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Level 0 Male

 38 yrs old
Registered Feb 19 2017
Released Feb 19 2017

20 blogs/107 comments
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Mar 12 2017 09:10PM
     Trump cuts TSA,State Dept, Coast guard,Fema to build a medieval wall
Trump cuts
TSA (airport security),
Coast Guard (coast guard agents protect our maritime borders, intercepted 63,000 aliens) and
State Dept (embassies and foreign policies matter, that can )

to build a $20 billion medieval southern border wall

to make America safe! lol


Mar 6 2017 08:49PM
     Trump's grandfather begged not to be deported

Facing deportation, President Trump’s grandfather Friedrich, penned a letter to the government of Bavaria (now southwest Germany) not to deport him and his family.

“Why should we be deported? This is very, very hard for a family," wrote Friedrich Trump in 1905.

THE IRONY!!!!!!!!!

more excerpts of the letter Friedrich Trump wrote:

".... We were confronted all at once, as if by a lightning strike from fair skies, with the news that the High Royal State Ministry had decided that we must leave our residence in the Kingdom of Bavaria. We were paralyzed with fright; our happy family life was tarnished. My wife has been overcome by anxiety, and my lovely child has become sick.

Why should we be deported? This is very, very hard for a family. What will our fellow citizens think if honest subjects are faced with such a decree — not to mention the great material losses it would incur. I would like to become a Bavarian citizen again.... "


Mar 6 2017 01:22PM
     Trump supporters I dare you
... To explain your leader's words
1)thousands of Muslims celebrated 911 on nj rooftops

2)Obama was born in Kenya

3)ted cruz' dad was involved with jfk'death

4)Sweden has been attacked by refugees

5)Obama wiretapped trump

6)3+millions of illegal immigrants voted for Clinton

Please no spin or pivot or just talking points, just explain point by point.... After u have made sense of these statements I have 10 more.... And then 10 more


Mar 5 2017 06:54PM
     We miss you Obama!
I miss Obama already

He was so smart and cool, elegant, wise but hip, a gentleman (never cheated on Michelle, not like Trump repeatedly did and grabbed women by the punani).

He was admired and respected by the world, and he was our president, he represented us on the world stage and represented the best of us....

... now we have someone that represents the worst of us...


Mar 3 2017 11:05PM
     Tyrone Lime
"I live on Tyrone Lime's couch. Nigga cool and shit but he don't got time warner cable so I have to watch the dodgers on my Kodi😑 " iTgozDownINthePM


Mar 3 2017 06:27PM
     reincarnated.... 1BadHombre®

...laying that, playing that G Thing
She want the nigga with the biggest nuts, and guess what?
He is I, and I am him, slim with the tilted brim

What's my motherfucking name?


Feb 20 2017 11:56PM
     A christian prayer
...from a Trump supporter!

"Oh Lord, thank you for blessing us with a brilliant mind, a steady and unfaltering president like Donald J.Trump. Thank you Lord for reminding us the American people, the dangers of poor unvetted women and children refugees. Give us the strength to oppose them and never let their dirty feet walk in our beautiful country. Oh Lord, bestow us the strength to build a beautiful 2000 mile southern border wall to protect us by all of the bad hombres that try to come in, eat our lunch and bang our mothers (as pointed out by cubixan on a random comment in a previous post on an unrelated topic that got derailed and taken out of context as written words have no intonetion)"
Love thy neighbor
Amen! allelujah oh Lord Jesus..


Feb 20 2017 07:14PM
     Why Trump is a boss PT1
Trump Told Staff To Keep Security Reports To One Page, Filled With Pictures

"I want all of my daily NSA briefings summarized in 1 paragraph,and make sure the words rhyme... and throw in a big colored picture" Donald J. Trump



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