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 51 yrs old
Anaheim, OC, CA
Registered Jun 27 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jan 11 2024 06:53AM
     Would you rather give up Laughing or Climaxing?
Tough one for me… I’m generally a happy go lucky guy who loves a good laugh and easily laugh at dumb things multiple times daily. However , climaxing is such a great sensation but so fleeting. I’d probably go with Laughing for the win.


Dec 26 2023 12:51PM
     1-10. How bad must a good relationship’s sex be to be deal breaker?
Suppose you found perfect partner in every other way be sex. Mutually dig each others looks. Have good fun together and enjoy each other’s company but sex is a blank out if 10 (10 being best) would it have to be to call no joy and quit relationship ? How about if married?

I know some people will say you gotta communicate but say there’s things you like that she doesn’t… whatever those fetishes may be..

For me 6/10 and 7/10 is cutting it close.. are my expectations too high or too low? Lol


Sep 14 2023 12:31PM
     Starting Boarding House Biz
I’ve got a mixed use residential commercial place that used to be a dental office that previous owner had lived out of too. The zoning allows for mixed use and Boarding House use as well as many other uses.. Commercial rental is down and this place has a 2 car garage already, which is one of the key developmental requirements for residential mixed use.

It’s currently 4 bedroom 2 ba but I can easily convert a den into another bedroom and add bathroom to make into 5 bedroom 3 ba.

I’ve been googling but can’t find any good info on what it takes to run a Boarding house. Most YouTube or videos deals with the construction/ rehab side but not the operational side of what is needed to run one. I once met someone who ran a Boarding house for people with disabilities. He said he is allowed to put two beds per room and charges $650 per bed (not per room) per month. That was 5 years ago so the $650 per bed is probably higher now. That’s $5200 in rent as a 4 bedroom boarding house vs $2500 as a commercial mixed use rental. If I make into 5 bedroom, then that’s almost $7k as a 5 bedrom boarding house. My gut tells me that I’d probably need that 5th bedroom in order to make it worthwhile.

My understanding is that there needs to be an on-site live-in manager, 3 meals served a day, and cleaning. I’m sure manager gets free room but is that a full time position ?

Many Boarding house usually serve a particular niche: women shelter, halfway house for recovering addicts, or people with mental or physical disabilities who don’t need medical assistance.

Has anyone ever worked, lived, or know anyone who has been in a place? Any info would be greatly appreciated? Any links/book references or useful info/insights would be appreciated.


Apr 16 2022 01:55PM
     Why the would Elon Musk want the headache of Twitter?
Good article about large Social Media platforms must inevitably get into the business of censorship/moderation.

Does Elon Musk have a secret AI software program that’ll moderate Twitter from lies and hate/incindenary/violent speech; or, does he believe in a complete free for all type free speech whereby anybody can say whatever they want however they want?

Supposedly Elon wants to take Twitter private. Any legal eagles here? Assuming his motives are not to make money cuz he has boatloads of it, what advantage does taking Twitter private have as opposed to being a public company…especially in terms of free speech.

Heck, even a peanut sized social media platform like HX requires some level of moderation/censorship, and this is an adult oriented site, which is more liberal by catering to adult content.. Amplify the audience size of Twitter by millions and probably more restrictive content guidelines and we can imagine how burdensome monitoring Twitter speech is.

I hope Elon rethinks this idea of buying Twitter.
Attached Links
Big social media platforms must inevitably censor.


Dec 5 2021 02:06AM
     What is digital land or digital real estate?
I’ve been reading a lot of news on now being the cusp of the digital real estate or digital land craze w recently handful of people buying digital land for millions of dollars?

Are people simply buying advertising space on virtual world, such as buying a store in popular video games like fortenight?

Or is it like buying ad space on a popular Internet launching/entry portal, such as Yahoo or AOL (back in the old days)?

If HX carved up some of its front page into prime advertising space, then would it be digital real estate?

Somehow I think I’m missing the depth of what the next evolution of digital land is? Even Facebook is pouring billions of dollars into this next frontier.

Seems to me that digital land can be infinite and a new one be instantly created so how can digital land be so expensive ? I guess if I think of it like buying advertising space, I understand it. However, this new concept of buying digital land seems to be deeper than that.

What am I missing or not understanding ?

