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Level 4 Male

 66 yrs old
Huntington Beach, OC, CA
Registered Mar 8 2015
Released Mar 9 2015

11 blogs/102 comments
1972monarch's Blog Blogs about 1972monarch 5 people have subscriptions!
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Feb 20 2024 10:02AM
     We now have our No Labels candidate for President
If you listened to Nikki Haley's speech this morning it's clear she is in this race until the end. The only way she gets on the ballot is to switch to the No Labels party. I am thinking she will announce after she gets her head handed to her in South Carolina. Are we looking at the next Ross Perot?


Feb 13 2024 09:53AM
     What's your story?
The first time I meet someone I am often told "I like your ink." Then I am asked what do they mean? I see it as two categories, life experiences or purely decorative or so-called body art. I personally fall into the life experience category. What category do you fall into?


Sep 12 2022 10:11AM
     Who is First?
Trump is in DC and speculation as to why is off the charts. One theory is that he is about to be indicted. So that raises the question. Who will be indicted first, Trump or Hunter?


Aug 16 2021 09:09AM
     It's the same people, Again!
1st it was WMD's, we must invade; Now it's the Afghan army is ready to defend their country. I understand the urge to blame Biden, Trump and even Bush. But bad intel leads to bad decisions. After this disaster we need to take a long hard look at the Military/Intel communities. 20 years of training and equipping the Afghan army only to have them cut and run is not Biden's fault. The Generals who devised the training have to go. And the Generals who convinced Biden that the Afghan army was ready need to go. Lets start with Mark Milley.


Jul 25 2021 01:18PM
     What are the song/song's that keep you in the car?
What are the songs that will keep you in your car, even if you are late for an appointment? I'll start: Freebird and Hotel California. And yes I like guitar solo's.


Jul 22 2021 03:44PM
     What the hell happened to all the enthusiasm?
Last nights CNN Presidential town hall drew only 1.5 million viewers. Over 80 million people voted for good old Uncle Joe and you can only get 1.5 million viewers 6 months later? I believe the cartoon network out drew him. What's gone wrong? Is the honeymoon over? Why have Bidden voters lost their enthusiasm for him?


Jun 20 2021 09:52AM
     R.I.P. Sunnys
One of my favorite spots for breakfast in Huntington Beach did not survive the pandemic. Forced to close their doors forever. Has anyone else lost a favorite eating spot due to the lockdown?


Jun 24 2020 01:31PM
     The one thing Trump has done that can't be undone
I have seen a lot of blogs over the last 3 years about Trump, both good and bad, with all the requisite responses from both sides. My usual response is if you don't like him vote him out and change things. But one thing Trump has done seems to be flying under the radar in these blogs. Today the Senate confirmed his 200th judge at the federal level. He has flipped the 2nd, 3rd, and 11th circuits to a Republican majority and is working to do the same to the 9th circuit. Add the 2 SCOTUS appointments giving Republicans a 5 to 4 majority and you have Trumps real legacy. A legacy that Biden, if elected, won't be able to undo with any executive order. Give Trump 4 more years and he might get 2 more SCOTUS picks. When it's all said and done Trumps packing the court will have the longest lasting effect on our lives.


Feb 17 2020 10:43AM
     Can someone please explain!
Yesterday I received robo texts from Steyer, Bloomberg and Sanders. Each saying only they can save the republic so can we count on your vote. But here's the confusion. I could swear I spent the last 3-4 years being told that old rich white guys are what is wrong with America, that all ill's can be laid right at their feet. So can someone please explain what has changed? Why now are old rich white guys suddenly the saviors of our nation? Anybody?


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