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Level 5 Male

 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Dec 11 2021 11:57PM
     Vaccine Patents Reveal The True Intent Behind Mandates
Nano Bots and Graphine Hydroxide, but wait !. There's more !, etc.. Of Biblical proportions ...

I know I know, fake news But you can get the Patents yourselves. Call Now !

Attached Links
Vaccine Patents Reveal The True Intent Behind Mand


Dec 9 2021 11:18AM
     Scientific Study Concludes That 5G Exacerbated COVID
Scientific study published at provides evidence that 5G played a dramatic part of the spurious COVID pandemic.

It'd all been documented. Now you / we get to live it.

Attached Links
Scientific Study Concludes That 5G Exacerbated COV


Dec 4 2021 12:16PM
     Exposing the Great Reset Power Structure, Covid 1984, and AI
This is one of the best video's ever.

Some of the Trumps haters can rejoice, but not for long.

Also about half way through, a lecture 10 years earlier on how AI will affect us all. Hint, Humans can not compete. Tells me why so many Amazon employees no longer work there.

Yes the Future is NOW.

Attached Links
Fourth Industrial Revolution Special Report:


Nov 27 2021 12:20PM
     Swiss Banker TELLS ALL - Crypto vs. Banking | Crypto Insider
The end of this video is very telling of peoples lack of understanding of Money and the Banking system.

My dealings with the IRS and the IRC / Internal Revenue Code. Has lead me along a path of learning what the Fiat currency system is about.

That which one has Faith the Dollars have value and backed by nothing other than that Faith.
Since the dollar is not on a Gold or Silver Standard. The very reason why Credit has exploded ever since.

Remember, School is never out for the King. As your Faith will once again be tested.

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Nov 20 2021 11:43AM
     The Metaverse ~ What Zuckerberg Is Really Trying To Sell You
A very high gradient video that is not for the small minded.

The Metaverse - What Psychopath Zuckerberg Is Really Trying To Sell You- Dot Connector Videocast

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What Zuckerberg Is Really Trying To Sell You


Nov 19 2021 11:55PM
     Celeb, Caught Taking Fake Vaccine
A look at a viral video that may show Mariah Carey taking a vaccine from a prop syringe.

Just like the one the Media keeps showing, from the beginning, with the blue cap still attached.

Attached Links
Mariah Carey Caught Taking Fake Vaccine


Nov 16 2021 10:16AM
     What most do not understand, we are ALL in this together, Race matters NOT to the Globalists
These vile animals knew what they where doing.

They shut everything down not only to kill the working class, at the same time the big corporations who own government made a killing, growing exponentially. Then you had the big pharma "who also own government" corporations and their investors making billions and millions off everyone's misery / pain and death  by injecting the gullible mindless dumbed down masses with experimental mRNA DNA gene therapy poisons, knowing that there was alternative medicine to treat people that would have not caused this calamity for the last two years, which includes and not limited to the shutdowns and closures of small and medium sized businesses and the calamities that ensued, including tens if not hundreds of thousands of people dying from lack of medical care for existing ailments and mass suicides from depression and other mental health issues, which does not include the deaths and injuries from the experimental mRNA DNA gene therapy poisons  they injected people with and are still hell bend on doing so.

If anyone at this point does not understand that this is a covert mass depopulation campaign using various methods "forced by the government experimental drugs, vaccine passports which will tie into every aspect of everyone's lives medically and financially to control all their movements, social distancing and covering up peoples faces which inhibits interaction and well being, which means less breeding, the slow coordinated effort of goods and services rising in costs, slowly turning many to depend on the government which is owned by the same vile animals that are behind this agenda" then they have no functioning matter between their ears.
Carbon "humans are carbon life forms" zero means less humans.

At the end the gullible mindless dumbed down masses let all this happen. While they where all busy with their bread and circuses brain destroying garbage, their selected politicians sold them out, because they could.
I tried and still try to talk to people, but most are to far gone.
EXPLOSIVE Truth About Vaccines & COVID w/Inventor Of mRNA Vaccine Technology, Robert Malone

Attached Links
DR. Robert Malone interview


Nov 6 2021 10:40AM
     Know Thy Enemy
A look into the documentary �MONOPOLY � Who owns the world?�

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Know Thy Enemy


Oct 20 2021 11:41AM
     My the Man help you all China's Bio weapon and you
Major Government Report Proves Covid Vaccines are Bio-weapons

UK Report shows immune systems are failing at a rate of 5% a week

Attached Links
UK Report shows immune systems are failing at a ra


Oct 18 2021 12:47PM
     Todays 2030 and the Why, What and How all this has been going on for 70+ years
A Documentary revealing the connection between Covid-19 >> Vaccines >> Masks >> The Banking System and The Great Reset.

And how it all works.

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Oct 15 2021 05:57AM
     Science Medical Tyranny Covid Lockdown Part 1 of 5
Be the Light or Be a Problem

Be Cause or Be in Effect.

If you have not Decided then you have made a choice.

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Part 1 Covid Lock Down

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Oct 6 2021 12:00PM
     Big Banks Are Guilty Of Crimes Against Humanity
To add, that some day perhaps long after I'm gone, there will be war over / about Bitcoin. At present I think the Bankers / IMF will win.

Ask yourself, who financed Hitler.

Mean while as those go back and forth because the propaganda machine has done it's job very well. The following is missed.

By Greg Reese

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Big Banks Are Guilty Of Crimes Against Humanity


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