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Locked. No further comments permitted.M1A asks what is on Hunter's laptop
Apr 3 2024 10:02AM more by Grumpy_Butthead
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Here is how the Post analyzed Hunter Biden's laptop

Two experts confirm the veracity of thousands of emails, but say a thorough examination was stymied by missing data

I call it a cluster fuck.

Interesting read
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Apr 3 2024 10:07AM     link to this

M1A is a semi auto rifle

M1 Abrams is a main battle tank
La Jolla, San Diego, CA
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Apr 3 2024 05:18PM     link to this

No way I'm paying $40 a year to read Liberal Trash written by an organization which received 2 Pulitzers for coverage of "Russia Collusion"

3 blogs/2125 comments
since Apr 27 2017

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Apr 3 2024 08:58PM     link to this

We The People, will never know the truth.
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Apr 3 2024 09:21PM     link to this

National Archives is finally releasing emails from Biden to Hunter and partner Shwerin using aliases.
Seems suspicious the VP is doing that but so far nobody knows what's in there.
Could be nothing but "Hello, how's the weather?"

"Joe Biden used email aliases like Robert Peters and JRB Ware while serving as Vice President. The National Archives revealed that Biden used a series of aliases, including "Robin Ware," "Robert L. Peters," and "JRB Ware," in about 5,000 emails. House Republicans are pressing to impeach President Biden for using aliases to communicate with his son, Hunter Biden, and his business associates. The House Ways & Means Committee obtained metadata from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler that reveals Biden used alias email accounts 327 times during a nine-year period from 2010 to 2019 to correspond with his son, Hunter, and one of Hunter's key business associates, Eric Schwerin, among others."

Could be a nothing burger here but we'll see.
Just using an alias with his son is hardly impeachable.
Fullerton, OC, CA
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since Dec 12 2019

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Apr 3 2024 09:24PM     link to this

Seriously? WAPO is $40 a year lol?
Even they don't think much of their rag.
That can't be right, LA Times is $9/Mth for digital.
No way is WAPO half that price, are they?
El Monte, SGV, LA, CA
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Apr 4 2024 03:52AM     link to this

What's on Hunter's laptop? Enough to put the Bidens in jail
but I doubt that anyone is going to jail, even if Trump is elected POTUS.
But it's apparent to me that the Bidens are crooks.
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Apr 4 2024 04:47AM     link to this

Thousands of emails purportedly from the laptop computer of Hunter Biden, President Biden’s son, are authentic communications that can be verified through cryptographic signatures from Google and other technology companies, say two security experts who examined the data at the request of The Washington Post.

The verifiable emails are a small fraction of 217 gigabytes of data provided to The Post on a portable hard drive by Republican activist Jack Maxey. He said the contents of the portable drive originated from Hunter Biden’s MacBook Pro, which Hunter reportedly dropped off at a computer repair shop in Wilmington, Del., in April 2019 and never reclaimed.

The vast majority of the data — and most of the nearly 129,000 emails it contained — could not be verified by either of the two security experts who reviewed the data for The Post. Neither found clear evidence of tampering in their examinations, but some of the records that might have helped verify contents were not available for analysis, they said. The Post was able in some instances to find documents from other sources that matched content on the laptop that the experts were not able to assess.

Among the reasons for the inconclusive findings was sloppy handling of the data, which damaged some records. The experts found the data had been repeatedly accessed and copied by people other than Hunter Biden over nearly three years. The MacBook itself is now in the hands of the FBI, which is investigating whether Hunter Biden properly reported income from business dealings.

Most of the data obtained by The Post lacks cryptographic features that would help experts make a reliable determination of authenticity, especially in a case where the original computer and its hard drive are not available for forensic examination. Other factors, such as emails that were only partially downloaded, also stymied the security experts’ efforts to verify content.

Inside Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company

The contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop computer have sparked debate and controversy since the New York Post and other news organizations in the closing month of the 2020 presidential campaign reported stories based on data purportedly taken from it.

Many Republicans have portrayed this data as offering evidence of misbehavior by Hunter Biden that implicated his father in scandal, while Democrats have dismissed it as probable disinformation, perhaps pushed by Russian operatives acting in a well-documented effort to undermine the elder Biden. Facebook and Twitter in 2020 restricted distribution of stories about the drive’s contents out of concern that the revelations might have resulted from a nefarious hacking campaign intended to upend the election, much as Russian hacks of sensitive Democratic Party emails shaped the trajectory of the 2016 election.

The Washington Post’s forensic findings are unlikely to resolve that debate, offering instead only the limited revelation that some of the data on the portable drive appears to be authentic. The security experts who examined the data for The Post struggled to reach definitive conclusions about the contents as a whole, including whether all of it originated from a single computer or could have been assembled from files from multiple computers and put on the portable drive.

At The Post’s request, Matt Green, a Johns Hopkins University security researcher who specializes in cryptography, and Jake Williams, a forensics expert and former National Security Agency operative who once hacked the computers of foreign adversaries, separately examined two copies The Post made of the portable drive Maxey provided.

