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 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 28 2020 12:04AM
     CDC & California Detailed Plan to Vaccinate Everyone
All 80 pages of details on how to. This is no joke.

Are Gov Newsom & Gov Cuomo REALLY skeptical about Trump�s WarpSpeed vaccine? The very detailed plans being sent to all local health bureaucrats show they are ready to MANDATE, ID, and TRACK everyone.

Attached Links
CDC & California Detailed Plan to Vaccinate You


Oct 19 2020 11:18PM
     Front line What Coat Doctors part 2...
Original link can be found here: Summit videos can be found here: The second White Coat Summit was held in Washington D.C. October 16-17, 2020. Its purpose was to have frontline doctors talk directly to the American public, educate and inform policy leaders, and create alliances to enable physicians to heal our nation. Its emphasis was on the proven success of early treatment.
And these two Criminals that ought to be Tried for Treason.

America is faced with a Legion of doom. Recently, two of its top villains expressed their utter contempt for the intelligence and the basic facts regarding their dangerous power wielding hypocrisy.
Michigan Governor Whitmer got a reality check when President Trump recently visited her state on a campaign stop. She reacted by playing the victim card for a kidnapping plot where the smoke hasn't even cleared yet. While New York Governor is blatantly denying that he had anything to do with the thousands of Nursing Home deaths his over handed policies caused. Now blaming the nursing home staff.How many more Whitmers and Cuomos will it take for America to come to terms with the potential danger their votes pose when cast for psychotic megalomaniacs posing as their saviors.

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Oct 13 2020 11:51PM
     World will not return to normal until ...
Bill Gates says the world will not return to normal until "a lot of people" take a second "super-effective" corona virus vaccine that could be years away. Merry Christmas.

Trump ought a be laughing his ass off.

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The World is not enough.


Sep 29 2020 10:12AM
     Do you know how to free your self ?
Some of the Happiest people I know do not watch mainstream media.

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People Need To Know How To Free Themselves

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Sep 29 2020 10:07AM
     Do you how to free your self ?


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Aug 29 2020 09:16AM
     We are in control...
Believe it or not, for your mind.

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100 Years of Mass Mind Control

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Aug 24 2020 12:19PM
     PCR test triggering the new lock downs worldwide is testing for genetic codes that every human has a
PCR test that is producing the 'virus cases' triggering the new lock downs worldwide is testing for genetic codes that every human has and NOT THE 'VIRUS' - David Icke talks with Dr Andrew Kaufman about the astonishing hoax transforming human society.

Listen up. Or put your head back in the sand.

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The "Test" is not for the virus.


Aug 20 2020 01:43PM
     Lyft and Uber say Cali Pt 2
So like I said somewhere else , A stay was granted by the Appeals Court.

You may resume to your regularly scheduled program... Probably until after Nov. 3rd.

ps go ahead and move to AZ. hope you love the AC bill. Mine was 355 last month. Next ?

Like my friend who moved to North NV to say bye bye to CA income tax. Now his heating bill is Tripled that of what his income tax would have been. And who come afford a 700K house note. get out of here. .

Yes sadly people look to Government for a hand out.


Aug 10 2020 11:05PM
     Fool me once...
Fool me once,... smh Bush jr.

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Mainstream Media & Science Exposes COVID-19 As A


Aug 1 2020 01:32PM
     Props to all Mom's and Woman 1986 The Act
40 minutes of what is real. To protect your ...

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Film Exposes 1986 Act Guaranteeing Vaccine Makers

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Jul 17 2020 02:53PM
     Proof the numbers are a lie. First hand knowledge, sort of.
My so's friends sister and hubby had an appointment to get tested in Yorba linda last week.

The appointment gets canceled so they no show. Today they both get the letter that they both TEST POSITIVE !!!

Like seriously WTF !.

So all you nah sayers about Alex take a back seat...


May 25 2020 01:51PM
     George Wasington 2.0 and the Brazilian President...
... Says Lockdown Is Communist Plot To Enslave The People.

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