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Apr 6 2020 01:04PM
     British Prime Minister moves to ICU for coronavirus? Will he be treated w malaria drug?
The other leader of the free world (Great Britain) has just been moved into ICU. With access to all types of experimental treatments, I’m wondering which one he ll be treated with. Supposedly the malaria drug that Trump touts has anecdotally shown good success for patients w coronavirus in severe lung-respiratory infection stages when administered in conjunction w zinc that supposedly binds the virus so it can’t attach itself to healthy cells.

If this malaria does work on PM Boris Johnson, then maybe there’ll be greater pressure to expedite the testing of this drug for covid-19 use. Quite frankly, I’m confused as to why FDA or researchers are taking so long to test this drug out?

It’s not like researchers are inventing this drug/treatment out of thin air. Researchers also know the side-effects and risks of taking this med. All that’s left is to test the malaria drug’s effectiveness on covid-19 virus. It seems like an already approved safe drug for other ailments ought to be prime for fast-tracking testing and approval?

On this issue, I can understand Trump’s frustration!


Mar 23 2020 03:15PM
     Buy stocks when there’s blood on the street? Which stocks are bloody but not Knocked Out?
I’m already reading that some investors/fund managers are already buying up some depressed stocks that are at all time lows probably due more to people panicking than poor business performance.

If you had $50k, what investments would you buy this week? Assume you won’t be laid off and continued to make money from work so no fear of needing this money to cover expense.

1. What stocks do you money gurus think are artificially significantly down in price but will rebound quickly after everyone goes back to work because they are financially sound but psychologically undervalued? Suppose you had to buy these stocks this week so you’ll probably avoid the airlines because you’re not sure which ones will be bailed out yet.

2. What percent down now from their value from 52-week high?

One of the fund manager was buying Hilton brand hotel stocks. (Not sure what percent down it is?) Hilton is a well run company that probably has a lot of cash on hand and people eventually will be traveling again, if not by air, then by cars. Hence, if Hilton was cheap, I’d probably buy their stocks.


Mar 23 2020 11:46AM
     Good Eats Specials
Select enter+salad+bread sticks + a second entre for $13 take out. See link below. I haven’t eaten at Olive Garden in 10 years but I’ll give this special a shot.

Please share other good take out specials or cheap eats!
Attached Links
Olive Garden bogo free special $13.

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Mar 23 2020 06:24AM
     Hope Trump or his friends aren’t profiteering from PPE shortages
It’s odd that the President waited till last Thursday to invoke the Defense Production Act but despite reported clamoring by frontline medical professionals and hospitals of shortages of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment, such as n95 masks), covid19 tests, and patient supplies (ventilators), the President has yet to request Manufacturing Corporations to start mass producing some of these frontline medical supplies to protect medical workers.

Trump states he hasn’t because some companies like Hanes has already volunteered to convert its plants to produce n95 masks, and same w alcohol maker Pernard Richard has converted its alcohol distillery into sanitizer-making plants.

What’s odd from this article was this quote:
“ Many of these products will be sold on the open market but the federal government will not bid against states, Trump said.” WTFWTFWTFWTF.....WTF?

Is Trump still expecting these companies to sell these products at market prices to competing states?

This is the main benefit of having a Federal govt in times of crisis to be the ultimate Costco/Walmart-like bulk buyer at a set govt price on these medical supplies on behalf of all of the states!

The govt just finally released its national stockpile of medical supplies to be shipped to NY, CA, and Washington because there’s not enough for all 50-states and those are hardest hit states.

Knowing this severe shortage, then why heck not compel more companies to ramp up productions of needed PPEs and other medical supplies/equipment? Why isn’t govt setting a fix price for these goods so states aren’t bidding against one another for basic medical necessities?

Why just rely on “some companies volunteering” to help w production? Why not estimate what’s needed and compel more or enough companies to flood production? The only reason you don’t flood the market w goods is that you don’t want to depress prices.

I hope that we don’t find out that Trump or his family/friends/cronies have bought or own many shares of Hanes or Alcohol Distilleries and are going to be profiteering from the current calamity! Or, that only a few “volunteer companies” have acquired lucrative govt contracts to produce these goods

Attached Links
Hope Trump or his friends aren’t profiteering


Mar 21 2020 12:11PM
     Arnold’s gymless classic home workout and your favorite Home workouts
Most impressive was his creative way to do a row by putting broomstick between two chairs. Pretty inspiring to know see how disciplined he was about fitness even to this day.