The portable drive provided to The Post contains 286,000 individual user files, including documents, photos, videos and chat logs. Of those, Green and Williams concluded that nearly 22,000 emails among those files carried cryptographic signatures that could be verified using technology that would be difficult for even the most sophisticated hackers to fake.

2 experts used email headers to determine veracity

Such signatures are a way for the company that handles the email — in the case of most of these, Google — to provide proof that the message came from a verified account and has not been altered in some way. Alterations made to an email after it has been sent cause the cryptographic signatures to become unverifiable.

The verified emails cover a time period from 2009 to 2019, when Hunter Biden was acting as a consultant to companies from China and Ukraine, and exploring opportunities in several other countries. His father was vice president from 2009 to 2017.

Many of the nearly 22,000 verified emails were routine messages, such as political newsletters, fundraising appeals, hotel receipts, news alerts, product ads, real estate listings and notifications related to his daughters’ schools or sports teams. There was also a large number of bank notifications, with about 1,200 emails from Wells Fargo alone.

Other emails contained exchanges with Hunter Biden’s business partners, personal assistants or members of his family. Some of these emails appear to offer insights into deals he developed and money he was paid for business activities that opponents of his father’s bid for the presidency sought to make a campaign issue in 2020.

In particular, there are verified emails illuminating a deal Hunter Biden developed with a fast-growing Chinese energy conglomerate, CEFC China Energy, for which he was paid nearly $5 million, and other business relationships. Those business dealings are the subject of a separate Washington Post story published at the same time as this one on the forensic examinations of the drive.

The drive also includes some verified emails from Hunter Biden’s work with Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company for which he was a board member. President Donald Trump’s efforts to tie Joe Biden to the removal of a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma led to Trump’s first impeachment trial, which ended in acquittal in February 2020.

The Post’s review of these emails found that most were routine communications that provided little new insight into Hunter Biden’s work for the company.

The laptop’s journey begins
John Paul Mac Isaac, the owner of the Wilmington repair shop, has said he received the 13-inch MacBook Pro on April 12, 2019, when Hunter Biden asked him to recover data from the computer because it had been damaged by liquid.

According to Mac Isaac’s attorney, Brian Della Rocca, recovering the data was challenging for Mac Isaac.

“He would boot the computer and transfer as much as he could before the computer shut down. Then, he would boot up the computer again, verify what was copied, and then transfer more data until the computer shut down again. This process repeated several times,” Della Rocca said in a prepared statement.

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Apr 4 2024 04:49AM     link to this

When his work was completed, Della Rocca said, Mac Isaac repeatedly attempted to contact Hunter Biden, who had signed a repair authorization, to advise him the laptop was ready to be picked up, but Hunter never responded. Della Rocca added that Mac Isaac finally came to regard the MacBook as abandoned property.

In July 2019, when news of Hunter Biden’s business dealings with Ukraine was gaining attention — largely because Trump’s private attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was making public allegations of wrongdoing — Mac Isaac contacted the FBI about the MacBook.

Hunter Biden confirms he is under federal investigation

On Dec. 9, 2019, FBI agents from the Wilmington field office served a subpoena on Mac Isaac for the laptop, the hard drive and all related paperwork.

“He willingly gave it to the FBI and was happy to see it go,” Della Rocca said.

He added that Mac Isaac, before turning over the computer, made a copy of its hard drive “in case he was ever thrown under the bus as a result of what he knew.”

By then, Trump’s first impeachment trial, which ran from Jan. 16 to Feb. 5, 2020, was underway and Mac Isaac attempted to contact several members of Congress, none of whom replied.

He later contacted Giuliani, whose attorney, Robert Costello, responded almost immediately.

In an email with the subject line “Why is it so difficult to be a whistleblower when you are on the right?” written on Aug. 26, 2020, Mac Isaac told Costello that he had copies of the hard drive from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“For my protection I made sevral copies and I have been trying quietly to bring it to peoples attention. I am reaching out to you for assistance and making sure the people that need to know about this do.”

Costello said he received a copy of the laptop’s hard drive from Mac Isaac. Giuliani has said he provided that data to the New York Post.

After the New York Post began publishing reports on the contents of the laptop in October 2020, The Washington Post repeatedly asked Giuliani and Republican strategist Stephen K. Bannon for a copy of the data to review, but the requests were rebuffed or ignored.

In June 2021, Maxey, who previously worked as a researcher for Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, delivered to The Washington Post a portable hard drive that he said contained the data. He said he had obtained it from Giuliani.

Responding to findings from news organizations that some material on the drive could be corroborated, Mac Isaac said in a statement: “I am relieved that finally, after 18 months of being persecuted and attacked for my actions, the rest of the country is starting to open their eyes.”

What the experts found
In their examinations, Green and Williams found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed the drive and written files to it, both before and after the initial stories in the New York Post and long after the laptop itself had been turned over to the FBI.

