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Level 0 Male

 48 yrs old
Sherman Oaks, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Jun 25 2010
Released Jun 27 2010

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Jun 22 2020 07:31PM
     I object to HX blog police (not referring to TOS)
We should be able say our opinion without being intimidated or humiliated.

Every time I open my blog here in HX, some people tried to attack me many times in my short history of blogging here.

I thought Republicans respect freedom of speech and I believe our rights for speech everywhere are protected as long as what we are saying are not obvious lies. And as long as our message has some urgency to let people know what is going on right now especially with Trump admin, I am compelled to say something.

However this is not the case in HX. Always humiliation and intimidation comes with it, and we get an impression we have no rights to criticize current administration, because we always outnumbered by Republicans here in HX.

You don't have to read my blogs if that offends you in any way. However I have my rights to say what I believe is right


Jun 19 2020 10:24PM
     Another hostile takeover by Trump over Southern District of NY and Voice of America
I am stunned and I don't know what to say about this SOB' behavior
Attached Links
Powerful US Attorney who investigated trump associ
Wednesday night massacre's as Trump appointee take


Jun 13 2020 07:30PM
     What Donald Trump, Roger Stone, and Jefferey Epstein have in common
What What Donald Trump, Roger Stone, and Jefferey Epstein have in common?

They are the true liebertarians.

They all have a distinct hared and disdain to our neighbors, and their true belief is that humans are fundamentally evil.

Let us pay attention to the fact that Stone and Epstein came from a working class, blue-collar families.

Nixon and Stone are like a father and a son. They hit it off immediately because they both came from a middle class, but Nixon taught him a good lesson; that in politics any means are allowed in order for you to climb up the ladders as long as you don't get caught. Since then, Stone has been loyal to Nixon's life lessons. Stone hates middle class because they are too stupid not be able to climb up the top of the food chains. He also hates main stream republicans because most of them did not come from the middle class.

Epstein hates white girls, because he is a Jewish, and not really a white person. He hated those in power in business world and politics, and the only way to show his total disdain is to become one of them or surpass all of them.

Trump hates his mother-side of his family, because she belonged to poor immigrant family, and his ego can not accept the fact that his blood does not belong to a noble and decent family.

They all have total disdain and hate to the lower and the middle class, because they are the kings and they think only the top of the food chain are the true survivors.

In a sense, they are all descendants of Marquis De Sade. Sade was in a prison wehn storming of Bastille had happened. People in France wanted their king=God to be dead for good.

Trump, Stone, Epstein do not have any belief in god, they are true atheists, and they believe they are the god.


May 31 2020 04:02PM
     What Trump did so far
Unjustifiable violence by a white police officer on a black person in Minneapolis was too much to bear for anyone who already has been suffering from covid-19 lockdown due to the lack of proper responses from Trump Administration.

New Coronavirus disproportionately affected colored communities and caused more death among these groups, because of their low paying jobs and poor access to healthcare system (only rich could afford the best), and due to their not ideal living conditions.

It is sad to see they are destroying their own communities, and it was exactly what happened during LA riot (I would say it was more spontaneous and chaotic in the latter). People who participated in the demonstration/riot seemed to be very young ones.

Those people who were looting shops and malls are nothing but thugs, no matter what their motives were (right, left, anarchists, or just opportunists), and they are mere distraction for what is really going on to American societies.

We should rather pay more attention to bigger thugs working all the way though our government systems right now.

Don�t believe what William Burr or Trump is saying against these demonstrators/rioters, and rather we should recognize Trump and the bunch are the center of our problems that cause us a division and injustice among our society, because what they want to achieve is an absolute power. Check and balance that Obama frequently said during his presidency is no use for them. Republicans love what Trump does so long as they accumulate their wealth on Wall Street.

Let�s take a look at Trump, who is unashamedly fascinated with world�s autocrats, such as Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jinping or RecepTayjip Erdogan (strangely right wing don�t care about his fatal attraction to these dictators probably because they don�t mind at all as long as they can cling to power. They even don�t know the difference between communist countries and totalitarian states, they are still enslaved to cold war mindset. By the way, communism exists only in theories, not in reality. Every time a man seized a power in politics, it was always degraded into a reign of terror)

Let�s see what Trump did so far past four years;

He kicked out every Inspector General in each department (an independent entity who overseas) , he silenced US intelligence community, and he corrupted DOJ with William Barr and State Dept with Mike Pompeo and they attempted to drop the guilty Michael Flynn go off his case.

On top of that, Trump and republicans are still trying to destroy Obamacare to satisfy the demands of private insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, and they definitely object to national health coverage. Just think what they are doing would cause very disastrous effects on regular people especially during this horrible coronavirus pandemic.

Trump who always cheated all through his life, who evaded military draft, has low moral on women, and who obviously has very low IQ, which is very easily detected just by listening to his very disorganized speech and poor vocabularies, yet cunning enough to obtain votes from white Americans who are mostly very poorly educated and also from white Evangelical Christians, who totally shut their eyes on his low graded morals, just because they want Trump to achieve banning abortion at Supreme Court. Circumstances are more or less the same with right wings or libertarians who don�t mid not who they are dealing with as long as their aims were achieved. I truly believe that American politics is too tied to Christianity, and it is NOT good thing at all. On the other hand, I always wondered if libertarians know what the word truly means.

Listen to what Linsey Graham said during Trump impeachment trial, he said he never approved trump before he was elected, but he now accepted the fact (because Trump was what Americans wanted). If he did not approve Trump, he should have resigned just as Jeff Flake did, but he did not do so because he wants to cling to his power and does not want to abandon his career as a senator.


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