news reporting and twisting the facts, like ignoring that he was talking about a different set of documents in your previous posts. you should try reading the whole article not just head lines

"4. He had them in public areas of Mar a Lago, where spies from China and Russia had easy access to the top secret classified documents."
Again fake news, that's just a rumor reported as fact by low skilled journalist because they know people like you will eat it up

"5. Only the dumbest of dumb fucks would act like Trump when handling out nation's top secret documents."
how you think he handled the documents is not actually how he handled the documents, However Biden did do all the things your accusing trump of and was only spared conviction because he was deemed too mental unfit to be responsible...

"Summary: At the very least, he's a major security risk. He put this country at risk keeping classified documents in public areas. Who knows what the dumb fuck traitor did with 5,000 pages of classified documents. Maybe he's selling them to pay his substantial debts. There are reports that many other documents that he took still haven't been found."
What do you think is in the documents? you think other countries are interested in buying the evidence that the Obama administration, the FBI and the CIA all illegally spied on the trump campaign and conspired to prevent him from becoming president? because thats whats in the documents....

I have feeling your brain is going to break once Trump becomes president and releases all the Jan 6th documents, unless your brain in already broken which it seems so. How come no one was under oath on the capital hearings? How did I know it was an FBI honey pot over a month before? hmmmm Jan 6th was an inside job orchestrated for the very purpose of preventing Trump from running again.... You retards lack imagination and have way to much normalcy bias. the most corrupt administration in history is weaponizing the DOJ to attack the leading challenger and your cheering it on like a true useful idiot. The people manipulating you, hate you.

San Diego, CA
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Mar 3 2024 02:17PM     link to this

^ Well there it is there! Comrade Trump has nothing to worry about!
San Fernando, SFV, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 04:00PM     link to this

Pluto's mumbo jumbo is a totally waste of time. When people like him are too occupied with conspiracy theories and far-right wing blogs content, you will be brain dead from the head to toe exactly like him. He is a fine example of that.

For Pluto, a member of Proud Boy, all those rioters in jail proved nothing, he still believes that this was an FBI plot. Obviously, you followed Carlson's junk programs. But it is already proven that alleged FBI agent that you guys were talking about is a person called Ray Epps, one of the rioters, and he has nothing to do with FBI, period. He was threatened for his life, thanks to Carlson, and conspiracy theorists such as yourself. Now Ray Epps is suing Fox. I suppose Pluto conveniently forgot about it.

Proud boys and Oath Keepers are nothing but anti-government anarchists. Belief system is absent in your brain.

You spent all those time in picking up each comment by others, only to prove your dead-end conclusion which does not prove anything. So why waste our time to begin with.

We all know that Pluto never read any of the federal indictment documents or Geogia case documents, and he thinks he understood everything. That is too arrogant.
Attached Links
Ray Epps Sues Fox News Over Tucker
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 04:08PM     link to this

"You sound completely unhinged."

MA to the white courtesy phone, MA to the white courtesy phone.
The irony is so strong with you that you have your own gravitational field sucking in every stray molecule of pap from the MSNBC teat.

"Trump should not be allowed even a chance to win by lying to the American public."

In other words, the American voting public is too stupid to be allowed to vote for anybody that I disapprove of.

Sounds like you're afraid Joe is NOT gonna win in November lol

Are you finally with me that both these garbage candidates need to step fucking now?
America is literally barrelling 200mph into the wall at the far turn with 4 tires on fire and a blown engine.

Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 04:10PM     link to this

AND..........the driver of the car is Thresher, AKA Rash Cream

West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 04:20PM     link to this

I've always thought you sound unhinged, Goebbels.

Thank you again for confirming that I was right all along.

So you're saying it's fine for Trump to lie about Biden stealing the election when Trump actually lost? You're saying it's fine to deceive the American voting public?

Thankfully, enough voters know the truth to almost ensure that Trump loses, but why are we even allowing this lying/stealing/criminal sack of shit to even run again?