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Maxey had alerted The Washington Post to this issue in advance, saying that others had accessed the data to examine its contents and make copies of files. But the lack of what experts call a “clean chain of custody” undermined Green’s and Williams’s ability to determine the authenticity of most of the drive’s contents.

“The drive is a mess,” Green said.

He compared the portable drive he received from The Post to a crime scene in which detectives arrive to find Big Mac wrappers carelessly left behind by police officers who were there before them, contaminating the evidence.

That assessment was echoed by Williams.

“From a forensics standpoint, it’s a disaster,” Williams said. (The Post is paying Williams for the professional services he provided. Green declined payment.)

But both Green and Williams agreed on the authenticity of the emails that carried cryptographic signatures, though there was variation in which emails Green and Williams were able to verify using their forensic tools. The most reliable cryptographic signatures, they said, came from leading technology companies such as Google, which alone accounted for more than 16,000 of the verified emails.

Neither expert reported finding evidence that individual emails or other files had been manipulated by hackers, but neither was able to rule out that possibility.

The full Trump-Ukraine impeachment timeline

They also noted that while cryptographic signatures can verify that an email was sent from a particular account, they cannot verify who controlled that account when the email was sent. Hackers sometimes create fake email accounts or gain access to authentic ones as part of disinformation campaigns — a possibility that cannot be ruled out with regard to the email files on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Williams wrote in his technical report that timestamps on a sampling of documents and operating system indexes he examined were consistent with each other, suggesting the authenticity of at least some of the files that lacked cryptographic signatures. But he and Green agreed that sophisticated hackers could have altered the drive’s contents, including timestamps, in a way difficult and perhaps impossible to detect through forensic examination alone.

Does email verification hurt privacy?

Analysis was made significantly more difficult, both experts said, because the data had been handled repeatedly in a manner that deleted logs and other files that forensic experts use to establish a file’s authenticity.

“No evidence of tampering was discovered, but as noted throughout, several key pieces of evidence useful in discovering tampering were not available,” Williams’ reports concluded.

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Apr 4 2024 04:50AM     link to this

Some contents matched data from other sources
Out of the drive’s 217 gigabytes of data, there are 4.3 gigabytes of email files.

Green, working with two graduate students, verified 1,828 emails — less than 2 percent of the total — but struggled with others that had technical flaws they could not resolve. He said the most common problems resulted from alterations caused when the MacBook’s mail-handling software downloaded files with attachments in a way that made cryptographic verification of those messages difficult.

Williams verified a larger number of emails, nearly 22,000 in total — which included almost all of the ones Green had verified — after overcoming that problem by using software to correct alterations in the files. But he encountered obstacles with other emails that were only partially downloaded onto the drive, creating incomplete files that could not be verified cryptographically. Most of these files, he said, were probably just snippets of emails that would allow a user to preview the messages without downloading the full files.

The cryptographic verification techniques worked only on incoming emails, not ones that were sent from Hunter Biden’s accounts. Because the purpose of these signatures is to verify the identity of senders, only the records of an incoming email would contain signatures.

Ukraine says it intercepted $6 million bribe to stop probe of Burisma founder

In addition to emails, the drive includes hundreds of thousands of other documents, including more than 36,000 images, more than 36,000 iMessage chat entries, more than 5,000 text files and more than 1,300 videos, according to tallies made by Williams, who, like Green, could not definitively verify any of them. In a small number of cases, The Post was able to establish the veracity of some of these files, such as bank documents, by obtaining copies from other sources.

Among the emails verified by Williams and Green were a batch of messages from Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company for which Hunter Biden was a board member. Most of these emails were reminders of board meetings, confirmation of travel, or notifications that his monthly payment had been sent.

Both Green and Williams said the Burisma emails they verified cryptographically were likely to be authentic, but they cautioned that if the company was hacked, it would be possible to fake cryptographic signatures — something much less likely to happen with Google.

One of the verified emails from Pozharskyi, which was the focus of one of the initial stories from the New York Post, was written on April 17, 2015. It thanked Hunter Biden “for inviting me to DC and giving me an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together.”

When the email first emerged in the New York Post about three weeks before the 2020 election, the Biden campaign and Hunter Biden’s lawyer both denied that Pozharskyi had ever met with Joe Biden. Asked recently about the email, the White House pointed to the previous denials, which The Post has examined in detail.

Some other emails on the drive that have been the foundation for previous news reports could not be verified because the messages lacked verifiable cryptographic signatures. One such email was widely described as referring to Joe Biden as “the big guy” and suggesting the elder Biden would receive a cut of a business deal. One of the recipients of that email has vouched publicly for its authenticity but President Biden has denied being involved in any business arrangements.

New folders created on drive given to The Post
The Post spent months reviewing the data on the portable drive in its entirety and seeking forensic verification of its contents. It made two new copies of the portable drive provided by Maxey so the experts could analyze them.

Green examined the drive first and, based on his initial findings, urged The Post to seek a second review to verify more of its contents. The Post then hired Williams, who has conducted forensic analyses for Fortune 100 financial services companies and also did similar work during his time at the NSA. He is now on the faculty of the information security research group IANS.

