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 59 yrs old
Registered Jun 9 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 2 2017 11:00AM
     Great White Pope
(for you religious people)

(did you know Orange County was only 3% black? Just sayin.)


Jul 30 2017 09:32AM
     Sorry for another Tramp blog
So, after the failed Healthcare fiasco, it appears that Tramp is taking off the gloves and is heading towards a bare knuckles fight with the Republicans now. After tossing out Priebus and some of the Rep. Committee staffers who came over with him, he's staffing up with people of his own ilk and starting to blast congressional Republicans. Somehow he thinks this will help him get tax reform passed. Me thinks (if it hasn't been happening already) the sh_t will hit the fan in a few weeks.

Anyone seen Melania lately??

And by the way, North Korea has test fired or launched something like 13 missiles since Tramp became president. His response has been the same as Obama's...more sanctions and asking/demanding NK allies to reign them in. Tramp's ISIS strategy has been to continue Obama's ISIS strategy (which is starting to work).

Who would have ever thought that being president could be so hard??? (Where's he playin golf today?)


Jul 30 2017 09:00AM
     I (still) got no friends (Part Deux)
I received a surprise lesson in friendship today. Because of that kind gesture, I am donating a part of it to the iRentLol Home for the Wayward as a way to pay it forward. May your day be merry and bright. Your FX should arrive in the mail shortly.

Oh, and my offer of 800FX to be your enemy still stands. Limited time offer, all rights reserved, may God bless, you have a piece of toilet paper stuck to your shoe.


Jul 28 2017 09:10PM
     You're Fired!
Why hasn't Tramp energized his base by Tweeting or announcing a "You're Fired!"? That's about all he's got going for him now...


Jul 27 2017 08:51AM
     Conversations don't kill, lips kill


Jul 24 2017 12:21PM
     (Wagging his finger at the camera) I did not have collusion with that Russian lady


Jul 23 2017 01:03PM
     Anonymous source, oooops
Good going ScareMeMucci. You're gunna do real well we can tell already.
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Jul 22 2017 04:16PM
     Say what??
As an indication of how Tramp is making America great again, we're so great people don't even want to talk to him (maybe).

He says the Japanese first lady didn't speak to him while sitting next to him during a G20 dinner. He thought she didn't speak any English. Actually, she speaks almost perfect English.

Wonder if he knows Melania speaks English...well she can at least read what other first ladies have written in their speeches.
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Jul 21 2017 01:10PM
     Rand Paul - help me understand
Sen. Rand Paul (Kentucky) is a big fiscal conservative and is for balancing the budget. In order to do that, you have to cut a LOT of federal "cheese" to individuals and states (e.g., Medicare in the Rep. healthcare plans). Kentucky is the most dependent state (individuals plus the state together) on Federal assistance.

How does Paul keep winning elections in Kentucky?


Jul 21 2017 11:59AM
     Jack the bus up. It's getting crowded under here (Part 3)
(the third in a continuing saga as the world turns)

Damn, Spicey's pretty suits now have tread marks on them. SMH. Probably not too long before Tramp throws Melania under the bus too. Wonder if she'll get deported back to Brataslava or wherever she came from. Oooo, ooooo, probably Don Jr. is next! He's probably getting the fully loaded 18 wheeler. Daddy does like being disappointed (even though he told Don Jr. to have the meeting).

Damn, Wash. buzzards looking for road kill (and Wash. lawyers...sorry, I'm repeating myself) are having a field day.


Jul 19 2017 01:01PM
     It's not dead yet???
“We can repeal, but we should repeal and replace, and we shouldn’t leave town until this is complete and the bill is on my desk,” Trump told the senators.

I bet you Tramp goes golfiing this weekend...oh, and he did another 180 degree turn on his "policy". Surprised he's not dizzy'd out by now.


Jul 18 2017 07:23PM
     Back up the bus. There's someone under it (Part 2) we can take another run at him.

(told you Mitch the Bitch was going to have tread marks. Sharks eat each other don't they?)
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