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Level 4 Male

 59 yrs old
Registered Jun 9 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

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Feb 28 2017 09:20PM
     Tramp goin to cut your cheddar
Better start hoarding your cheese cause Scrouge McCheeto is going to take it away from you. Going to take your health insurance, your tax deductions, your clean air and water, and your subsidies. Only people who will get anything are people holding defense company stocks.

1 comment

Feb 27 2017 11:51AM
     What good is the National Do Not Call List?
It's just a list advertisers can use to call people.

I get more calls on the List than when I wasn't on the list. F_ck me long time.

(And what's with the calls where you answer and there's no one on the other end? Then you hear a click as someone hangs up. WTF)


Feb 25 2017 04:00PM
     I am shocked - Republicans starting to break ranks
I must apologize to Rep. Darrel Issa because up to now I thought he was a useless piece of Rep. caca just toeing his party line on every issue.

But now he is calling for an independent investigator to look into Tramp's contacts with Russian officials during the campaign. He doesn't believe Sessions should be involved with the investigation. Hell yes.

Slowly but surely, Republicans are separating themselves from Cheeto. Now all we need is for Rep. Jason Chaffetz to see the light and investigate some of the ethics accusations against Don the Con and associates.


Feb 20 2017 12:44PM
     My Go Fund Me page
Hi, my name is Jorge Bartholomew Seidlebaum. I'm in a serious pickle because this rain over the last few weeks and next week is not allowing me to get to my usual spot on a 101 freeway exit off ramp to ask for FX from the drivers. You may have seen me with my "Need FX points. May God (aka Conald Tramp) bless you."

I just need a little help to get past this bump in my road. I'm afraid the bump may become a pothole if I don't have some funds to fill it. Can you help me?


Feb 19 2017 08:02PM
     Time to change the NBA All-Star game
Since defense is not allowed in the all-star game and scoring points is the whole purpose, I suggest they change the format of the game. Put the West and East at the three point lines of the different ends of the court and let them shoot threes for 60 minutes. Whoever makes the most wins. Probably would be more exciting.


Feb 16 2017 10:12PM
     It will be coming your way (an ark is highly recommended)
Your friendly HX meteorologist says if you own a boat, I want to be your friend.

It will be wet starting tomorrow late morning, really wet...and windy.

Don't try driving through fast moving water or creeks.

Be safe y'all.


Feb 10 2017 04:11PM
     Here comes that pain again (Part Dos)
It is with the greatest humility and humbleness that I wish to say Fubar is one righteous dud.

Thank you for the FX. Thank you for turning my life from the dark side. May your successful business keep your ass busy. And, I hope your first child is a masculine child.

In closing, I'd like to say "Mexico is going to pay for it" quoting the words of that great politician Grump.

(Uhhh, who is this Mumbles you speak of. Does he give private lessons? Noooo, not that way Lou.)

Anyone know a liquor store near Staples Center that accepts FX?????


Feb 6 2017 01:02PM
     Can you say "Tramp just got pucked"?
None other than John Yoo ( the Assist. Att. General in the Bush administration who wrote the legal opinion OKing enhanced interrogation techniques says Tramp has overstepped his legal authority in foreign policy matters.

Man, when torture is OK but what you're doing in foreign policy isn't...well I smell a lot of Twitter rants coming.


Feb 5 2017 11:40AM
     Best single eats during Super Bowl
What is the one "snack" you'd want if you could only have one thing during the Burper Bowl.

(PS - a 2" medium rare tomahawk rib eye is not a snack...for anyone)


Feb 3 2017 11:37AM
     Brit slips the nip so the audience flips
Why isn't Britney on HX?

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Feb 2 2017 04:29PM
     He's back (no not Obama)
Magic Johnson is back advising Jeanie Buss.

You may applaud now.

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Feb 1 2017 12:00PM
     Hot bloggers???
How do 2014 and 2011 blogs suddenly make it on Hot Bloggers? Me thinks the fix is in. Or did some new Executive Order come down?


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