Many questions about the drive remained impossible to answer definitively. That includes what happened during a nearly year-long period of apparent inactivity from September 2019 — about five months after Hunter Biden reportedly dropped off the laptop at the repair shop — until August 2020, when the presidential campaign involving his father was entering its final months.

White House was warned Giuliani was target of Russian intelligence operation

Soon after that period of inactivity — and months after the laptop itself had been taken into FBI custody — three new folders were created on the drive. Dated Sept. 1 and 2, 2020, they bore the names “Desktop Documents,” “Biden Burisma” and “Hunter. Burisma Documents.”

Williams also found records on the drive that indicated someone may have accessed the drive from a West Coast location in October 2020, little more than a week after the first New York Post stories on Hunter Biden’s laptop appeared.

Over the next few days, somebody created three additional folders on the drive, titled, “Mail,” “Salacious Pics Package” and “Big Guy File” — an apparent reference to Joe Biden.

Attempts to verify the emails relied mainly on a technology called DKIM, which stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail. DKIM is a cryptographic technology used by Google and some other email services to verify the identities of senders.
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Apr 4 2024 04:53AM     link to this

Williams also used a second cryptographic technology called ARC, for Authenticated Received Chain. It was created to make cryptographic verification possible even when email moves through multiple services.

Williams said ARC, though slightly less reliable than DKIM, was a worthy alternative for emails for which DKIM verification was not possible. Overall, his list of emails included 16,425 verified by DKIM and 5,521 verified by ARC.

There are limits to cryptographic verification of emails, both experts said. Not all email services provide cryptographic signatures, and among those that did, not all did so with the care of Google, which is regarded within the technology industry as having strong security protocols. Green and Williams said the only realistic way to fake Google’s DKIM signatures would be to hack the company’s own secure servers and steal private cryptographic keys — something they considered unlikely even for nation-state-level hackers using the most advanced techniques.

Unfortunately the files on the hard drive and portable hard drive are corrupted.

That is so hard to believe.
San Diego, CA
OC, CA Today!
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Apr 4 2024 07:24AM     link to this

Numerous "chain of custody" issues with the laptop. It may not even be allowed into court as evidence. Prosecution would need to get hold of the data from a different source like a recipient.

Can't believe someone capable of getting millions of dollars from a large foreign company was dumb enough to not do a DoD wipe before handing it over to a stranger. Unless of course, he really thought he had done nothing wrong. I'm thinking Joe would have warned him about the security implications. If it turns out that Hunter is guilty of any charges due to the laptop then he is even a dumber imbecile than Harris!
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Apr 4 2024 08:28AM     link to this

He does some very dumb things.

Less than a year after he was commissioned, Hunter Biden tested positive for blank and was administratively discharged from the Navy. Thank you Joe.

Lying while purchasing a pistol we would get in trouble for that.
San Diego, CA
OC, CA Today!
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Apr 4 2024 08:40AM     link to this

But legal aspects aside - one can be found innocent or guilty in a court of law AND/OR found innocent or guilty in the court of public opinion. Since he is the son of a president it makes sense that they would pursue the public opinion route even if there wasn't enough evidence for a court of law. When one is a high-profile politician, perception is everything, and nobody understands that or plays the game better (usually) than #45. #46 seems to just lay there and take the beating!
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Apr 4 2024 08:48AM     link to this

Hunter will be found innocent. He will keep screwing up and eventually it'll come to fruition.

The court system is only there for the peasants we will take the brunt of that.

The rich mofos will get away with murder and they'll continue to get away with everything else.

That is how this Society works.
San Diego, CA
OC, CA Today!
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Apr 4 2024 08:57AM     link to this

^ if there wasn't at least a thread of truth in that I would label you "cynical."
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Apr 4 2024 09:04AM     link to this

How about old. Been there seen that.
Inland Empire, CA
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Apr 4 2024 09:32AM     link to this

I wouldn't say old. Perhaps, Wise enough to know better.
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Apr 4 2024 09:58AM     link to this

Biker. Is there a difference?
La Jolla, San Diego, CA
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Apr 4 2024 10:06AM     link to this

"Numerous "chain of custody" issues with the laptop."

Yeah it seems chain of custody is only a problem when it's Hunters laptop but not 10's of 1000's of mailing ballots delivered after election day deadlines with sketchy signatures.

"It may not even be allowed into court as evidence. Prosecution would need to get hold of the data from a different source like a recipient."

Probably, but Hunter & Joe have already been cornered with concrete evidence of far bigger crimes related to influence peddling.

"Can't believe someone capable of getting millions of dollars from a large foreign company was dumb enough to not do a DoD wipe before handing it over to a stranger. "

Agreed, he should should have taken notes from Hillery. His Mulligan from the DOJ has blown up though.
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
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Apr 4 2024 10:46AM     link to this

“Yeah it seems chain of custody is only a problem when it's Hunters laptop but not 10's of 1000's of mailing ballots delivered after election day deadlines with sketchy signatures.”