San Fernando, SFV, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 05:02PM     link to this

Another brain-dead GDB. Any relationship with Pluto, perhaps your AlterEgo?
Irvine, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 07:19PM     link to this

"For Pluto, a member of Proud Boy, all those rioters in jail proved nothing, he still believes that this was an FBI plot."

oh believe me I followed each and every case I was even in contact with several of the PB lawyers, what has happened to them is the greatest travesty of justice in modern times, absolutely absurd how it all went down, we have completely innocent men serving 20+ years often in solitary. You will see what happens in several years from now they will all be released and probably given millions of dollars in compensation. Except for one guy, one guy had wrist straps to tie people up lol but he was not a proud boy, just some idiot person that was manipulated online by the FBI

"Obviously, you followed Carlson's junk programs. But it is already proven that alleged FBI agent that you guys were talking about is a person called Ray Epps, one of the rioters, and he has nothing to do with FBI, period. He was threatened for his life, thanks to Carlson, and conspiracy theorists such as yourself. Now Ray Epps is suing Fox. I suppose Pluto conveniently forgot about it."
Ray Epps is a faggot, I suspect he probably is a n FBI informant but either way there were dozens of undercover FBI agents at Jan 6th, that's been official stated by the FBI

"Proud boys and Oath Keepers are nothing but anti-government anarchists. Belief system is absent in your brain."
I am a Proud Boy, Its a male drinking club, you just have to be a western chauvinist to get in, that means we think western culture is superiors to other cultures. We are actually pro-western governments..... you only know what low iq journalist have made up about us aka you dont know shit

So you're saying it's fine for Trump to lie about Biden stealing the election when Trump actually lost? You're saying it's fine to deceive the American voting public?
the Democrats did cheat in the election, how do you know they didn't? there was not a single investigation done. you have just as much proof it wasn't stolen as I do that it was stolen. the only difference is there is a wall of evidence it was stolen and no evidence it wasn't.... not a single thing was done to show the voters that the election was fair, not a single thing lol use your head man. they behaved the exact same way a guilty toddler with cookie crumbs on his mouth does when asked where the cookies went
San Diego, CA
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Mar 3 2024 08:35PM     link to this

^ At some point, a quantity of adjudicated cases can become de facto truth!

Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14, 2020)
Trump v. Wis. Elecs. Comm’n (E.D. Wis. Dec. 12, 2020)
King v. Whitmer (E.D. Mich. Dec. 7, 2020)
Ward v. Jackson (Ariz. Sup. Ct., Maricopa Cnty. Dec. 4, 2020)
Law v. Whitmer (Nev. Dist. Ct., Carson City Dec. 4, 2020)
Donald J. Trump for President v. Boockvar (M.D. Pa. Nov. 21, 2020)
Wood v. Raffensperger (N.D. Ga. Nov. 20, 2020)
Bower v. Ducey (D. Ariz. Dec. 9, 2020)
Costantino v. City of Detroit (3d Jud. Ct. Wayne Cnty. Nov. 13, 2020)
Arizona Republican Party v. Fontes (Ariz. Sup. Ct., Maricopa Cty.)
Mission Viejo, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 09:28PM     link to this

Hey let's talk about the January 6th assassination attempt on VP Elect Kamala Harris at the DNC in Washington!

Because she won't talk about it. The White House won't talk about it. The DNC won't talk about it. The FBI won't talk about it. The Secret Service won't talk about. DC Metro Police won't talk about it. Nancy Pelosi won't even talk about it!

Maybe they won't talk about it because it was a setup -- a backup plan so that if the agitators in the 1/6 Capitol crowd couldn't get the fire started on Capitol Hill, they would tell America about this bomb plot, and whine about how all of these challenges to the vote have to come to an immediate stop! "Someone just tried to assassinate the first black VP Elect of the United States! Stop the madness now! Stop the recounts. Stop the lawsuits. Stop looking at the mail in ballots and the State Constitutions. Just stop, you are ruining America!"

Maybe we should talk about that.
San Fernando, SFV, LA, CA
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Mar 3 2024 09:48PM     link to this

"That means we think western culture is superiors to other cultures. We are actually pro-western governments."

Yeah, that is what I have been warning against in my past blogs. Trump/Carlson/Putin agenda of White Christian Nationalism, a congregation of Bigots and White Supremacists, and misogynists.

Nothing to be proud of.
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 09:49PM     link to this

AltarEgo got banned from RA lol
MA is a creation of Gemini AI chatbot
Rash Cream?
Think Jack Nicholson in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" after the lobotomy.

After the recent polling that 20% of Pub voters in 3 states will not vote for Trump no matter what ........Trump ends up losing in 2024. No nominee has ever won the election, that lost that many voters from their own party.

Have not seen the stats on how many Dems will never vote for the old scrote, Joe.
Maybe nobody has asked that question of Dem voters yet.
Might be interesting to know.
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Mar 3 2024 09:51PM     link to this

P,ease don't start another one 🤣🤣🤣
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