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Level 0 Male

 38 yrs old
Registered Feb 19 2017
Released Feb 19 2017

20 blogs/107 comments
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Apr 21 2020 03:53PM
     Breaking news, 2020 emoji statistics released!
🤕 wounded emoji up 400%
😷 masked emoji up 1,000%
🗣 speaking with spit emoji up 300%
🤧 sneezing emoji up 500%
🙏 praying hands emoji up 200%
🕴man jumping emoji up 100%
❤ big heart emoji up 500%
🤝 shaking hand emoji Down 800%
🍷glass with wine emoji up 900%
🍺glass with beer emoji up 1200%
🍑peach emoji up 4000%
🍆eggplant emoji up 7000%
🛒shopping cart emoji up 400%
🏠 home emoji up 9000%
💈barbershop sign emoji up 600%

1 comment

Sep 5 2019 06:49PM
     BellaLABBW is psycho
ME: good morning gentle lady, hope all is well. I would like to respectfully inquire regarding your availability

BellaLABBW: who TF is dis? Unless u r a Level 7 with photo id don't even dare to use your lil incompetent fingers to type me a message you peasant

ME: I beg you pardon madam?!

BellaLABBW: gtfo u dumb loser, how dare u inquiring? U fake, u probably not even a human. Get off my phone, before I bite ur ding ding off Lorena Bobbitt style and feed it to my hungry chiuaha

Me: I'm quite baffled by your words

BellaLABBW: u still typing? Still texting? One more text and I will tie u up to the rear bumper of my 1998 Honda Civic from dtla to long Beach 70miles /hr OJ style. I promise I will hit all the potholes on the way on purpose

BellaLABBW: fake ass!!! U gotta come to me correct, or u getting rekt round here.

BellaLABBW: blocked!


Jan 9 2018 06:29PM
     need daily protein shots from black men
I messaged this bbw chick on a dating app

1badhombre: good evening gorgeous creature, hope you are having a great day today, despite mother nature being so hostile today

Bbw chick: get lost Jose, I only date BBC

1badhombre: that was so rude, my name is actually Francisco. What's a BBC anyways?

Bbw chick: it means that I need daily protein shots from black men only

1badhombre: racist!

Bbw chick has blocked your profile.


Aug 14 2017 02:40PM
     White Supremacist terrorists kill more people in US than Isis
Since 911 White supremacists have killed more Americans than Isis.

Lets call it for what it is: White Supremacist Terrorism

All right winger white people are evil, but i guess some... some are some are not


Mar 30 2017 07:22PM
     Breaking news: Michael Flynn asks for immunity
...and another shoe loudly drops



Mar 24 2017 12:48PM
     BREAKING NEWS: Trumpcare fails, dead on arrival.
The first failure of the art of the deal president Trump

are you tired of winning?


Mar 23 2017 09:57PM
     Breaking News: Bragadocious Trump projects bravado, but behind scenes faces self doubt
President Trump, the author of “The Art of the Deal,” has been projecting his usual bravado in public this week about the prospects of repealing the Affordable Care Act. Privately he is grappling with rare bouts of self-doubt.

Trump reportedly questioned his decision to several allies, saying he should’ve prioritized tax reform after seeing the immediate Republican fallout from the GOP healthcare proposal.

No comments yet

Mar 22 2017 07:10PM
     Breaking News! Trump campaign coordinated with Russians
According to US officials

Trump Campaign and Trump associates coordinated with Russians in leaking hacked emails.



Mar 22 2017 01:55PM
     will Trumpcare bill pass tomorrow?
If Ryancare/trumpcare won't pass tomorrow = big fail for Trump presidency

I hope it does not pass yall


Mar 19 2017 03:23PM
     why Trumpcare will kill millions and tank the economy
Bypartisan CBO estimates that under the proposed Trumpcare

1) additional 24 million Americans will be without insurance

2) 1 trillion dollars tax cut for those that make more than $250k/year

3) a 64yrs old making $26k/year out of pocket expense will increase almost 10 fold from $1,700 to $14,600

The free health care market proposed under Trumpcare will destroy our economy and kill millions...
Nowhere in the face of earth is there a free health care market that works.
Name me a developed country where a free health care market works.....


Mar 13 2017 03:47PM
     24 millions will lose insurance under new Trumpcare
According to CBO Trumpcare will make 24million Americans lose their insurance.
Paul Ryan the architect of this clusterfuck trumpcare says

"I'm encouraged by these numbers"

True story!


Mar 13 2017 01:07PM
     how to spot a low key racist
Tell' em: "Black lives matter"
If they answer back with: "All lives matter"
They are low key racists and they don't even know it.

Then tell'em: "breast cancer matter"
If they DO NOT answer back with: "all cancers matter"

Then You have exposed a racist


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