Attached Links
Meta verse and digital real estate


Jul 25 2021 09:27AM
     This ain’t no Dream Team. Team USA falls. Who should be true Dream Team in Tokyo?
Assuming everyone was healthy and wanted to play, who would be this year’s true Dream Team starting 5? (but you must pick only NBA players from the US. Hence you can’t pick the Greek Freak Giannis or Joel Embid from Cameroon).

Pick the top 5:

Seth Curry (PG)
Lebron James (Small G)
Anthony Davis (C)
Kawhi Leonard (F)
Kevin Durant (F)

Here we have two long distance shooters (Curry and Durant), two mid range and bully ball take it down the lane scorers (Lebron and Kawhi), and one post up scorer (AD). With the exception of Curry, all of the others have size and can play defense (yes, even Lebron).

I think Curry, Kyrie Irving or James Harden might be interchangeable at Point Guard.

The problem with our roster is we have mostly perimeter shooters and weak inside presence and weak inside physicality. When Kevin Love withdrew from Team USA, they should have picked up Julius Randle for more inside presence .


Jul 23 2021 12:35PM
     HX points processing and No Hx points or No Mail warning message
Does the annoying but useful message ever do away on its own w/o buying more HX points, or onky after you buy more HX points? You know… that message thst says, “Your Private Mail privilege will expire in x-days. Get more HX points now or procrastinate !”

I ask because I snail 🐌 mail my money order on Tuesday. That annoying “No more private mail privilege” message went away today but I still have no HX points and no private mail privileges?

I have procrastinated longer w/o private message privilege longer and don’t recall that no mail message ever going away so I’m wondering if there’s a glitch in the site and the processing of my HX points/private mail?

1 comment

Oct 29 2020 04:56PM
     South Beach diet and better fitness
Many years ago, I tried this diet with a friend and he bet me that if I stuck with it with him for a week (or two I can’t remember), then we’d lose 10lbs and one or two pant size! I’m like no way but to my dismay we met weekdays mornings a few times a week for 45 mins on elliptical machine, ate breakfast at nearby cafe (no carbs or sugar or sodas/juice or fruits), and I think one or couple of weeks later I was floored to have lost the bet after dropping both pant size and 10 lbs. (South Beach diet is pretty much a Keto diet by another name.)

It wasn’t that hard of diet to follow as it was essentially no bread/rice/pasta/starchy, no sugar (including no fruits) for first two weeks (Phase 1) in order to clean up the body’s blood sugar chemistry, and then slowly re introduce those higher sugar-inducing items back in moderation.

Eventually I fell into bad habits again and porked up (eating fast food on the go daily) but I remembered the name of the program my old friend introduced me to so I started it again and listened to the book on Audible. (I recommend the book btw. Interesting and informative to learn about how food works in your body.)

I’m 1.5 weeks into Phase 1 but this time I’ve lost only 6 lbs and not sure if I’ve dropped pant size. The good thing is I know those 6 lbs isn’t mostly water weight because I watch my daily water intake 3-4 liters/day) so I stay pretty hydrated.

I haven’t dropped more than the original 6 lbs now in 3 days so I feel like I’ve hit a bit of a wall. I also haven’t started working out yet because the South beach book also say that most people lose about 10 lbs with simply the Phase 1 dietary change so I’m testing that claim out sans working out. I plan to start working out after my Phase 1 is done to shock my body into losing the next 10 lbs. I haven’t dropped 20 lbs in a long time so I’m excited to start the exercise part next week to lose another 10 lbs.

I really want to lose my first 8-10 lbs from changing my eating during this Phase 1 two weeks so I have until Monday to drop at least 2 more lbs. As they say, Trust the Process!

Yes, I’ve been tracking my calories/meals using LoseIt app. I’ve allotted myself 1800 cal/day. Nothing too crazy.

I remember when I was younger, losing the first 10 lbs melted off easily when I wanted to. Now it takes so much effort for a meager 6+ lbs. The good thing about my journey this time is that I’m learning more about my body, nutrition, ill effects of obesity, and I’m teaching myself how to cook and eat healthier. I’ve also learned that it’s faster to stir fry garlic with mixed green veggies than to toss a salad.

Who else have done the South Beach or keto diet?

Please share tips, inspirational weight loss/fitness success stories, or even face-palm 🤦‍♂️ stories.


Sep 16 2020 10:45AM
     Do photographers have too much power?
Supposedly emily ratajkowski (before she got famous) took a magazine modeling gig when she was 20 for some magazine. (It wasn’t some nudie mag I don’t think.) This was before she got famous after the Robyn Thick Blurred Line video. The photo shoot was 8 years and instead of pmt, she got paid via exposure from being included in the magazine. I think the original shoots were normal clothed pics.

