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 59 yrs old
Registered Jun 9 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 16 2018 08:56PM
     When God is trying to tell you something, you should probably listen
68 y.o. NHRA Funny Car drag racer John Force is perfect this year. Three blown up cars in three races. Blown up as in the engine explodes, the fiberglass car body pieces go flying, and sometimes the rest of the car goes in any direction including into the wall. So far he has pretty much walked away only bruised and with a minor cut. But you'd think that he might get the hint that God wants to get his attention...and retire.


Mar 16 2018 01:16PM
     "Snake whisperer" dies after a cobra bite
Unfortunately no one told the whisperer that snakes are deaf.

Don't try this a home.


Mar 12 2018 04:36PM
     Grump's weather forecast
...cause he and you are gunna need it.

In less than an hour LA will see showers. Nothing big.

But late tonight and tomorrow IT'S GUNNA RAIN.

Grump, you need to find a long 2 x 4 so you can paddle your dumpster around the parkin lot, just in case. Oh, and close the dumpster roof.


Mar 11 2018 11:15AM
     Damn, did lahunter3 delete himself AGAIN?
That was quick.

1 comment

Mar 10 2018 08:50PM
     So Tramp to meet with Kim Jong Un in May
But we don't have a S. Korean Ambassador or our top N. Korean negotiator who resigned at the end of Feb. In fact, no one in the upper levels of the administration has ever negotiated face to face with N. Korea.

Anyone see any potential problems? I mean we're only talkin about potential nuclear disarmament. (Wonder if Tramp gives Un a copy of The Art of the Deal.)


Mar 8 2018 08:38AM
     How do you level down?
Just in case I need to know...


Mar 7 2018 04:52PM
     Foot massage spas?
Seeing more and more foot massage spas opening these days...WTF?

Do "normal" people really go to these things? Or are people just looking for more tax loss businesses. I totally don't understand.


Mar 5 2018 04:54PM
Does that mean "good bye Oscars" or "I'm so bored watching political wannabes making dumbass political speeches?"

OK, so it's decided that In Memoriam will list every actor/actress/director/famous Hollywood person who appeared in one? two? three? movies and every "famous" worker who died during the year. To do, that they will delete which Oscar presentation(s)? Ehhhh, we don't really care about supporting roles, just dead people.


Mar 1 2018 10:13PM
     General John Kelly summing up the state of the union
(sorry Marbles, I just couldn't pass this up because it says more in 33 seconds than all the Sanders news briefing put together)
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Feb 28 2018 01:55PM
     Fubs once said
"Never talk to the Government! Always take a 5th"

Did he mean a bottle or was that a Trampian slip?

Inquiring minds need to know.


Feb 28 2018 01:40PM
     Damn, Jazz51 isn't here today i can ask him whether the Dow being down 380 points today is more important than blasting Tramp.

Those of you who say we should look at the economy and the Dow instead of Tramp starting to spin at the end of his rope, well the Dow probably won't save you because interest rates will rise. And neither will the GDP. Looks like it's just chugging along and maybe even down a hair this quarter. So how will a wishful "huge boost in the economy" pay for the extra trillion dollar debt we will add to our books???



Feb 26 2018 05:19PM
     Tramp's lawyers want Tramp to use a teleprompter to answer Mueller's questions

1. The guy has problems reading, so they must be pretty desperate.
2. I guess a lawyer putting his hand up Tramp's ass and moving his lips was out of the question.
3. Just shows how brilliant a mind Tramp of the greatest debaters of our time.
4. Wonder if they asked whether Jarrod could take the questions instead?
5. Or just limit the questions to "the wall" and his hair.
6. Maybe he can get out of the questioning because of his bone spurs
7. You can't make this sh_t up...unfortunately


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