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 59 yrs old
Registered Jun 9 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 19 2017 01:41PM
     Raiders still have a chance!!!
Well, the Giants beat KC, so the Raiders could be only one game behind KC, IF THEY BEAT NEW ENGLAND.

What are the chances the Raiders will roll over and play dead in Mexico or actually beat NE?


Nov 16 2017 04:47PM
     Grope 2
(nooooo, not groping two women (or men) at once...SMH)

Thank God our President can't be accused of being a groper...I don't know what I'd do if THAT happened.

Latest is Silvester Stallone and his body guard back in the Rocky days.

The awkward part of the House or Senate leadership chastising any members who are accused is that their harassment reporting rules are so one sided against the accuser it's obvious they just want to cover up any crime and have it go away. And lots of people have said there have been many gossip-type stories going around on Capital Hill for years.

What will be bad is that so many stories are coming out that the public will get immune to them fairly soon and everyone may forget about this in a few more months...and then life goes back to the way it was (before any real law or rule changes are implemented). MAGA


Nov 8 2017 06:36PM
     Gas prices, way up?
My local station raised gas prices Nov. 1 18 cent even though the state tax only went up 12 cents. And a Costco raised the price 22 cents...WTF?

Anyone else notice that sneeky move.


Nov 8 2017 04:57PM
     Who says Tramp's dogging it?
This says it all...

(Pence is right, there is a God...and he or she has a humor)
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1 comment

Nov 7 2017 10:07PM
(this topic deserves a Part 1 and Part 2)

(and for those deep frying a turkey, NEVER start with a frozen or partially frozen bird...)
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Nov 6 2017 09:58AM
     Green bean casserole
I've said enough.


Nov 5 2017 04:46PM
     Says it all

Attached Links


Nov 4 2017 11:54AM
     George Stephanopolous sinks Tramp
Turns out he is a low level Rep. advisor to Tramp who is going to take him down. Who would have thunk it?


Nov 3 2017 01:03PM
     Black Friday deals
Is this racist?

Why only for Blacks? Why do they get deals and no one else? So when is Filipino Friday deals?

And what happened to Fish Fridays? Someone against the Catholic Church?

And what really worries me is if these are internet deals, how do they know the buyer is Black? Are they hacking computer and phone cameras to spy on users?

Why isn't Tramp looking into's a serious civil rights issue.


Nov 3 2017 11:12AM
     Solution to the sexual harassment problem
Now-a-days, the solution to this problem is when a woman is confronted by a harasser, she knees him in the nuts real hard. This way, when you see a guy walking around doubled over in pain and holding his groin, everyone knows he's a pervert. Don't even need to put a sign on his back.


Nov 2 2017 09:59PM
     Since the Nov. 7 elections are right around the corner
and so many people are unhappy with the existing Dem. and Rep. parties, I suggest we take this opportunity to go in a different direction. Instead of electing the usual old entrenched party candidates, I say we vote for new candidates with fewer years of exposure to politics who don't have the political baggage and long standing ties that the long time incumbents do. And, who may have more recent real world experience than someone in politics for the last 10 - 30 years (or more). I'm not saying automatically toss everyone with more than "X" years of service out (mandatory term limits). But usually the longer they've been around, the less desirable they are in my mind.

Some argue that the old timers are needed to keep us on course and retain the previous ways. They also say their seniority is an asset to their parties. Well I think that kind of thinking has got us where we are today. It perpetuates the outside money running the show. It prevents us from changing the "us verse them" antagonism we live with today (and object to). It also encourages the dishonesty and lying we see everyday from politicians (the notion of "I did it because I can").

No, electing younger less "politically experienced" people won't prevent bad behavior, but it at least gives us a chance to limit the behavior and start to change a breaking or broken political system. And, it hopefully encourages less of "my party right or wrong" thinking and encourages some independence within a given party. But it's up to you the voter to judge who is more honest and willing to work for the people.

Do you want to keep the same old same old or try for something better? This change needs to begin from the local level up.


Nov 1 2017 11:18AM
     Aah, Game 7
Notable takes on Game 7:

1. “You haven’t done s— until you win tomorrow,” (advice given to Dave Roberts)

2. Someone has reportedly dumped $14 million on the game in LV.


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