Please share any other cool fitness links you use.
Attached Links
Arnold’s classic home workout on Reddit

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Mar 21 2020 11:16AM
     Coronavirus and corrupt politicians part dos
Can we agree that we the People believe that corrupt politicians should be punished just like everyone else, regardless of party affiliations? I mean the whole think long of just because we didn’t catch yo’ daddy breaking the law doesn’t mean we can’t bust the son?

If none of these corrupt politicians who dumped multi-millions of stocks and bought a of Teleconferencing stocks before the market tanked goes to jail or lose their jobs, then I think Snoop Dog should lobby Trump to give his cooking BFF Martha Stewart a full pardon for trying to save about $45k by dumping some failed stock before it tanked. Humm, these politicians knew the Coronavirus will result in shutdowns and more people to work from homes before the govt issued their Stay at Home edicts, yet they just happened to pick up a few bazillion shares of teleconferencing stocks before shit hits the fan? Hummm....

For her $45k of insider trading, Stewart served 5 months of actual orange jumpsuit time. (Yes, supposedly she didn’t go to jail cuz of the alleged corruption (cuz she settled the case) but cuz she lied about it.)

Using the same proportional sentencing of $45k to 5 months jail time, these politicians if they inside traded about $4.5 million ought to be spending 500 months or 41 years in jail.

Stewart also paid I think over $200k in fines/settlement with the SEC or 4x’s what she profited. I’d be ok if these politicians also be fined 4x’s their gain of $4.5 mil or about $18 million. Give this money as part of the People’s Coronavirus relief fund.

Heck, I read that govt was going to arrest for price gouging the guy who bought up all the local Hand Sanitizers to sell on eBay for some obscene $100/bottle. I’d be more sympathetic to this guy because he can just say that he didn’t know about any price gouging laws.

It’s sad when we give these corrupt politicians a pass no matter who they are.

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Mar 18 2020 04:32PM
     What will be the new travel TSA norm and new norm in general post Kung-flu passes?
Clearly people won’t stop traveling abroad. However, just like 9-11 changed our way of life, post vivid-19 will do the same. My bet is that until technology comes up w a real-time bio-viral scanner at airports, people may need to get a physical/test w blood works for communicable pathogens maybe within 2 weeks of boarding a plane ? The results will need to be presented before getting boarding pass.

Certainly hospitals have better things to do than to administer these tests for Travellers so a new cottage industry on TSA certified bio-testing clinics will pop up all over the place, like Urgent Care clinics, that can conducts these tests for travelers.

As testing technology improves both the speed and accuracy of the tests, the shorter the screening window will be. Sure some people may say that it’s possible for travellers to catch a communicable disease within the two weeks after they’ve past their testing, but at least it decreases the probability significantly over the system we have now, which allows everyone to board a plane w recycled air and tight space.

I think the days of last minute jet setting are over unless bio-medical technology catches up to allow for same day testing and results. Not sure how fast the current covid-19 tests are ? Maybe the results are like pregnancy tests and are instantaneous?

Wrt society at large, I think communities will become more xenophobic unless we come up w a cure or quick fix treatment like just taking pills/antibiotics-like meds and the illness goes away in 7-10 days.

If there is some grand conspiracy theory, I’d say people health/medical records may be more vulnerable in the future because we may need to give up some of that privacy in order to travel in the future?

Anyone else has any other post covid-19 Orwellian predictions about societal changes ?


Mar 18 2020 07:28AM
     How do adult content providers make money on vids on pornsites w/o ads?
unlike YouTube videos that insert a quick ad before, during, or after a video, I noticed that a lot of porn videos on PornHub don’t even have any ads that’s played in the beginning, middle, or end of video.

Some 5-20 min videos have millions of views yet no ads? Are they all just trying to get viewers to sign up to their subscriptions? What’s the percentage of that happening when so much free content is out there already?

Btw, I’m not asking about how PornHub itself makes money because that’s a content-platform and I see the site has ad banners, pop up screen for adult toy ads, etc, so the platform is literally always making money off the backs of adult content providers. I’m just curious out the adult content providers who post their stuff on it? Why post vids up there if they’re not generating ad income?

The adult content world is such a weird biz. I’m just curious as to how it works/monetized when so much is free?

Heck, I think Playboy and Hustler magazines folded due to the amt of free content out there so how do independent adult content providers profit w/o embedding ads in their videos?

