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 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 2 2021 09:20AM
     Are The Vaccines a 1000 % More Deadly Than Covid-19
Apparently so.

According to multiple studies the fully vaccinated are at the highest risk of injury and death

All the while sweeping natural immunity under the rug.

By Greg Reese

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The Vaccines Are 1000% More Deadly Than Covid-19


Oct 1 2021 10:49AM
     Is it to late ? Have you lost what is left of this Republic ?
The Vaccines Are 1000% More Deadly Than Covid-19

Apparently so. By Greg Reese

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Are Vaccines 1000% More Deadly Than Covid-19

1 comment

Sep 20 2021 11:11PM
     I Realized I Was The Guard At Auschwitz - Healthcare Workers Wake Up To Their Role In Plandemic Dece
Many healthcare professionals are waking up to the reality that the covid-19 vaccines are still experimental and can cause damage, as one phlebotomist experienced personally.

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Healthcare professionals are waking up to reality


Sep 10 2021 09:05AM
     7 Things Every American Should Be Asking Themselves Right Now!
What is Patent # 11107588

Why does Bill Gates have a Patent #'ed WO0202060606

What is HR 666 ?

What is HR 6666 ?

etc... ?

Attached Links
7 Things Every American Should Be Asking Themselve


Sep 8 2021 10:56AM
     Now this blows the Narrative clear out of the water, 25% Increase In Death
West Virginia Governor Drops Bombshell: 25% Increase In Death Amongst Vaccinated Individuals

A shocking revelation by the governor of West Virginia as he explains the struggle to stay alive those that have gotten vaccinated are having.

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25% Increase In Death Amongst Vaccinated


Sep 3 2021 10:43PM
     CDC Suggests Ivermectin For Afghan Refugees But Not For Americans
The Big Pharma mafia wants full control over the healthcare industry and your body. The attacks against holistic treatments and drugs, such as ivermectin, are the perfect example. The world is waking up to the control and tyranny Big Pharma wants to have over the planet. Nurse Erin Olszewski joins to discuss the latest discrimination against healthcare workers and patients who are unvaccinated. Owen Shroyer takes powerful callers as well.
Right there in the CDC's own documents. But not for American's
Nurse Warns American's;

Attached Links
Ivermectin Wins Nobel Peace Prize Being Wonder Dg
CDC Suggests Ivermectin For Afghan Refugees But No
Unvaccinated Americans Now Being Denied Healthcare


Aug 28 2021 09:03AM
     So you think the FDA gave full approval ? Listen up.
Robert Barnes of joins the show to break down how the recent FDA approval of COVID vaccines is a scam.

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FDA Approval of COVID-19 Vaccine Is A Scam


Aug 25 2021 08:48AM
     The FDA broke all their own rules for approval, What is there Real Agenda ?
John-Henry speaks with LifeSite journalist Celeste McGovern, who just came out with a 10-point article pointing out what's the real agenda behind the FDA's Pfizer COVID jab "approval."

Attached Links
The FDA broke all their own rules for approval


Aug 20 2021 11:31PM
     What your Vaccine is Masquerading as...
A Pathologist has to say.

Ryan Cole, MD speaks at White Coat Summit on vaccines.

Attached Links
What COVID Vaccine Does To Your Vital Organs

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Aug 16 2021 11:43PM
     That scene at Kabul airport part II
And to think that , that very C-17 shown in Kabul, 1109, is one that I helped to assemble about 10 - 12 years ago . SMH.

Pic shown no the same one.

Attached Pictures


Aug 15 2021 11:58AM
     Learn How to Fight Mandatory Injections from Constitutional Attorney Robert Barnes
Robert Barnes of To break down what people can do when faced with mandatory injections.

Attached Links
Learn How to Fight Mandatory Injections


Aug 4 2021 11:26PM
     Bombshell: An Average Joe got an on the record addmission the virus has not been isolated
So what are we testing for again?

Dr. Jane Ruby is joined by hero-activist Patrick King who fought the government of Alberta, Canada and had successful results.

In open court and it's on record three times.

Attached Links
Whole Virus Proof Frees Alberta From Covid Restric


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