Time to go back in your meds, Jack.

Do you even read what you write and how absurd and PROVEN WRONG you have been?
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Apr 4 2024 09:58PM     link to this

In Hunter's case, the laptop is beside the point.

9 tax charges. Possible 17 years per CNN
3 gun charges. Possible 25 years per CNN
0 charges for not filing as a Foreign Agent like he was supposed to

And, he pretty much admits to all of it in his book.
He is just your average dumb Bribin'

Unfortunately for Joey Depends, the wrong son died of a brain tumor.
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since Jan 28 2006

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Apr 5 2024 02:20AM     link to this

According to what is posted above it seems like Hunter took his laptop to John Paul Mac Issaac to repair or recapture the data on his laptop. The FBI eventually showed up with a warrant to collect the laptop and other evidence.

In the meantime Issaac had made a copy of the hard drive in the laptop, Eventually the Post and others received copies of the copy. There could be chain of custody issues with what the Post has.

I would think the actual laptop obrtained by the FBI would have less issues in that regard and their certainly should be no chain of custody issues after it was obtained by the FBI.

I would think the Congressional committee investigating Hunter would have requested the laptop and other items from the FBI?
El Monte, SGV, LA, CA
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Apr 5 2024 04:32AM     link to this

@stumpy, as I recall there was a congressional hearing, asking the FBI where the laptop was.
The FBI guy in charge of the laptop testified that he didn't know what happened to it.
Oops, we destroyed it by accident. Gee, sorry.
La Jolla, San Diego, CA
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Apr 5 2024 06:22AM     link to this

At the risk of repeating one's self we are way beyond the laptop at this point.

It seems the FBI's job lately is to raid people's homes or businesses who have material evidence which would compromise the Democrats politically .

FBI Cyber Chief Claims Can't Find Laptop

Today in the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, FBI Assistant Director for the Cyber Division Bryan Vorndran was pressed by Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01) on whether the Hunter Biden Laptop created cyber vulnerabilities for the United States. Mr. Vorndran confessed that he did not know the location of the Laptop or whether actors such as Russia were using the Laptop's contents to compromise the First Family.

"Who has it?" Gaetz asked. "I don't know who has it," the witness responded to surprise.

Next, Gaetz entered into the committee record the contents of Hunter's Biden's Laptop and a receipt from Mac's Computer Repair evidencing the FBI taking possession of the Laptop in December 2019. Still, the FBI Cyber Assistant Director testified that after three years in possession of the Laptop, no assessment had been made.

"How are Americans supposed to trust that you can protect us from the next Colonial pipeline if it seems you can't locate a laptop that was given to you three years ago from the First Family, potentially creating vulnerabilities for our country?," Gaetz asked.

Utilizing the exact language Robert Mueller offered the Judiciary Committee when ignoring Democratic National Committee ties to the Steele Dossier, the FBI Cyber Assistant Director said Hunter's Laptop was not in his "purview."

Gaetz further referenced the "international business deals, kickbacks and shakedowns" that would allow foreign adversaries to compromise the First Family. The FBI Cyber witness would not or could not testify that the First Family was not compromised by the Laptop's contents.
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San Diego, CA
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Apr 5 2024 08:14AM     link to this

I don't think the FBI is in the habit of storing "evidence" that either has nothing to do with a crime that is being investigated, or is so tainted by CoC issues that it would NEVER be allowed in a court of law. I mean really, what would be the point? It's about as useful as a used hamburger wrapper. It just takes up space! With the laptop being the clusterfuck that it is I can see where - the FBI would take a position of, "No longer useful! - No longer interested in it! - No longer need it!"

Can't say the same for any media types that like to stir the shit-pot every chance they get because, guess what - it drives attention to their sites - which is how they make money!

I equate this nonsense to a spouse that has a "suspicion" that you have cheated with an escort yet has no verifiable evidence to substantiate the accusation. Maybe it was a rumor that they heard. Maybe it was just because the guy was caught surfing an escort site. And yet, they bring it up and throw it in you face, many times totally disjointed from the main topic at hand and clearly an attempt at deflection.

[Having an argument over finances when the wife retorts]: "We wouldn't be having money problems if you would quit fucking around with escorts!" What she is really saying is:

"It may be only a rumor, or assumption, but I thought it was true. I wanted it to be true. I need for it to be true! Because my anger is not justified if it isn't true! And God forbid, it would require me to admit that I may have been wrong in my original position on the subject, which for an overbearing narcissistic prick like me is simply not going to happen!"

So here is my deflection on this subject: If you cannot understand and separate fact from fiction, fact from rumor, or fact from innuendo, especially when it is generated by politicians (or their surrogates) with the expressed intent to destroy the other side; then forget about the problem of illegal voting by immigrants - YOU are the one that should not be allowed to vote!

Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
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Apr 5 2024 08:21AM     link to this

Yeah, your credibility died with its last breath on the operating table there, jackrabbit, as soon as you referred to "my dick/list of crimes is as big as Trump's" Gaetz as a source of information.
Mission Viejo, OC, CA
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Apr 5 2024 10:00AM     link to this

Marissa said:

"Unless of course, he really thought he had done nothing wrong. I'm thinking Joe would have warned him about the security implications. If it turns out that Hunter is guilty of any charges due to the laptop then he is even a dumber imbecile than Harris!"

Hunter had been playing these influence peddling and foreign money games for years. Hunter attended Georgetown University and Yale Law School. He worked for MBNA. He held many high level business positions. He worked as an attorney at Boies Schiller Flexner, a top law firm. David Boies, the top named partner, is a major player, having represented the NFL, NBA, and represented the Justice Department against Microsoft. They do serious law business here. Hunter knew damn well what he was doing. He may be a crackhead, skirt chasing idiot, but his business mind has the education and experience to know what's right and legal, and what's not.

As for Camel Toe Harris, she is a shining example of affirmative action. Clearly an idiot, she was admitted to Howard University...and here's was Howard's own website says about the school:

"As the only truly comprehensive predominantly Black university, Howard is one of the major engineers of change in our society. Through its traditional and cutting-edge academic programs, the University seeks to improve the circumstances of all people in the search for peace and justice on earth."

After graduating from that shithole, she somehow gained entrance to UC Hastings (now known as UC Law SF thanks to political correctness and social justice bullshit), where she actually graduated. Her history in public service is well documented, servicing California Assembly Speaker and SF Mayor Willie Brown. On her knees. She blew to the top of the political ladder, fucking her way to positions as Assistant District Attorney for Alameda County, Willie Brown appointments to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission. She then ran for San Francisco District Attorney and won, with Willie Brown's help. At this point, I think she finally was able to get up off of her knees.

During her tenure as DA, all levels of violent crime increased and outpaced the national average, setting the stage for what's happening to San Francisco in the present day. Nevertheless, the fine and intelligent people of California elected her as Attorney General, again setting the stage for the current state of the State.

Moving on, by virtue of the (D) after her name, she was anointed the junior US Senator of California after the retirement of the other crazy (D) lady Barbara Boxer.

And the rest, as they say, is history.
San Diego, CA
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Apr 5 2024 10:37AM     link to this

^ Hunter and Rudy G. would seem to have a lot in common! Got a little too cocky in their perceived power and stepped over the line of good judgment.

It was never my intention to defend Hunter per se, IMO he is a POS. However, I believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. We should keep in mind that when it comes to the courts it doesn't matter what is true or what is false. It doesn't matter what is right or what is wrong. It doesn't even matter what is moral or immoral. The ONLY thing that counts in a court of law is what can be proven! - and that is where the quality and integrity of evidence comes into play. And even then, the final verdict will not be the purview of the investigators, the prosecutors, or even the judge; it will be solely up to 12 jurors. Even if we think that corrupt judges are the problem there is always the court of appeals and the USSC. Plenty of checks and balances to prevent the kinds of injustice we see in 3rd world countries or even Russia.

I realize that in the world we live in today that we much rather try, convict, and execute someone in the press (or in these blogs) and just get it over with. Just not my cup of tea! Guess that makes me "Old School."
West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Apr 5 2024 10:53AM     link to this

“ In Hunter's case, the laptop is beside the point.”


Really? Now you admit that while you complained that it wasn’t allowed to be used to disparage Joe Biden prior to the 2020 election.

First, fuck Hunter Biden. He’s got demons. He’s done stupid shit. Let him pay the consequences. We all have crazy and embarrassing relatives.

Second, Republicans jumped onto the laptop with the hopes of hurting Joe Biden politically. Sure their candidate is a lying sack of shit who is so corrupt that you can’t even fit all the shit he’s done within HX’s word limit, but let’s focus on a laptop that has been tampered with from information that was likely planted by Russian intelligence.

Let’s also not mention the indicted informant who admitted that the Biden Burisma scandal was fabricated by him with evidence provided by Russian intelligence.

Let’s also not mention that Truth Social was saved from bankruptcy in 2021 by an $8 million investment from a Russian investor, with ties to Putin, who has been under investigation by the FBI.

And let’s also argue that Trump clearly has no ties to Russia. 😉

You gaslighting snowflakes need to try harder to ignore facts. Otherwise, even you will vote for Biden in November.

San Diego, CA
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Apr 5 2024 11:43AM     link to this

^ my interpretation of what GBD was trying to convey is that the laptop is ultimately going to be a non-starter, but all the other shit Hunter was involved in, or got caught with, could be a real problem for him. So much so that he might actually get convicted of something and MAYBE (big maybe) do some time for it.

Not my intention to defend GBD but rather to make a point in effective communication; It doesn't matter what you say, or even intend to say - it's how it was perceived that counts!
La Jolla, San Diego, CA
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Apr 5 2024 01:54PM     link to this

^ Bingo
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Apr 5 2024 02:16PM     link to this

LOL, thank you MG...........yes, just as it relates to Hunter's legal case is why the laptop is beside the point.

