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 59 yrs old
Registered Jun 9 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 8 2018 10:10AM
     I hate Mexican

Through the winter have been eating Mexican avos. Black spots and fibers in the meat. Taste is nothing to write home about. Tends to rot quickly when you have to store the leftover part in refig., even with the pit in.

Two weeks ago I cut into an avo. No spots or fibers and nice greenish color. Tastes very avocadoy. I'm guessing this must be a CA avo (Calavo) and I look at the oval sticker...CALIFORNIA! It's about time.

We need to build a wall to keep them Mexican avocados out. Sorry Juanita, but Mexican avos. just don't cut it.


May 7 2018 01:20PM
...hello, hello, hello...


May 5 2018 02:25PM
     Lick this
Does this guy sound like he should be in hockey? Definitely missing some teeth.

Oh Lou, he wants to go one-on-one with you. Take the shot!
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May 4 2018 12:03PM
     This guy's huevos are a lot bigger than mine...
Older guy trips suspect running with a gun. One slick dude...

Deserves a round of applause.
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May 2 2018 06:21PM
     I'm starting an FX GoFundHim account for JD
Due to his imposed monk school retraining, I thought he could use some extra change to buy small things like Kibbles and Bits, candy bars, Fritos, personal grooming items, flea powder, etc.

Send FX to me and I'll smuggle to Jack. (you didn't hear this from me.)


May 1 2018 12:23PM
     korea (take 2)
Let me just say I'm sorry 2smallforporn is 2smallforporn.

But on the other hand, let me congratulate him for being the first to present a true, thought out, and partially persuasive argument for Tramp's Oscar...I mean Nobel. For you other Tramp lovers, "He's a game changer, he's a game changer" isn't an argument for winning a Nobel.

Obama in 8 yrs used way more military muscle than Tramp in a little over one year. You can even probably compare Tomahawks launched if you want to.

China has always wanted a peaceful resolution because they don't want a million starving refugees on their southern border. Did they suddenly "push" NK to peace because of Tramp? We'll never know, but they couldn't stop the ICBM and thermo-nuc. tests in the first 9 months of Tramp's admin. and you KNOW they couldn't be happy about a thermo-nuc. explosion on their southern border.

I think 2small is right about Moon saying Tramp should get a Nobel. He's a little biased AND I'm sure the idea of S.Korean steel, electronics, and cars potentially being taxed never crossed his mind. Yes he is willing to kiss ass. But on the issue of talking to NK, Moon has always been more friendly and conciliatory than Tramp.

Lastly, if Tramp is awarded a Nobel, that will signal that being an arrogant, trigger happy, bully deserves a Peace Prize. And if you want to use the Machiavelli argument, every absolute ruler, tyrant, despot, and delusional thug will think they have a long as they win their war/conflict.

(Oh, and Galen, why don't you go back into your corner and play with your crystal ball in silence. You're embarrassing yourself.)
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Apr 27 2018 02:58PM
     To Nut or Not To Nut, that is the question (Part Deux)
See I told you nutless wonders that Mounds wins EVERYDAY. Maybe one of these days you people will believe me and follow me to my nirvana retreat in the Guayanian rainforest.
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Apr 25 2018 06:12PM
     "I thought I just had to have a vet take a look at them before nominating them."
"It's all Pence and Kelly's fault. because I relied on him to take care of the background stuff."


Apr 25 2018 01:20PM
     America about to be invaded by a small army of immigrants massing on our border
(just practicing my Fox News story writing)

The army has arrived in Tijuana, and if they don't get side tracked in the bars, by the entertainment, etc. will invade the US shortly.

I've been told that Trump will sign an executive order calling for the formation of a "Car Wall" across a large section of the Mexico-Cali border. Cars will be donate or if necessary commandeered for national security.

Video at 11 PM


Apr 25 2018 10:15AM
     Why are so many foreign country currencies made out of plastic?
Makes me feel like I've been cheated when I convert my good ol paper money.


Apr 23 2018 05:42PM
     By the way, this season is all about...

(no, not scratch scratch cra


Apr 22 2018 02:18PM
     Earth Day
Started on the Central Coast...thank you. You're welcome.


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