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Level 1 Female

 32 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered Mar 1 2017
Released Mar 9 2017

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Jul 11 2018 07:20PM
     Keytruda Pembrolizumab
Hi guys!
I know you guys are wondering wtf I’m talking about, so let’s backtrack a little bit.
I used to work on HX around Feb of 2017 until about Nov 2017. I found out in November that I had stage 4 cervical cancer. I was struggling financially but I was finally able to get medi-cal. My doctor ordered 4 rounds of radiation therapy and 9 rounds of chemotherapy. After my 9th round of chemo I did something called a pet scan. I found out the result of my pet scan this past Monday. I found out very good news. My doctors told me that I’m in remission! I’m so happy I can scream from the rooftops. Such a small percentage of people who have stage 4 of any cancer usually don’t survive. They either go terminal and eventually die a slow painful process, or they just die. I am happy to say that I kicked cancer’s ass! My doctor then told me he wants me to start taking this medication called: “Keytruda Pembrolizumab”. It’s an infusion that I would be getting once every 3 weeks at the hospital. The infusion takes about an hour and isn’t like chemotherapy. This medication basically helps keep the cancer cells away, kills any new ones that may come up, kill the hiding cells (apparently they can hide), and keep my immune system strong. The only thing is, this medication is really new so insurance doesn’t cover it. My doctor said each infusion costs a few thousand dollars. That’s each time, not for all of them. He wants me to get at least 10 infusions. He and my nurse are going to try and get me approved through my insurance so I can start getting these infusions, but it is unlikely. If any of you would like to donate, you can through my PayPal which is:
I don’t really check my HX often, this is the first time that I’ve signed in since idk maybe January or something? I can’t remember. Any amount counts and would be super appreciated. I’m unemployed at the moment and receive SSI, but that barely covers all my bills, groceries, and essentials each month. It’s extremely hard to save with that amount of money. So if you can find it in your hearts to donate, it would mean the world to me. Once again, my PayPal is:
Like I said I don’t check my HX anymore, so if you would like to contact me, you can at my email which is the same as my PayPal:
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope everyone is enjoying hump day!!!
Have a good night everyone.

Much love,


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