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 59 yrs old
Registered Jun 9 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jan 3 2019 09:55AM
     Damn, Dow Down in the Dumpers
Not lookin good for the home team in early 2019. Dow down over 300 points intraday yesterday. And today Dow down about 650 intraday. And Apple down a shade less than 9% and that's on top of it's 2018 fall.

All signs are not pointing up for the economy and "business as usual" in Washington, DC. Even if last quarter 2018 earnings are OK to good, the boost probably won't last...especially if DC is still shut down. China is definitely a drag on the world's economy. And we still have Brexit to deal with...

Gold's lookin better...


Jan 2 2019 10:39PM
     Riddle me 2019 (Part 2)
Do we see eye to eye on this?


Jan 2 2019 12:58PM
     Someone needs to break Fub's fingers so he can't type for about a month.

...just suggestin

(Watch Paul Newman's The Hustler if you need instructions...)


Jan 1 2019 03:49PM
     Oo oo, I want to be the first to beg for FX points in 2019
This gives me preferential begging right...look it up in your f_nking TOS...I mean Funk & Wagnall's.

All donations today will be remembered for a whole year.


Dec 31 2018 06:55PM
     New Years Eve taxi/free rides
I'm all for giving people who are drunk a ride instead of them driving themselves, but...

would you let someone who could hurl at any moment into the back seat of your car?


Dec 23 2018 04:43AM
     Merry Christmas to all
This bird has flown the coop.


Dec 21 2018 12:06PM
     Remember that bus that keeps backing up in Washington, DC...
Well this time MATTIS THREW TRAMP UNDER THE BUS!!! (he's has a better arm and aim than Sessions and whoever that Sec. of State was)


Dec 20 2018 10:49PM
     Eddie the sea otter at the Oregon Zoo is actually Dirty Cat
Totally sounds like our famous Sutton.

Google him.

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Dec 20 2018 08:03PM
     The Dow ain't having a merry Christmas and your New Year prediction
So, I previously suggested that you fasten your economic seat belts for this coming year. Well, I may have been a little late on that prediction. We've already lost about 3,000 Dow points in about the last month. Not looking good for the home team.

I don't want to sound like a Grinch, but bad things are aligning for the start of next year. The Fed will raise interest rates some more. Europe and Brexit will be a massive dump (don't want to use Dirty Cats favorite word). China's economy will continue to slow. Mueller will reveal more of his investigation results...and it won't be roses and violets. Tramp's behavior will become even more erratic than in the last week or two and more or "his people" will jump ship. Democratic House investigations will push him to boiling and some new questionable actions. And if holiday spending isn't a good number, well duck, cover, and hold on.

Hard to see what might spark a Dow rally. Good holiday spending numbers or maybe 4th quarter earnings but that won't last for too long because that's looking in the rear view mirror.

Personally, I think you should party to New Years cause after the start of the year things will get tight and somewhat ugly. That's my New Year prediction and I'm stickin to it.

What's your prediction?


Dec 19 2018 11:25AM
     Fed raises interest rates and signals two more next year
1. Tramp will be aTwitter sometime today/tonight
2. Hold on to your wallets. Market ain't going to be happy. Yield curve keeps flattening.
3. Do any of you care?


Dec 13 2018 08:44PM
     Uhhh Chargers BEAT KC!!!
That's all I have to say.

(they probably should have left SD five years ago...just sayin)


Dec 11 2018 01:12PM
     For those of you banking on a Tramp 2020 victory
...hold that thought.

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