Don't forget that MA needs to misconstrue words, evidence, facts, pretty much everything so he can relentlessly vomit up "sound and fury, signifying nothing".

Strictly speaking on Hunter, which now that he'll be found guilty soon so MA doesn't care about that (remember gotta ignore the dirty laundry if you can't make it go away) ...............unless DOJ pulls a rabbit out of its ass, HB is pretty much smoked.

But, it's interesting to note that the FBI proofed up that the laptop belonged to HB in 2019, then sat on it for years doing nothing and then said they couldn't find it LOL.

Being a part of the DOJ, this is not surprising since collectively this is the same gang that sat on HB's case for 5 years supposedly "investigating" haha. Investigating so long that several of the more serious charges literally disappeared due to the statute of limitations..........oh, how convenient

Same gang that brought us the whole Russian Collusion affair, which caused Independent Inspector General Horowitz to launch an internal DOJ investigation of the FISA courts and surveillance techniques used by the FBI plus withholding of evidence from the courts.

The Naughty List is pretty much endless with the FBI and there are really only 2 options, #1 Disband this gang of misfits and start over or #2 Remove the FBI from the DOJ and make it a completely independent agency with non-partisan IG oversight........thus NOT subject to either Joe Bribin' or Orange Man, protecting us from both of these hooligans.

Looking forward to the next meaningless rant by MA, so he can bring additional rope to hang himself with.................the embarrassment is REAL!

Palm Springs/Coachella Valley, Inland Empire, CA
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Apr 5 2024 02:52PM     link to this

Hey Jackrabbit, stop making disparaging remarks about liberal trash. I dated a trashy liberal girl for
a while and she was some of the best sex I ever had.
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Apr 5 2024 02:57PM     link to this

West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Apr 5 2024 03:21PM     link to this


@ Goebbels

Now you're going to act like you're into women?

So please educate me as to how Hunter's laptop is a smoking gun as it relates to Joe.

If it's "51 intelligence experts said it didn't belong to Hunter before the election" is what you've got, then what was on the laptop that was so damaging to Joe?

No, no, what was on the laptop doesn't matter, the fact that it was suppressed is the smoking gun...because let's be honest, we don't give a shit what's on Hunter's laptop unless we can use it against Joe.

Do I have that right, Goebbels?

You Republicans can't keep your cooked up accusations straight.

0 blogs/761 comments
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Apr 5 2024 05:33PM     link to this

God damn Grumpy. Bidens juggernaut economy has really gotten under your skin.
Oh well, at least you can sublimate like a champ. A prolix, purple prose, puerile champ.
48 blogs/925 comments
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Apr 5 2024 08:14PM     link to this

Actually the better comparison of Hunter Biden is to Paul Manafort.

I just happened to stumble upon the "American Greed" show detailing Paul Manafort's history. It was amazing how many of the crimes and behavior applied to Manafort also fits Hunter Biden.

Unfortunately Manafort only got around 7 years because one of the judge's seemed to think Manafort was an upright citizen prior to his last crimes.
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Apr 5 2024 09:29PM     link to this

Over-triggered is your new "safe" word, MA. Just post the word and we'll know you need some quiet alone time.

Here's another tidbit from our exemplary G Men in DC.

By now, everybody knows the Bribin' DOJ tried to slip a sweetheart deal for HB past everybody, after 5 years of doing nothing. Then a judge said "wait a second here, that's not right" and 2 IRS employees came forward to testify how HB was being treated differently than everybody else.

"The tax investigation into Hunter Biden became the subject of heightened congressional scrutiny last year when IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler came forward with allegations the DOJ gave Hunter Biden special treatment by slow-walking and obstructing investigative steps prior to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss’s appointment as special counsel."

"One allegation brought forward by Shapley was the FBI’s decision to tip off the Secret Service and Biden transition team about plans to interview Hunter Biden, resulting in the interview falling through. A retired former FBI agent testified last July and corroborated Shapley’s allegation."

Ziegler described how then-Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf shut down plans to interview Hunter Biden’s children, despite such interviews being standard operating procedure. Wolf also instructed an FBI agent to remove Joe Biden from a search warrant related to the Foreign Agents Registration Act element of the criminal probe, according to emails and draft copy of the warrant turned over last fall. Similarly, Shapley wrote a memo in May 2021 where he suggested Wolf shut down the campaign finance aspect of the Hunter Biden investigation.

To this day, HB has not been charged under FARA, even though that's he and Jimmy Bribin' made their $20 million lol.

Now, the damn CIA is involved somehow..........wth is going on over there in that cesspool?
Fullerton, OC, CA
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Apr 5 2024 09:40PM     link to this

In all fairness, let me be the first to post that none of this is surprising.
The Bribin' gang is no MORE nor LESS crooked than any other Administration in DC.

Gotta love the latest from Presi Bedpan, formalizing rules to make it all but impossible to fire a Federal worker drone (non-military).......and there's 2 million of those fuckers buzzing around.

We got any here?
Just wanted to say "thank you for your disservice"! 💩🤣🤣
Post a shout out if you got a GS rating!

