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Level 5 Male

 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 21 2020 01:10PM
     Millennial Millie...
Perhaps a pretty Blonde will do.

Inspector Generals and the Deep State.

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May 10 2020 10:35AM
     Hr. 6666...
... Your Hyness, 1940 was a very different time.
... And the Pope.

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Apr 22 2020 01:27PM
     Hollywood knows...
... Hollywood has always known !!!.

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Feb 13 2020 12:35AM
     The data speaks for itself.
Like we did know this already.

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Oct 10 2019 05:44PM
     Military Industial Complex and you...
...Dwight Eisenhower he had it figured right many years ago, it’s got tremendous power.”

Tuff shit if you don't like Alex

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Aug 11 2019 01:23PM
     Happy Birthday Jenjenlovely...
Happy happy joy joy..

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Jun 10 2019 11:54PM
     The Next Stage Of The Engineered Global Economic Reset Has Arrived...
First, going by his associations alone, it is clear that Donald Trump is controlled opposition playing the role of �anti-globalist� while at the same time stacking his cabinet with the very same elites he is supposedly at war with. As I have outlined in numerous articles, Trump was bought off in the 1990�s when he was saved from possible permanent bankruptcy by Rothschild banking agent Wilber Ross. Trump made Ross his Commerce Secretary as soon as he entered the White House, and Ross is one of the key figures in the developing trade war.

At this point I have to say that anyone arguing that Trump is �playing 4D chess� with the banking elites while he is surrounded by them on a daily basis must be clinically insane. Every economic and trade policy Trump has initiated in the past two years has served as a smokescreen for the globalists controlled demolition of the economy. As the reset continues in the midst of the trade war, it will be Trump and by extension all conservatives that get the blame. Trump is a pied piper of doom for conservative movements, which is why I have always said any attempts to impeach Trump (before the crash is completed) will fail. The globalists like him exactly where he is.

Second, there is a globalist controlled central bank in almost every nation in the world, including supposedly anti-globalist countries in the East like Russia and China. All of these central banks are coordinated through the Bank For International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. The globalists covertly dictate the economic policy of nearly the entire planet. They can easily create an economic collapse anytime they wish. This is a fact.

However, what they do not control is how elements of the public will react to their reset agenda. And this is where we find hope. They do not have their �new world order� yet, which is why they have to resort to elaborate theatrics and psychological operations. They know that an awake and aware segment of the population could annihilate them tomorrow with the right motivation, and so, they continue to distract us with a swarm of other concerns and calamities.
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Feb 9 2019 10:52PM
     Uber Driver Part 2

As a driver I have had to restart the phone a few times on both apps in the middle of a trip cause it just froze or lost connection. There programs always auto save the trip right where the connection is lost. After the phone comes back on line either app will refresh itself and I have been able to end the trip as I would have normally.

However when your a new driver no one tells you this, so your first thought is the trip is lost and your not going to get paid. Generally its just a few bucks anyway and not worth getting all excited about it. Especially going over the top like he did.

I had this happen Monday in Bev Hills on a 1.5 surge. But what happened was a security update auto downloaded and ended the trip 12-14 miles b4 I got to LAX, even though after dropping them off the app seemed work correctly when I ended the trip. Well after the second email uber paid up. Although 2 or 3 dollars short. So I just decided good enough cause it's so not worth trying to fight them over a couple of dollars.

As a driver / rider the key is, do not ever contact there support unless you absolutely have to. Because support is the absolute worse of any bodies. Lyft is a bit better but not by much.


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