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Level 5 Male

 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Apr 5 2022 08:38PM
     Global Economist Exposes Financial New World Currency
Gateway Pundit article referenced


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Global Economist Exposes Financial New World Curre

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Mar 30 2022 09:15AM
     US Military Deaths Up 1100% And Exponentially Rising a must watch
Lawyer from the US Navy Seals Vs Joe Biden trial speaks out.

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Military Deaths Up 1100% And Exponentially Rising


Mar 30 2022 09:09AM
     Can the mRNA Shot be Detoxed ?
Some will ask, why in the Hell would anyone want to do that ? It just means one does not know. And / or refuses to look. As it maybe to unbelievable to comprehend . Truth / Reality has a way of doing that.

As for me I want to ask someone who runs the Purification program in LA and OC.

On the Flyover Conservatives show we are tackling the most important things going on RIGHT NOW

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Can the mRNA Shot be Detoxed ?


Mar 23 2022 10:34AM
     The Nazification of the West and what it means.
And what it really means to be a NAZI

Ever wonder who funded WW2 ? Whats in your Wallet.

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The Nazification of the West

1 comment

Mar 21 2022 11:14PM
     Russian Media Shows Ukrainian Bio Lab Documents That Show 32 Billion In US Backing
Not only were the fact checkers wrong they were 32 billion dollars wrong. Russian media shows documents with US seals and signatures showing over 32 billion in US backing. Now watch the video and see what they were working on.

Hint; Far worse than Covid.

Then; So you still want that fourth Jab do ya.

Doctor Responds To Shocking Blood Clot Removed From Vaccinated Individual

Hunter Freaks Out That He Might Have HIV In Newly Released Email

Your day in Gloom.

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Russian Media Shows Ukrainian Bio Lab Documents Th
Doctor Responds To Shocking Blood Clot Removed Fro
Hunter Biden Freaks Out That He Might Have HIV In


Mar 14 2022 11:35AM
     Could this be the end of HX as we know it ?
Hate me if you must. Here is why a few minutes in.

It is already going on in China.

The Final Piece Needed To Bring About Great Reset Digital ID Panopticon

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Great Reset Digital ID Panopticon


Mar 12 2022 11:38PM
     Proof of the existence of U.S. funded Bio-Labs in the Ukraine are no longer a conspiracy theory
As the majority of US media as well as the federal government refuse to admit the truth about the labs, alternative media outlets have been at the forefront of proving their existence.

You have to attack one's credibilty because you can not face what I'm saying.

Attached Links
Ukraine Bio-Labs Exposed!


Mar 9 2022 11:38PM
     Gota love it when banking truth comes out on the floor of Government
This is why Crypto was invented.
Now I'm not saying buy Bitcoin. Yet anyone that understands the criminal-ality of today's banking industry already have this figured out.

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British MP Tells The Ultimate Truth 113,403 views

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Mar 5 2022 10:32AM
     Pfizer Whistleblower Warns New Data Proves Vaccine Is Bioweapon
Karen Kingston.

Do you really have any idea how long ago this has been planned ?

What will you do when the next Bio weapon is released ? Because there is no if, only when.

Attached Links
Pfizer Whistleblower Warns New Data Proves Vaccine


Feb 22 2022 06:04PM
     Did This News Report Accidentally Reveal The Queen Is Being Treated With Ivermectin
How about the Queen ? Has Covid and apparently is taking Ivermectin.

What is she, a Horse ?

And all the one's demonizing it. All for me and None for thee.

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The Queen Is Being Treated With Ivermectin

1 comment

Feb 16 2022 10:09AM
     What's next VAIDS Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Rising cases of HIV following mass vaccinations, and the big pharma solution to inject the population with more mRNA bio-weapons to counter their deadly Covid jabs. SMH...

May God be with you.

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Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome


Feb 12 2022 10:07AM
     The Day The Attempted Global Government Covid Power Grab Officially COLLAPSED
Mars Attacks

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Power Grab Officially COLLAPSED


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