However, while at the shoot the photographer asked her to take some nude shoots and she did.

Now, this photographer has compiled all her nude pics from 8?years ago to publish an $80 collection 100 nude pics of emily ratajkowski. I think that’s pretty f-up.

I understand that photographers usually retain rights to the photos they take of the models but I don’t get why most models consent to such absolute right and forever. Maybe there needs to be a new type of contract that clocks out the permission that models give?

Something like, “photos not published after 2 years of taking them and pics not used for original publication may no longer be published publicly w/o models’ consent.” Or maybe have such clause for nude pics?

Any photographers here care to explain why photographers are justified to retain the right to use a models’ pics forever?

Even when gals here pay to have pics professionally taken by photographers, my understanding is that the photographers retain the rights to keep and use the pics in the future?

Is this an antiquated practice from the past, or what’s the reason why photographers get to keep rights to models’ pic forever and what’s the logic as to why models should give up such rights to their own pics forever?


Sep 10 2020 05:37PM
     Is Learning to Drive a lost art amongst millennials in UberLyft era?
I remembered I couldn’t wait to ditch my old paper route wide butt beat up bicycle/cruiser for my first hand me down beat up stick shift pickup truck. To take my behind the wheels test I thought I was clever and booked it in an adjacent less crowded city instead of the local downtown DMV. Little did I know there were lots of steep hills as part of the other DMV test, and I was so nervous having to stop on an incline before a stop sign or red light when working the stick shift praying that I won’t stall the truck. I have a couple of close calls w loud over revving but I passed and the rest is history.

I’ve met so many people here who have yet to get their Drivers License yet not do they have a sense of urgency. At first I thought it was unique to the people here but I know a couple of college sophomores who also don’t have Drivers License yet. During this time of c19 shutdown, I said this would be perfect time to learn and practice to get their license but they don’t seem to care about driving!

Maybe not learning how to drive will become obsolete once fleets of autonomous Johnny Cab fleets rolls out in a few year?

How many people here knows someone in their lives of driving age that refuse to get Drivers License?


Sep 9 2020 03:57PM
     Is digital currency being forced upon us in name of c19?
Just heard a bit of Joe Rogan podcast w Adam Curry, supposedly the OG of podcasting. What’s interesting is that his guest theorizes that part of the reason why the latest stimulus checks was held up was because govt/big bankers wants to force digital currency upon the masses. Supposedly the govt has already created Federal digital currency accounts for everyone and linked it w SSN or equivalent . In lieu of sending everyone checks, bankers/govt wants to send everyone w SSN a federal debit card associated w SSN.

Why would govt want to force everyone to switch to essentially a federal debit card for all transactions? Ans. More control. Unlike paper currency, we can stash our cash under our mattress to spend as we please in the future. With digital currency, if you’re accused of wrong doing, The govt can turn off your Federal debit card like turning off tap water. Additionally govt can keep track of your whereabouts and transactions. Imagine if you had to tip your favorite Spearmint Rhino gal with traceable digital currency?

At first I listened to this new conspiracy theory out of novelty and disbelief. Then, ironically, I stopped by Rancho Cucamonga at a Ranch 99 supermarket for a quick bobba and learned that the supermarket is no longer accepting cash transactions, but only credit or debit card transactions!

Now I’m not so sure how far fetched this conspiracy theory is?


Aug 30 2020 12:23PM
     Home Depot scams? How does this scam work?
A guy presents himself as a Home Depot mgr or supplier at some convention or some home improvement fair. He tells a customer the next time customer needs to buy anything from any Home Depot to call him at the cashier and he ll get customer a 30%-50% off. When customer is at the cashier w his stuff rang up, he tells the cashier to call a number and Home Depot ends up charging the bill to an account.

The customer is later asked to western union/wire either 70-50% of the cost of purchase.

I know this to be shady as F but Is the guy on the phone that Home Depot cashier called being given some false charge account that’s fraudulently bilked? If so, doesn’t Home Depot ask for passwords before an account over phone is charged?

Has anyone been approached by this scam?

Scams are like magic tricks to me. I like learning about how they work. To this day when I call to chat with my parents, they always tell me about the latest scams they read about and tell me to watch out for.

I tried Googling but nothing comes up on this too good to be true 30-50% off Home Depot scam.


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