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 67 yrs old
Registered Feb 4 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 17 2022 06:26PM
     The loony left
OMG! The idiocy of these people boggles my mind.

A very close family friend of mind is from SF and used to love the town. Once they blessed shitting in the streets as acceptable, she won't go back again. And now this...

I kind of wonder how this is even legal. By my reading of this, if someone was transgender, broke but WHITE, they would not qualify for this handout.

Seriously, too many liberals are all about feeling good about what they are doing, whether it makes any sense at all is irrelevant.

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The loony left


Oct 24 2022 04:16PM
     Clueless Biden
So our commander in chief now claims that his student loan forgiveness was passed by congress....... except there was never a vote, he did this by executive decree.

It's rather hard to watch this video, or any other video, of this bumbling idiot. This is seriously the most powerful man in the world!!!

I love how he equates this to PPP loans, when he knows perfectly well that this is completely apples to oranges.

Serious question: Does he believe what he spouts or is he just regurgitating what his handles tell him to say, knowing the MSM will run with it and the typical low-information voter will buy it hook, line and sinker.

We are so fucked...
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Biden says student loan gift passed congress


Jul 1 2022 10:03AM
     Biden admin is a disgrace
Hard to believe how Biden and his cronies blame Putin and the oil companies for lack of oil yet this is what they do behind the scenes. And the media will cover and many voters believe the lies. He has done everything in his power to make it harder to drill in this country yet he lies and blames everyone else. By executive action he cancelled a bunch of oil leases on his first day in office and has the balls to say that has nothing to with oil prices!

You have to love how he will sit in front of a camera and sympathize with the public about gas prices and says he feels our pain. Makes you wonder if he is even lucid enough to know that what his handlers are doing is intentionally driving gas prices up.
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Jan 26 2022 12:26PM
     Breyer retiring and Biden's pledge
Just heard that Steven Breyer may retire this summer. Biden has pledged to nominate a black woman to the court, which raises a couple of issues:

- How is that not discrimination? What if there was an Asian woman for example that was more qualified.

- Why is the left so pre-occupied with gender and race?

- He may or may not nominate a black woman. If he does, she may or may not be the most qualified. But from a practical standpoint, how is this pledge on his part anything other than a blatant attempt to buy votes?

And for a good laugh, just imagine a conservative presidential candidate promising to nominate a white male to the He would be roasted alive.


Jan 12 2022 01:52PM
     Kamela complains
Apparently she is ignoring the fact she was only tapped for vp was because she was a black women.

She was slaughtered in the primaries (I believe she was one of the first to drop out).

And now she says she would be treated better in the press if she was a white guy... except she never would have been on the ticket had she been a white guy...

How rich...
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Oct 25 2021 05:09PM
     Biden Approval Rating
So I heard today his approval rating is in the low 40's down to a low of 39% on CNN poll. Now I totally get that many people voted for Biden because he was not Trump. But I am fascinated that 4 in 10 Americans seem to think he is doing a good job after several months.

Seriously, I would love to hear some of those 4 in 10 elaborate as to what you think he is doing well that you actually approve of his job performance. Saying you approve of his performance because he is not Trump is not a legitimate reason... that may have been your reason to vote for him but that is meaningless as an argument as to what you think he is doing well as president.

Please give concrete examples of what he is doing well and try not to mention Trump as he is irrelevant to this discussion.


Oct 11 2021 03:39PM
     Cancel culture madness
How dare he argue that academic evaluations should be based on merit, not racial 'equity'.

Where will this madness stop?
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What is wrong with these people?


Aug 30 2021 06:31PM
     We are so screwed
So I was on the road today listening to John and Ken and they played a portion of Biden's press conference today - if you can call it that. It was sad listening to him trying to put words together, lots of um, eh, um.... Anyway, at the end he said 'I'm not supposed to take questions but go ahead'.

First of all, who is telling him not to take questions??? He is the fucking POTUS and he lets someone tell him when and where he can take questions???

First question started something about Afghanistan and Biden cut in saying "I'm not going to talk about Ganistan'. They played it back 3 times and that is how he pronounced it. Then he walked out and the press corps started clapping.

WTF!!! He gets a standing ovation for walking out of the conference without answering even 1 question??? I guess all of the reporters were thinking "at least he's not Trump!"

This is sad. The world's most powerful man is a senile old dude that can't make a decision and is being told when and where he can take questions. And if somehow he is made to step aside, we get Kamela. Good lord, she was out of the running for Prez before the first caucus in Iowa. She has been in hiding the last few months so she can't embarrass herself anymore before she takes over.

We are so fucked for the next 3+ years...


Jul 22 2021 05:59PM
     Biden and his missing train of thought
This is really sad. And apparently more people voted for him than ever voted for anyone previously for President.

It's pretty sad when CNN commentators think he's bad. And to think we're 'that' close to Kamela taking over when he can no longer string a sentence together... he can barely do so now.
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Biden loses train of thought


Apr 19 2021 05:26PM
     Maxine the imbecile
So I am not suggesting that Chauvin get off. I am not privy to the testimony in the courtroom, but from what I've seen, I feel he should be found guilty. Would it not be ironic though if the jury finds him guilty, and then the verdict gets overturned because of what this idiot said.

The judge was not too happy...
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Maxine the dummy


Nov 1 2020 04:49PM
     How will we know who wins Tuesday?
Assuming the results are in Tuesday or shortly thereafter...

If Biden wins - there will be a lot of disappointed conservatives. But they will go to work on Wednesday and life will go on.

If Trump wins - there will be rioting and looting in the streets all over America... sad...

Was watching the news this afternoon. LA, NY and Philly are all boarding up storefronts in anticipation of riots to follow. Funny, but if Biden wins, there will be no rioting. If Trump wins - look out, the loonies will be out in force.

Sad how the left, if they don't get their way, think it is perfectly acceptable to burn other peoples property to the ground...


May 3 2019 05:38PM
     mail and network attributes
Why am I seeing everyones network attributes and ratings in mail? It makes it much harder to navigate.


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