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Level 5 Male

 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jan 25 2022 10:51PM
     DOD and Fauci Caught In Scandal Hiding Death And Damage From COVID Vaccines
And yet Pfizer has been Granted another 2.4 Billion to develope a booster for Omicron. Like seriously how the F does that happen.
Will any of those people go to Prison ?
Will any of the people harmed and or died for lack of full disclosure etc., be compensated ?

I really don't know what else to say other than there is a Hell of a lot of ignorant people on the loose.

I smelled a Rat from the very beginning and why I refused to get this mRNA shot until it was proven over time to be safe.

Attorneys Tom Rens and Leigh Dundas cover how the DOD has covered up the massive increases in miscarriages, cancer, neurological damage, and hiding the data being collected in Project Salas which show 71% of new COVID cases and 61% of hospitalizations are fully vaxxed.

Attached Links
Hiding Death And Damage From COVID Vaccines


Jan 21 2022 11:07AM
     Evidence That US Government Targeted Red States With Deadly Batches of Vaccine
This is why most of you are lucky.

Go ahead, talk shit, cause you can not disprove this.

Attached Links
US Government Targeted Red States With Deadly Batc


Jan 15 2022 02:42PM
     US Corporations do not need to tell you what
what nanotechnologies they are putting in your food.

Soylant Green was Set in 2022

Attached Links
How America's Food Supply Fertilized


Jan 15 2022 02:25PM
     Ancient History of Faustian funnys.
AKA "Deal with the Devil"

Have you crossed over. Because you were sold a bill of Goods that did not pan out.

Attached Links
Have you heard of a "Faustian Bargain"


Jan 12 2022 11:08PM
     The Truth About Mass Psychosis and Biden Regime Prepares For War Against Americans
And why the mainstream media desperately says it doesn�t exist .

It has been known since the dawn of civilization that a tyrant will always find a pretext for their tyranny.
The history is interesting.

Attached Links
The Truth About Mass Psychosis
Biden Regime Prepares For War Against Americans ?


Jan 6 2022 11:45PM
     So you thought Nano Bots in Pfizers mRNA shot was a joke.
Sort a like horse paste right ?

Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in the Pfizer Vaccine
Electron Microscopy confirms what official Documents and Patents have already told us about the Trans-Humanist agenda. ~ Greg Reese

Attached Links
Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in Pfiz


Jan 5 2022 10:39PM
     WhatsHerFace Dismantles The Great Reset Conspiracy
Ok now this is funny.

Attached Links
WhatsHerFace Dismantles The Great Reset Conspiracy

1 comment

Jan 3 2022 11:24PM
     Lawyer Names Bill Gates And Klaus Schwab in Genocide Case To Polish Parliament
Before a Polish Parilament. "Amazingly it is all out in the open,"

When will the Indictments be presented ?

If this ever comes out in the Main stream media, will the 70% of the hypnotized population snap out of it ?
Mind you the other 30% can never be Hypnotized.

Attached Links
Lawyer Names Bill Gates And Klaus Schwab in Genoci


Jan 2 2022 11:49PM
     How Supporters for Medical Tyranny Are Created and Influenza, PCR-Testing and The Great Reset
We are living in an age of mass formation or as I would call it, Mass Hysteria. In this video I expand on the theory of Mattias Desmet and explain exactly how it happened. To support my work, please go to Contact/Support - THANK YOU! I have the best audience on the internet, bar none!
By Polly St George
Here is why;

It turns out that the new Covid-19 / Influenza Multiplex Assay testing is a continuation of the emergency use authorized, false-positive and fraudulent PCR testing. Except now, it includes detection for influenza. We also find that the CDC is directing labs to report a minimum of 89% expected positives with these new tests.
From ~ Deep State Satire

Attached Links
How Supporters for Medical Tyranny Are Created
Influenza, PCR-Testing and The Great Reset


Jan 1 2022 09:47AM
     Dr. Peter McCullough Live This is a Test of Scientific Integrity A Must See Comprehensive Data Tran
Dr. Peter McCullough joins Alex live in studio to give his powerful presentation on the COVID virus, its mutations, and the mRNA gene therapy/viral vector injections.

Sorry to bring this today. It's just that I'm about Truth and Learning. And there is good news in this.

Attached Links
This is a Test of Scientific Integrity


Dec 23 2021 11:19PM
     Fauci, Gates, and Daszak Charged With Crimes Against Humanity In International Courts
Finally Great news.
And how did we get here.

Attached Links
Charged With Crimes Against Humanity In Internatio
100 Years O Conspiracy to Destroy American Freedom


Dec 22 2021 10:21PM
     Lethal Drug Included In Over The Counter Covid Test Kits
Sodium Azide

Mike Adams joins Owen Shroyer live via Skype to break down the story of Harvard scientist Dr. Charles Lieber who was convicted yesterday on all six counts after lying to authorities about receiving millions of dollars from communist China as he shared his groundbreaking technology with a Wuhan technology institute.

Attached Links
Big Pharma adds lethal Sodium Azide to DIY test ki
Top Scientist Charged For Illegally Working China

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