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 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Dec 12 2023 10:32AM
     Eight Minutes Of The Republican Debate Was CENSORED
See What You Missed Here

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See What You Missed Here


Dec 2 2023 09:49AM
     Pentagon Footage Shows 4th Dimensional Travel Another X File Becomes True
I've always said Chris Carter knew the inside track.

The second link has the details found else where. Totally debunked.

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Pentagon Footage Shows 4th Dimensional Travel

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Nov 25 2023 09:16AM
     Your Sat Morning Cartoon CCP the Dragon
Top Youtube Gamer NWO Wars: Game of the Year

Yes he went and did it. Don't go to infowar store, he'll come and get you.

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Top Gamer Calls NWO Wars: Game of the year

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Oct 25 2023 11:21PM
     For those who have been killed or injuried by the Covid-19 injections
Never thought I'd see this happen.

Diplomatic immunity for the WHO, WEF and GAVI

Swiss Banker Calls on Authorities to Arrest Globalists Over Pushing COVID Bioweapon on the Public

Full interview 4 minutes.

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Swiss Banker Calls on Authorities to Arrest Global


Oct 22 2023 11:52PM
     Human History ? That's over; Yuval Noah Harari
A lot of stuff to unpack in this one. But go ahead, or you can go back to sleep. Hope you don't live in a High Raise cause you may not wake up from the dream.
The beginning repeats itself, so fast forward about 15 minutes afterwords.

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POWERFUL Sunday Broadcast


Oct 7 2023 10:48AM
     An Age Old Question, Who Are "They" ?
The pictures are worth a look and a Joust scene at the end.

According to ancient history, religion, mythology, and occult tradition, they are not human.

Once you start waking up from the hypnotic trance of the official lie, the word "they"is often used to lay blame on the perpetrators. This is usually followed by the question, Who are "they". According to ancient history, religion, mythology, and occult tradition, they are not human. And they have been manipulating humanity from the shadows for millennia. The Gods of Eden by William Bramley does an excellent job of tracing this back through all of recorded history, but let's just start from the late nineteenth century.Just over a century ago, it was known that giants with red hair and double rows of teeth once inhabited America. These nine-foot-tall giants were written about casually in 1874 by Abraham Lincoln. A few years later the Smithsonian Institute began confiscating giant mummies and skeletons by the thousands. in 1886, the exclusive Jekyll Island Club was founded and built upon an ancient burial site of the Timucua tribe, who were said to be giants.

In 1910 the Federal Reserve Banking conspiracy was hatched on Jekyll Island between the Rothschild banking dynasty and the Rockefeller family, whose cabin there was known as "Mound Cottage" and said to have been built upon a sacrificial alter. These powerful families worked together to hide the truth of our mysterious past. And they built a modern society with poison to keep us dumb and lies to keep us confused.

The Rothschild dynasty and the Federal Reserve System funded all sides of the First and Second World Wars. Which paved the way for the creation of the United Nations in 1945. Funded by the Rockefellers, the UN was the beginning of today's defacto World Government.

The Nuremberg trials resulted with only twelve sentenced to death, and seven sent to prison. The majority were allowed to professionally continue their criminal activities. NAZIs who were tried for medical experiments involving cruelty and murder were later brought into Big Pharma through Operation Paperclip. And an entire team of NAZI rocket scientists were brought in to start NASA.

While the Nuremberg trials may have been mostly theater, they had their revelations. It was revealed that the NAZI eugenics program stemmed from organizations in America funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and its offshoots. And it was revealed that many high-ranking NAZIs believed they were in contact with an alien race known as the Aryans. The same mythical race that allegedly created Hinduism as it is known today. While many Hindu scholars dismiss this claim, the NAZIs believed it. It is why they adopted the popular Hindu Swastika. They also studied the Vedas, and their most classified project, the Bell, had the same design as the Vimana spacecraft described in these ancient texts.

In 1971, a young Klaus Schwab, son of a NAZI nuclear scientist, was placed as the head of what is now known as the World Economic Forum by his mentor, Henry Kissinger.