1 comment

Jan 23 2020 10:24PM
     3000 FX points for useful med insurance responses. How to best navigate last second signups w immin
Anyone savvy about how to sign up for last minute Medical Insurance. It’s not for me but I have I close friend who’s currently uninsured but might have appendix issues?

1. If she wants to sign up now for medical insurance, can she? She does work for a company but started part time w no medical benefits but later got more hours but never signed up to buy company insurance when it became available.

2. Will the insurance cover her pre-existing appendix issue or decline her if she signs up now?

3. What’s the best way to get covered now?

4. How long will the process take before she can see a doctor?

5. Anyone know about private out of state affordable hospitals if she needs to seek treatment out of state due to possibly needing services more urgently? I recalled reading some article about some Midwest hospital offering reasonably priced services and their business model doesn’t accept insurance at all? I forgot where ?

6. She was originally born in Mexico so I think she might still have access to that country’s medical system as last resort.

Anyone know how that might work for a Mexican-American to use medical services back in Mexico? Any recommendations?

Any useful info would be appreciated. I hate the fact that people are afraid to see a doctor in US cuz they’re afraid they can’t afford it. Yes, she should have bought insurance but when you’re holding multiple jobs to make ends meet, sometimes tough choices have to be made about your expenses even though you roll the dice on your health.

I’ll offer the top 3 best replies...most thorough and useful info 1000 FX points each (based on my personal judge and synthesis of info).

Btw, she’s not a member here.

I may need to load up on more FX points so there might be slight delay in paying out all 3- best most useful replies simultaneously.



Aug 5 2019 10:42PM
     Gun rights advocates, isn’t requiring concealed carry permits infringing on 2nd Amendment?
Two questions for gun rights advocates:

I quickly looked up the requirements for getting a “concealed carry” and per Google, the CA penal code requirement entailed:

1. You are of good moral character;
2. Good cause exists for issuance of the license because you or a member of your family is in immediate danger;
3. You meet certain residency requirements; and
4. You have completed an acceptable course of firearms training.

Whether or not you believe “good moral character” can be objective ascertained, these requirements mean that gun owners already believe there should be some constraints to their gun rights (ie their right to freely carry their guns at all times)

* How is requiring buyers of Assault Rifles to go thru some sort of background check against the 2nd Amendment when we already have the “concealed carry” permit requirements?

Second, we already have laws banning making guns that can’t be detected by x-rays probably in the interest of public good. So how is a ban on assault rifles any different than banning non x-ray detectable guns? (You can’t even buy non x-ray detectable guns so this is effectively a ban on this type of gun.)

Like so many gun rights advocates say. a gun is not inherently evil or good but it depends on the user. So why not trust anyone to carry x-ray undetectable guns thru our airports or any other public places? After all, it’s not the gun that’s the problem but it’s the potential harmful user....just like it’s not the assault rifle that’s the problem but it’s the bad user.


Jul 30 2019 07:38PM
The onslaught of residential tenant advocacy in CA has gone berserk. Seems like all major populated CA cities are falling like dominos to enact rent control. Sac is now consider taxing rentals $5-15 per unit on landlords in order to fund tenant advocacy causes!

That’s like CA enacting $5-15 tax on every Republican Californian in order to fund The Democratic Party. Madness!

On a be hand, maybe it’s time to divest away from residential rentals and into Commercial properties, such as restaurant buildings or strip malls and shopping centers? However, that’s pretty scary too as a lot of big box stores as folding and even many smaller stores are folding due to many businesses going the Amazon/EBay route that doesn’t need a store front,


May 4 2019 12:49PM
     Generate Instructions for FX points Snail Mail purchase option not working
Finally getting around to getting money order to Snail Mail purchase of FX points so I have PM access again.

Normally when I click the buy FX points option, you click on via Mail/Money Order option and the site generates your unique user ID number (in lieu of your handle) that I write on the money order. However, I click on the “Generate Instructions” button after I had already clicked “mail/Money Order” option and it generates an error by telling me that I need to select the Transaction Type. I already did that but it takes me on a circular loop.

Hence, HX doesn’t generate my numeric ID.

I’m down to my last 3 FX points so I’m running on fumes. Lol

I’m using an old iPhone 8 to log into HX so not sure if that matters.

Anyone else tried to Snail Mail their money order n get the same error, or is it just me?

Anyhow, I held off on mailing the money order until I hear back.



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