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Level 0 Male

 58 yrs old
City of San Diego, San Diego, CA
Registered Dec 24 2013
Released Dec 26 2013

21 blogs/1610 comments
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Jul 25 2022 02:12PM
     Fraud in medical research ...
You have to be a craven SOB to pull shit like many more are there?
Attached Links
We put a lot of faith in people ... unwisely


May 4 2022 09:16PM
     Roe v wade to be overturned part deux
Juuuuuuuust to set the record straight regarding notevenslightlyhumorous' last post on the linked blog.

The second linked page will take you to the table of supreme court decisions over rolled by later decisions.

Take note of the 2 left most columns they are the cases that were overturned. Meaning one decision could overturn multiple rulings. Add em up borishlyannoying you'll find the number of overturned decisions to be closer to the number cited by me. But yeahhhh I'm gloating.

Also take a look at the timeline..... these supposed rare occurances happen almost yearly.

Attached Links
Part 1
Overruled decisions


Apr 14 2022 09:34PM
     Earthquake orrrrrr
Did heyshitforbrains make another lame post.


Jan 28 2021 07:55PM
     Just an observation....
Do you think John Kerry took all the Orange man bad rhetoric to heart? God man get some sun or put some bronzer on something..... I tell ya it's pretty even odds on who kicks the bucket first between he and Joe.


Jun 13 2020 10:47AM
     Is this article a fair characterization of this woman
A facebook post made by a former colleague caught my attention today.

It was basically asking me to support a cause based on the linked article (which was also run in the LA times but I'm not a subscriber).

I dont just sympathize with anyone targeted by this old bags comments and series of racist rants over the years I abhor and loathe the very idea that she feels that it's her right to harass anyone getting in her way. The targets of the harassment have made numerous posts and complaints to the police and a part of their complaint is wrong (at least sujectively) but repeated in their videos, social media posts and in the newspaper articles.

Racism is a blight amongst us but it isn't solely owned by only one segment. Even though in this article it is reinforced that only one segment is.

Now I KNOW that the thinking people here will recognize what I'm trying to point out and that others will either say soooooo it's not right no matter who says it. But I'm asking you to think about what someone is reinforcing as opposed to pointing out the obvious which is not even mentioned.

My only real complaint here is with the press and their selective use of labeling when it suits them as opposed to saying what needs to be said "Lena is a miserable old racist bitch."
Attached Links
Torrance Karen


Jun 8 2020 10:22PM
     Elmer Fudd must have moved....
To Chicago or New York... Warner Brothers confiscated his wifle and burned his N OWer A card. Serves the racist bastard right said Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny was more reticent wondering if they would be coming after his Barber of Seville Straight razor and numerous hammers.

Wile E Coyote and Foghorn Leghorn refused to comment leaving the studio as there was a BLM protest going on at the studio and did not want anything they said to be construed as a lack of support for that cause.


Jun 8 2020 10:15PM
     Cultural Appropriation
Did anyone see what I saw today? The blatant use of the sacred Kente cloth for political gain!!!

I'm shocked ...SHOCKED I SAY!!! That Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer would use this sacred cloth for a cheap and blatant photo opportunity.

I'm sure worldclassless and doomdood will be all over Nancy and Chuck for there desecration and cultural appropriation. Holding my breath.... not.


May 26 2020 04:30PM
     Just who is the hypocrite...
The many people that disagree w/ DudeL and he calls no life shills for posting too much or DudeL for posting 10 times on one blog.


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