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Level 0 Male

 58 yrs old
City of San Diego, San Diego, CA
Registered Dec 24 2013
Released Dec 26 2013

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Jan 12 2023 11:26AM
Sooo what we find is that organically occurring conversations are quickly suppressed and attacked by powerful Senators and extreme pressure applied to social media who indeed folded but put up some fight pointing to the fact that these conversations as all the other russia conversations were not promoted by Russian bots.

Yet with that information Senators Feinstein and Blumenthal along with prolific LIAR Rep. Schiff made press releases and memos propagating an old lie even further.
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Democrats at work ... lies upon lies upon lies


Dec 5 2022 04:29PM
     Biden has never been accused....
I'll excuse ma1 for ignoring the painfully obvious fact that the entirety of Bidens life as a "Public Servant" has been a grift. That's not to say that it isn't the case for many politicians but my God.... to assert that the man's hands have been clean except for the 4 years he wasn't actually holding office is INTENTIONALLY deceptive.

Just read this article and explain to me how his nightclub owner brother was able to cash in on businesses he had no experience in for decades. How does he become a multimillionaire? Great investments? GTFO with that boooooooolshit!!

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Hunter is only 1 of several paying the big guy ...


Oct 13 2022 09:40PM
     Remain in Mexico
The Biden administration has come to its senses on sensible asylum status seekers... in a way.

You see if you come from a socialist country that has trampled your rights and driven its own economy in to the ground and you leave that bastion of leftist principles to come to the US ... you don't deserve to be here and we must scrutinize you a lil more than those coming from countries that are state sponsors of terrorism or communist countries known for flooding our nation with spies.

I seek equal consideration for Venezuelan and Cuban refugees!!!!
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It's almost like they don't care 🤔


Oct 13 2022 06:42PM
     Quid pro quo....
Just putting it out there to ruminate on.

Wondering just how trying to influence a country by sanction unless they perform a domestic (to them) that will assist you politically is going to be thought of by the usual suspects? Shouldn't we have hearings? Shouldn't the press try the offender and all those in their circle?

Not advocating for that mind you .... just wondering. 🤔


Oct 3 2022 04:18PM
     Biden Admin Intentionally Misses Oil and Gas Deadline to Trash the Oil Futures Market part deux
Had to continue this to say one this....

Quat you moron ... do you have any idea what a futures market is? Obviously not or you wouldn't claim nonsensically that renewing oil leases today would have no effect on oil prices.

That is criminally stupid and you need to just bow out of the conversation before you hurt your brai....oops too late!!


Sep 23 2022 03:31PM
     Sooo this is what I'm getting - a rebuttal of sorts
If the Cubans had flown to Mexico or some other South American country paid money or guaranteed payment through indentured servitude then risked life and limb with the cartel.... s'all good. Should have to pay the cartel tax or no land of opportunity for you.

You guys are evil man ....

By the way ... on Iran I support the people of Iran .... I hope Elon deploys starling there so they can get their message out. I hope they form a government that is representative of their population. But I think my other hand will fill up faster.

I also think anyone drawing a parallel between Iranian fundamentalism and American conservatism needs their head examined.

And Sherk... I don't care how hard it was for you to work on immigration papers for anyone, family, employees whatever. It's not supposed to be easy but it shouldn't be impossible aaaaaaand it's not. I have a family full of immigrants and 3 or 4 over the last 10-15 years ... some had job skills others didn't but they got here and it wasn't as hard as its made out to be. But it is more difficult than it need be and impossible to do in a short amount of time.

Thats pretty much all I have to say, except I think yall or hypocritical and I have said that before soooo shouldnt have been a surprise.


Sep 22 2022 06:35PM
     White privilege on display as man kills mostly peaceful protester with down-armored military style a
Care to comment?
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Dangerous military style weapons used to murder


Sep 22 2022 06:14PM
     If you don't condemn these actions...
Please shut the fuck up on any issue regarding immigration or political asylum.

This especilly applies to sherkhan, mad4boobs, hey1, ma1 and that really silly woman that went on a racist rant the other day.
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Where's your outrage on this?


Sep 13 2022 09:47PM
     Step up your game....
Sherman's daily drivel lacked punch... I've grown to expect nonsense posts from him to have a level if vitriol that just wasn't present todgame... do better or I'm unsubscribing!!

MA1... sounding a bit uninspired and today's posts left me thinking that you were somewhat less disappointed in us all than you normally are.... I expect less questions and more condescion.... nay... I say I require more condescension else I will be forced to watch The View to maintain the level of outrage I have grown accustomed to having after reading your posts.

GBD ... sorely disappointed... but there wasn't much inspiration today... but there's always tomorrow 😊.


Sep 8 2022 05:11PM
     I thought this Administration was against Russia ....
Why do we keep getting assholes like Podesta in government? Could it be that there is no one more qualified than this self enriching piece of shit? Ya know He was working on the same projects withthe same goals under the Obama administration as a very prosecuted other person .... but yet Podesta remains unscathed and uninvestigated .... huh wonder why that is

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Podesta is an example of what's wrong


Aug 12 2022 10:10PM
     Been on a there tonight...
If any of you are insulted or indignant over anything I have posted ... good!! And IDGAF....

Ohh ..... and fuck off!!

1 comment

Aug 12 2022 08:33PM
     Sooo the rising nuclear power has attempted an Assassination...
Salman Rushdie is in serious condition ... Iranian Mullahs issued a fatwah years ago calling for his death. Yeah these are people worth negotiating with .... much like our Saudi friends right?!


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