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Level 2 Male

 59 yrs old
Mission Viejo, OC, CA
Registered Sep 21 2016
Released Sep 21 2016

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Aug 17 2023 09:25AM
     Hey Ladies: How About a Hurricane Special on Sunday and Monday!
Since we're all getting blown anyway.....
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Jun 27 2023 09:06AM
     Every Living President Descends From Slave Owners...
EXCEPT FOR DONALD J. TRUMP!!! Read it and weep, lefties!


These are the facts and they cannot be disputed.

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Jan 26 2023 10:24PM
     Coming soon: $7.00/gal gas
Imagine that. The elections are passed now, and so is $3.99 at Costco. Analysts are saying $7.00 is coming this summer. What a shock.

If you think about it, here's how this works:

Our great nation has more oil than Saudi Arabia -- 200+ years worth. And here's what we do with it...

Much of that oil lies under Federal lands and our government sells permits to oil companies to explore, drill, and extract crude oil from under these lands.

The Federal Government owns the land and the oil beneath it. But they lease the land and the rights to the oil to oil companies who get these leases dirt cheap by having lobbyists in DC pay off the politicians and give jobs to Biden's brother, Hunter, Nancy's kids, and every other D/R's kids as a payoff.

The oil that belonged to We the People now belongs to an oil company. They don't turn around and sell it in the US for a reasonable price. That would be too simple to sell We the People's oil back to them. No, the oilc companies sell it on the global market for the highest price available, American taxpaying citizens be damned. Oil companies make billions.

We owned the oil. Politicians took a payoff. Oil company gets our oil, sells it to someone else, all the while driving prices higher and higher. And we don't own the oil anymore...just a few bucks for the lease goes into the general fund and wasted by said politicans..

Such bullshit.


Jul 5 2022 08:13AM
     Biden Admin Intentionally Misses Oil and Gas Deadline to Trash the Oil Futures Market
Read the article. The Biden Administration, while Americans are suffering with $6 a gallon gas, intentionally missed a deadline which stops all offshore oil and gas leases for one full year!

Can you imagine the nerve of these people, elected to lead and protect We the People? They clearly did it on purpose, to put even more pressure on gas prices...and upset the futures market, again driving prices even higher.

Here's and explanation of what the did to us...the fuckers!
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Sep 7 2021 11:51AM
     ZOGBY: 20% of Biden Voters Regret Voting for Him!
That's right, 20% of Biden voters want their vote back!!!

And in a hypothetical rematch, Orange Man B-B-B-Bad would send Biden down to defeat...

And that's not even taking into consideration all of the voter fraud!!!

Trump would win by double digits!
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Jul 19 2021 10:22AM
     The Elephant and the Ass


The donkey told the elephant, ′′The grass is blue."

The elephant replied, “No, the grass is green."

The discussion warmed up, and the two decided to submit the disagreement to arbitration, and to do so they took the matter to the Lion, King of the Jungle for resolution.

Before reaching the clearing of the forest, where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey started screaming, “Your Highness, is it true that grass is blue?"

The lion replied, “Yes, it is true, the grass is blue.”

The donkey rushed forward and continued, “The elephant disagrees with me and contradicts me and annoys me, please punish him!”

The king then declared, “The elephant will be punished with 4 years of silence.”

The donkey jumped joyfully and went on his way, content and repeating, “I was right! I won! The grass is blue. Fuck you, elephant!!!”

The elephant accepted his punishment, but before leaving, he asked the Lion, “Your Majesty, why have you punished me? After all, everyone knows that the grass truly is green.”

The Lion replied. “You are correct, the grass is green.”

The elephant asked, “So why did you punish me?”

The Lion replied, “Your punishment has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. Your punishment is because it is not possible for a strong, brave, intelligent, and majestic creature like yourself to waste his time arguing with a dumb and stubborn ass.”

The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn't care about truth or reality, but only the victory of their beliefs and agenda. There are many people for whom irrefutable evidence can be presented to them, yet they possess not the ability to understand or even consider an alternate viewpoint or set of facts contradictory to their own. Others are blinded by their own egos, hatred, and resentment, and have become hollow ideologues. The only thing that they desire is to be perceived as right. Even when they’re not.

When ignorance screams, intelligence walks away.


Feb 23 2021 12:49PM
     Tiger Woods Crash
TMZ is reporting that Tiger Woods crashed his car in a rollover accident at 7:00 am today in Rancho Palos Verdes. Other news reports state that he is currently in surgery, and had to be extricated from the vehicle with the jaws of life.

The guys sure has been fucked up since his ex caught him cheating with a plethora of women, including a nightclub manager, a pancake waitress, porn actresses, and strippers.

When Elin Nordegren found out, she chased him with a golf club, he got in the car and sped down the driveway, smashing into a tree and was injured. Elin claimed that she used the club to smash the car's window to help him, but we now know she was trying to brain him with it.

Then a few years back, he was found passed out behind the wheel as a result of painkillers. An early morning single car rollover accident today? I bet toxicology will tell us he was as high as a fucking kite.

Money and fame ain't all it's cracked up to be!


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