West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Apr 5 2024 10:48PM     link to this


One of the things that drives me crazy is when someone states “facts” without referencing where those facts are coming from. Are you going to claim that all you allege is from the Republican-headed House Oversight Committee, where they have been continually embarrassed by making false allegations that have been proven wrong over and over and again?

Back up your allegations of Biden corruption with references. And by Biden I mean Joe, not Hunter. I don’t give a shit about Hunter.

Similarly, where is the investigation into Jared Kushner’s $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia despite objections from the sovereign wealth fund’s advisors who were against giving Kushner the investment? Shouldn’t Trump be investigated for that as well?

If the government prosecuted Trump for every crime he committed, there would be 50 cases against him (I’m guessing, conservatively). From violating the Emollients Clause, to overcharging the Secret Service for his golf excursions, to doctoring hurricane Dorian’s forecast, to hindering oversight of over $1 trillion in pandemic stimulus funds.

But you clowns are focused on a corrupt House Oversight Committee that makes plenty of allegations WITH NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE tying Joe Biden to anything. Either he’s a criminal mastermind or Republicans are full of shit once again for the thousandth time.

Yorba Linda, OC, CA
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Apr 5 2024 11:05PM     link to this

And ... no references.
La Jolla, San Diego, CA
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Apr 6 2024 12:39AM     link to this

"One of the things that drives me crazy is when someone states “facts” without referencing where those facts are coming from. Are you going to claim that all you allege is from the Republican-headed House Oversight Committee, where they have been continually embarrassed by making false allegations that have been proven wrong over and over and again?

So Bobulinski testified to the House Oversight Committee that he personally witnessed Joe Biden's involvement in Hunter's business dealings with foreign adversaries.

The Committee has the bank transaction records from those foreign entities to Biden family members including checks to Joe..

Now please tell us WHO exactly, in a hearing under oath, has refuted or otherwise provided contrary testimony.... waiting for more deflecting and distraction.

Remember that Hunter ACTED like he wanted to testify but DIDN'T show up.

Joe may be next but we know he won't show.

So your "Proven Wrong" assertion sucks because the defendants won't show because they are relying on the media and useful idiots online to defend them in the court of public opinion.

Trump by the way actually has a legitimate family business. The Biden's have shell companies providing zilch in the way of services exclusively for money laundering.

Trump signs the front of checks...

Biden's only endorse the back.

Glendale, SFV, LA, CA
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Apr 6 2024 12:41AM     link to this

I am Not reading all that.

Carry on.
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Apr 6 2024 01:55AM     link to this

Useful idiots online? Like who? Anyone we know?
West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Apr 6 2024 08:27AM     link to this

Rico - you’re a useless idiot.

RobBlakeFan - I’ve posted links to references more than most in these blogs. In my last post, multiple sources to all that I’ve listed can be found by a simple google search.

Rabbit - you’re referencing testimony in hearings that hasn’t resulted in any concrete evidence that would be a basis for impeachment. In fact, Republicans Oversight Committee members have admitted that they have no evidence linking Joe Biden to any crime. In fact, their key witness was indicted for lying about the Burisma bribe, who also admitted that the evidence he did present was given to him by Russian intelligence.

Goebbels - in anticipation of your twisted response: No! Biden isn’t nearly as corrupt as the Orange Criminal, and that there is no way Jared isn’t sharing some of the money he received from Saudi Arabia with his father-in-law, and that most (if not all) of the corruption allegations against Biden are completely made up to “level the playing field” with the actual criminal because of the 2024 election.

The likelihood is that all of the allegations against Joe Biden are simply cooked up because the actual criminal will lose in a landslide otherwise.

Regardless, I’ll be happy to admit that Biden is also a criminal if Republicans actually present concrete proof of crimes committed by him. Until then, it’s all smoke and mirrors by a party that has lost its way and is in steep decline.

La Jolla, San Diego, CA
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Apr 6 2024 09:50AM     link to this

^ serious case of denial
San Diego, CA
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Apr 6 2024 09:55AM     link to this

^ & ^^

The HARD evidence about Biden is lacking. However, there seems to be a fair amount of CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence pointing to using his influence to enrich Hunter, if not him indirectly. But again, we will just need to wait and see how it all flushes out.
San Diego, CA
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Apr 6 2024 09:59AM     link to this

But I hope we all realize that in certain circumstances Biden could actually get impeached if enough Republicans were able to vote for it, yet he would never be convicted by 12 jurors in a regular criminal proceeding. Don't know if I would consider that scenario fair.

And in that case of "be careful what you wish for", impeach Biden just so you can get Harris. That would be lame as hell!
West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Apr 6 2024 10:10AM     link to this

In the past month, two House Republicans (Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher) have resigned because of the impeachment of Biden with no evidence.

West Hollywood, LA, CA
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Apr 6 2024 10:12AM     link to this

Hakeem Jeffries Is pretty close to being Speaker if more Republicans resign, and more have signaled that they might resign.

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