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 43 yrs old
Registered Oct 23 2019
Released Oct 23 2019

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Apr 17 2021 08:09PM
     MTG is my wet dream
I have so much hope for her Anglo-Saxon Caucus. She's my hero. This time, she has more people joining her. Only Boebert is with her against bone marrow transplant. For the Anglo-Saxon caucus, she has Gosar of Arizona, Gohmert of Texas, and Moore of Alabama. And of all people, Gatz.

I know there will be minor problems. Some Canadians may be happy. But what about the Irish? Will they be up in arms against the Anglo-Saxons again? The Italians? And the Jews won't give them any money. Will there be a single Black vote for the caucus? A single Asian vote? Hispanic?

But I hope she shall overcome. I think it is a sure thing with the endorsements and printed brochures.

But sadly, McCarthy just shut her down like that, "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles."

There goes my wet dream.


Apr 16 2021 06:32PM
     The GOP-Big Business Divorce
For the weekend if you can (read. For videos, Tiktok is much more fun.) This whole article explains what I mean by "bad for business" on the CEO's ganging up against the Georgia voting suppression.

The CEOs are pretty much somewhere between Mitt Romney and Joe Biden. I would say they have the minimum intelligence to fact-check, use their connections, and pay for their own intel if they have to. An alternative fact is a lie by definition. Biden won fair and square. It is regarded as the best-held election in history. The CEOs are part of it. They created a sort of private national holiday for people to vote and help with the voting process.

The CEOs are forced to take sides. Remember GOP presidents never won the popular vote in recent years. OK, let's say it's 50/50, if you put a wedge in between, how bad is business? If you have to take sides and being hurt no matter what, of course, you choose the factually correct side.

In the beginning, people go to the toilets in Target without problems. No questions asked and nobody checked on your penis. If you look like a man going into a lady's toilet the cops will be called. But the religious right doesn't want it. They want to check your penis. Target did the practical thing and didn't try to fix a problem that wasn't there. The religious right started to cancel Target. It may be working for a weekend or so.

For the less than 50% GOP, many are not Trumpians, and they concentrate on the fly-pass zone rather than the economic powerhouse of the east and west coast. The wedge politicians started the cancel culture that they cannot win. A restaurant? Maybe. Target? Hahaha. They can close out the mid-west stores if they are forced to survive.

You can only convince Trumpians that Biden is terribly incompetent. Maybe he made good use of the CIA report to attack Trump, who is a tool of the Russians. And now he's in charge, he's not going to do something that is fertile. So he downplays it now when pushed. Whereas Trump doesn't read reports and gets modified reports from his aides.

And defund the police doesn't mean getting rid of the police department as Trumpians would think. It's simply using funding as a carrot to force reforms, and divert funding to more useful projects, rather than catching people who illegally hang something on their rearview mirrors.

The left didn't plant a wedge on vaccines. Up to 25% of the population aren't going to take a shot. And not wearing a mask even when Trump wore one. For the current death rate, 15,000 have to die. They are younger people but they will be lingering in a covid cesspool. So take 10,000 death and 100,000 survived with long covid. And most of these people are die-hard Trumpians and conspiracy theory believers.

And really, only die-hard Trumpians watch youtube videos. The others? Tiktok.
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The GOP-Big Business Divorce Goes Deeper Than


Apr 11 2021 02:24PM
     More than a hundred corporate executives hold call to discuss halting donations and investments to f
I told you so. The next after George will be much more interesting. The link is WaPo so I wonder if any of you subscribed. But the title says it all.
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Feb 10 2021 06:15PM
     Heads in hands, a whisper, a sigh: Senators react as violent footage of Capitol riot plays at Trump
We should be ashamed. This will be remembered in history as bad as the league of eight nations invading the Chinese capital in 1900. We have the league of morons unleased by the jerk in chief.

Every leader knows that they should contain these people with no path to profitability. Instead, Trump unleashed them for he has no other choice to win anything.
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Feb 6 2021 10:06AM
     Fox News suffers worst ratings in 20 years
They are overexposed to a lie that they can't cover-up, that the election is stolen. The supreme court with 3 of Trump's appointees didn't think so. The ROP controlled states didn't think so. Pence didn't think so. The right-wing media main and fringe have to pull back all about voting matching frauds because they will certainly lose in court just as Trump did.

CEO's aren't going to give money to representatives who deny the election results. 10 ROP voted to impeach Trump. MTG went full retard hoping nobody noticed, that she apologized for believing in conspiracy theories.

It takes many people 20 years to believe that they are living in a lie. Some are still in it.
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Jan 9 2021 12:33PM
     Will you negotiate with intruders breaking down your door ...
I'll let you in if you promise not to kill anyone, not to rape everyone, just take anything you want.

This is what PA970 will accept without question when fed.

We always have these people in our ranks but they couldn't find others easily and find their representatives.

Now we understand each other. We never needed them to succeed and never will.

Did you notice that Trump could have won more states if not for the 3rd and 4th parties splitting the votes? Obviously, some GOP cannot fathom voting for Trump nor the democrats. On the other hand, Biden haters voted for him because they cannot fathom if Trump wins again. Now everybody can visualize if Trump gets 4 more years.

Trump is toxic. It doesn't matter how much of his base his successor inherits. It doesn't matter how many votes he gets. His opponents will always get at least millions more, like 2020. The same if he runs again, but it will be delusional on his part.


Jan 7 2021 05:20PM
     Trump conceded
You chicken out when you could have gotten your buddy killed. You will not know what your buddy Pence will do to you.


Dec 13 2020 07:41AM
     Did everybody move to Parler already?
No more objection to a Biden win?

Whatever happens to Parler, stays in Parler. Thanks.


Dec 1 2020 06:02PM
     Barr says no large scale election fraud that can change the result
The end, goodbye.

1 comment

Nov 23 2020 05:45PM
     Trump does not concede but agrees on transition
Thanks Trump, you did make my American shower strong again.


Mar 13 2020 09:00PM
     Reality show gone wrong
For reality show lovers
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