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 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 28 2023 11:33PM
     MUST WATCH: Expert Tells EU Parliament "COVID-19 Was An Act Of Biological Warfare"
I knew this day would come. It all started in 1965. So much for Wrap Speed development.

The most power, hard hitting and on the record in the EU Parliament. It is all in there own documents.

David Martin tells the EU that the Covid-19 coronavirus was "intentionally released" by the United States in Wuhan, China, with the target to trigger a global pandemic to raise public acceptance of vaccines.

World is just not as you think it is.

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COVID-19 Was An Act Of Biological Warfare


May 23 2023 12:29PM
     Never mind about deposits, this is what is to come.
Deleting Cash Is All About CONTROL - David Icke In 2017

Will you be on the wrong side of the coin ?

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Deleting Cash Is All About CONTROL


May 20 2023 09:50AM
     Republican Members Of Congress Excoriate The FBI For Its Abuses
While The Democrats Protect The Deep State

The most predictable aspect surrounding the FBI whistleblower testimony in front of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government was the Democrat's refusal to accept the critical implications of the repercussions experienced by the FBI whistleblowers.

However, unexpectedly, an FBI whistleblower admitted that the Washington Field Office wouldn't turn over January 6th video because they had undercover officers infiltrating the staged insurrection.

Of course the mockingbird media weighed in to protect the wall of propaganda surrounding the mountains of corruption now rotting in the noon day sun after the neutered Durham revelations.

It makes anyone ask. What the hell are we doing? Do we actually have a government anymore?

Or do we truly walk amongst the KGB ?

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Republican Members Of Congress Excoriate The FBI

1 comment

Apr 30 2023 11:03AM
     RFK Jr and the CIA, is Trump next ?
By Greg Reese;

Greg, There is no Magic Bullet. The bullet came from the driver of the Limo, then the Governor of TX. While the one riding shot gun holds the steering wheel. It was pretty stupid to use a Stainless Steal gun that shows up nicely on a black and white Zapruder film. You tube it, and do not look at anything else but the drivers head.

Plus on the VHS tape I have in the video player that has freeze frame and can advance the tape frame by frame, you can see the gun blast and the bullet hitting Kennedy in his forehead, there is no mistaking it. This is in this tape that the late William Cooper brought forward in 1989.

�The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.� JFK

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RFK Jr and the CIA, is Trump next ?


Apr 30 2023 12:03AM
     MN Family Receives Federal Check After COVID-19 Booster Death
Starts 18:00 in.

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Receives Federal Check After COVID-19 Booster Deat


Apr 16 2023 10:09AM
     Follow the Yellow BRICS road
Unicoin is now available.

Josh Sigurdson reports on the newly unveiled global currency the IMF has debuted which is of course a CBDC meant for international trade and to hold up the last surviving elements of the western global financial system as BRICS takes over.

This CBDC named "Unicoin" as well as "UMU" (Universal Monetary Unit) is likely the precursor for the BRICS CBDC. The IMF has the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) system in place with a basket of currencies. However, BRICS has stepped up their power vs the SDR whose main currency is the Dollar with the most voting power.

BRICS has most of the population of the world under their system already with Europe aiming to move into their system away from the dollar soon. So, this centrally planned UMU coin is likely to be converted into the eventual Chinese run BRICS CBDC which is also based on a basket of currencies that currently appear to have more power than the dollar. These global CBDCs will be used to control not just the movement of every person, but the food rations they receive based on a carbon credit score. This is the most important fight of our life. We must reject this system and withdraw from the financial system as much as possible.

We must be our own banks rather than be owned by the banks.

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Apr 12 2023 09:09AM
     RFK Jr Destroys The Fauci Industrial Complex
At a speech at Hillsdale College RFK Jr dismantled the official pandemic narrative.

Also filed for the Office of President. A week or two ago.

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RFK Jr Destroys The Fauci Industrial Complex


Apr 5 2023 09:53PM
     Mean while back at the Farm
There are no laws requiring informed consent for mRNA vaccinated food.

American Farmers To Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots This Month

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American Farmers To Begin Injecting Livestock With


Mar 27 2023 11:26PM
     Anthem For Justice! 425,730 views
Don't Let Them Get Away With It! A powerful video montage chronicling the last three years of tyrannical COVID measures and vaccine mandates. Adapted from the poem by Margaret Anna Alice, read by UK-based medical doctor Dr. Tess Lawrie.

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Anthem For Justice! 425,730 views


Mar 23 2023 10:17AM
     It's your money, how will you responed ? Inside the Economic Reset
Some states are trying to outlaw CBDC's and printing there own gold backed currency.
I suspect California and NY will be the last.

By Greg Reese

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Inside the Economic Reset


Mar 18 2023 10:26AM
     Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One of CBDC This July
FedNow is the gateway to a Central Bank Digital Currency

Testing in April, roll out in July, Happy 4th everyone.

A Blue back ground to keep you clam.

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Phase One of CBDC This July

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Mar 10 2023 12:12PM
     How to Engineer a Virus Former CDC Director explains
Former CDC Director Goes Scorched Earth Against Anthony Fauci And His Gain Of Function Research

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Former CDC Director Goes Scorched Earth Against An


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