In 1974, Rockefeller prot�©g�© Henry Kissinger wrote National Security Memorandum 200 for the United Nations. This is popularly known as the "Kissinger Report" and is one of the foundational documents of the depopulation agenda unfolding today. With Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum acting as the tip of the spear.

And so who are they? Several will say it's the Rothschild family. But they seem to work for the Crown. Others argue that the Vatican holds more sway. Many people insist it's the Jesuits and some swear it's the Jews.

According to occult records, a character named Sanat Kumara rules over the world from inside the Earth along with a group known as the Great White Brotherhood seven in total. Helena Blavatsky says these seven Kumaras are the same as the seven Dhyanis, the seven Archangels, and the seven Elohim. The seven representing the Seven Sisters, also known as the Pleiades star cluster.

NASA, which was started by NAZIs, Freemasons, and Satanists, has been obsessed with both Pleiades and Orion ever since the Apollo Moon missions. According to hundreds of alien abductees, that is where most aliens claim to be from. Two different factions. One to help liberate humanity, and the other to enslave us. It is the oldest story on Earth, good vs evil. The darkness and the light. The White Hats and the Black Hats. It is a struggle within each one of us and is unfolding in the world around us for all to see. A more beneficial inquiry might be "who am I". But either way, do not be surprised if the fake alien invasion features real aliens.

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Who Are They


Oct 2 2023 11:42PM
     Myocarditis, and a Freedom of Information Act request. FOIA
I have my own story using FOIA's on obtaining Assessment records from the IRS.

CDC emails prove the highest levels of our government know they are murdering us.

By Greg Resse

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Myocarditis, a Freedom of Information Act request.


Oct 2 2023 11:36PM
     FED FED FED... How Many FEDs Does It Take To Stage an Insurrection?
The American people deserve answers regarding the corrupt federal government�s role in January 6 and the ensuing cover-up.

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How Many FEDs Does It Take To Stage an Insurrec


Oct 2 2023 11:32PM
     Klaus Schwab Announces the End of Car Ownership Starting in Los Angeles
Hear it from the Man Himself. Head of the WEF. And Agenda 2030

You will eat zee bugs and like it.

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End of Car Ownership Starting in Los Angeles


Sep 25 2023 10:08AM
     The War is over, here's why
Zelensky, what a tool, just like Kerry. The Sea is raising, the Sea is raising. Then Obummer buys Ocean front property.

Launder much money they are.

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Source Raises Alarm The War Is Over. Russia Won


Sep 17 2023 09:53AM
     Entire media LYING about FDA "approval" of new COVID vaccine
What a surprise ! The look of terminal shock in your eyes.

No Pigs are not what they seem, Yes this is a bad dream.

Only 8 mice tested as reported by News Week, of all places.
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Entire media LYING about FDA approval of new COVID


Sep 14 2023 10:01PM
     The Gig is up, Gaslighting Is All The Regime Has Left
For the Blind that can't not see.

The system is breaking down under Joe Biden's corruption. Across the United States, Soros puppets and power puppets are opting to violate their Constitutional oaths to suspend the Bill of Rights in favor of feverishly clawing for the power and funds stirred up by emergency declarations rather than finding real solutions for their districts. New Mexico Sheriff John Allen is refusing to suspend the 2nd Amendment after Governor Grisham issued an emergency public health order.- While Gun Owners of America (GOA) secured a temporary restraining order against Grisham's ban on concealed carry.

In Oakland, California, Mayor Sheng Thao is threatening to use a declaration to install a new Police Chief. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has declared an emergency over inflation. And in Vista, California, Mayor Joe Franklin is considering declaring an emergency over the homeless situation.

As the Soros shadow Administration wanes in power in local and State Government. Hunter Biden is indicted on gun charges and the Covid rollout fights to roll down the tracks. Joe Biden and his unscrupulous failing regime gaslight the Country into a propagandized hellscape out of sheer panic.

Now that Deep State tool Joe Biden has been thrown to the wolves. The Country will enter a state of suspension where foreign powers can thrive. And once its all said and done. Joe Biden will go down as the greatest National Security threat the United States has ever endured.

The Bowne Report

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Gaslighting Is All The Regime Has Left


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