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 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 4 2023 09:25AM
     Attorney Battling Pfizer In Court Over COVID Vaccine Gives Update
Never mind the China lab leak, it's a distraction to whats really going on.

Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes joins Owen Shroyer live in studio to discuss his ongoing court proceedings in Texas against Pfizer--- a monumental and historic battle.

You're most likely not going to see this anywhere else, so listen up.

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Attorney Battling Pfizer In Court Over COVID Vacci


Feb 24 2023 10:02AM
     Bitcoin vs Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC
From Swan Bitcoin Vol 31


You've probably heard of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

As more and more people are saving and transacting with Bitcoin, central banks are getting worried.

Enter CBDCs, the Central Banks centralized answer to decentralized money. Similar to digital USD today, except the government has complete control. If your views and actions stray too far from the mainstream narrative, your money could be turned off.

And it's not just China, 114 countries are exploring this option right now.

Here's why CBDCs are bad for humanity

What is it Good For? Absolutely Nothing!

CBDC advocates promise all kinds of benefits: Reduced payment costs and settlement times, improved financial inclusion, and a more stable financial system.

However, in reality, this would do more harm than good. Here are three potential negative outcomes:

1.) A CBDC would be controlled by authorities and weaponized against the people.

Imagine your money could be turned on and off with a flip of a switch. It can be programmed to expire in 7 days, enforce quotas, and be used to control users.

It is a tool for social engineering and censorship disguised as a money upgrade.

2.) A CBDC would infringe on privacy and create honeypots of sensitive data for hackers

Privacy is a human right that CBDCs threaten. Can you imagine these institutions trying to keep this data safe from hackers?

Over the years, there have been countless hacks with billions of victims.
Yan tweet

With a CBDC, it would only be a matter of time before everyone's financial data would be hacked and leaked.

3.) A CBDC would exclude the elderly, rural communities, and other disenfranchised populations that are not technically savvy or don't have access to stable Internet connection.

When it comes down to it, the risks associated with a CBDC far outweigh the potential benefits.

Heck, even some Fed officials are wondering what problems a CBDC solves!

A Solution No One Wants

Last year, Americans were asked to send comments in response to the Fed's CBDC White Paper..

73% of the 1,887 comments sent to the Fed were opposed to a CBDC.

The same outcome was observed in Europe where over 80% of the public's comments were against a CBDC.

But the ECB ignored the public's response and still plans to move ahead with a Digital Euro.

People who support democratic values neither want nor need CBDCs. That's why governments and central banks have to force it on their people.

This top-down strategy hasn't been working very well

In 2020, the Bahamas launched its version, called the Sand Dollar, but adoption has been nearly non-existent.

After two years, there's only $338,908 of Sand Dollars in circulation or around 86 cents per capita. Total flop.

In 2021, Nigeria launched its CBDC, but Nigerians aren't having it. Current estimates suggest less than 0.5% of Nigerians are using it.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin adoption continues to soar in Nigeria, with ~40% of Nigerian survey respondents saying they would use Bitcoin to protect themselves against inflation. Can you guess why?

CBDCs are failing because citizens around the world have lost trust in central banks and governments.

Just look at how Americans feel about their institutions.
Swan Bitcoin

Is it really that shocking to see people rejecting CBDCs that would only give MORE power to these untrustworthy institutions?

If a product has to be forced on the public, it's probably not a good idea.

Bitcoin: Digital Money Chosen by the People

Unlike CBDCs, Bitcoin doesn't require coercion.

Bitcoin is digital money allowing users to send cheap, fast payments that no one can control or debase.

In a world with soaring inflation and increased financial censorship, Bitcoin sells itself.

CBDCs require government mandates and forced adoption.

Meanwhile, over 100 million people have voluntarily adopted Bitcoin and it's growing exponentially.

So which form of money do you think has a better chance? Central bank surveillance money or Bitcoin?

I know which horse I'm betting on, the one chosen by the People.


Feb 18 2023 10:31AM
     Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck 275,384 views
Deconstructing one of the dark occult's most effective mind control tactics

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Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck

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Feb 14 2023 11:17PM
     Here's How Vaxx Tyrants Could Face Military Tribunals
The Royal Thai's daughter is in a coma after the third shot.

How a State of emergency works, connecting the dots.

Spell Pfizer back words in Greek and you get ?

An important interview with attorney Todd Callender

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How Vaxx Tyrants Could Face Military Tribunals


Feb 12 2023 06:56PM
     I will remind you, you are under Oath The Tyrannical Twitter Show
The fired treasonous clowns of Twitter faced a Republican majority House Oversight Committee. The hearing experiencing a dubious power outage.

Democrats essentially protected their donor class cabal in Silicon Valley no matter the damage it causes the Republic.

While Republicans bore down on the ugly truth. Uncovering layers of manipulation by a deep state unleashing its control over American Free Speech. As the questioning continued. The ex-executives gradually revealed that either they were lying to Congress which could land them each up to 5 years in Prison. Or the real culprits behind the scenes had not yet been called as witnesses.

At the end of the hearing it was clear that the Democrat's and mockingbird media's campaign of learned helplessness foisted upon the American people has no end in sight. And as a myriad of websites suspiciously went down simultaneously on the day of the Twitter hearing. It was clear that a blow had been struck against the hull of the New World Order.

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The Tyrannical Twitter Clown Show

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Feb 9 2023 10:05AM
     Now for something really funny. Bill Gates Anthem
Music & Animation by Five Times August. "Gates Behind The Bars" available on the new album "Silent War"

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Feb 8 2023 11:09AM
     The Fed Needs Another 9/11 Here's why
Why would anyone think that the US government is enemies with the Communist Chinese?

Now an EMP happening here makes sense. And may be the very excuse to bring about CBDC's, as the banks will be closed, your atm will not work and so will any ebt transactiions.
Attached Links
The Fed Needs Another 9/11 Here's why


Feb 8 2023 10:27AM
     Did The NWO Use HARRP To Punish Turkey?
Arabian Queen ? You ok ?

Bowne Report

At the end of January 2023, talks between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Swedish Government detonated. In order to be accepted into NATO, Sweden and Finland needed the vote from Turkey. But talks disintegrated after a Swedish-Danish politician set fire to the Quran in front of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm.

After Erdogan's declaration Turkey and Northern Syria were devastated by a series of earthquakes in southern Turkey with a death toll that has reached over 11,000.

Turkey is no stranger to earthquakes. The majority of them occurring in the eastern and western portions of the Country. But strange anomalies occurred just before the earthquakes. Leading many to question whether a HARRP weapon may have been used to punish the Turkish Government for failing to tow the line of NATO's New World Order overlords.

These weapons of geopolitical terrorism will be able to mold the climate change narrative and bend Countries to the will of the New World Order as the target date of UN Agenda 2030 draws nigh.

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Did The NWO Use HARRP To Punish Turkey?


Jan 21 2023 05:43PM
     Dark Mode ?
Can we get a Dark Mode for the back ground ? And be able to toggle it off or on. Privacy and Safety come to mind.

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Jan 17 2023 12:46PM
     Globalization Collapse
and the West and UK are the one's that brought it to you.

Starts at 30:00 in

Will Tesla's will become extinct ? Then Hybreds to ?

Is it all by design ?

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Jan 1 2023 10:56AM
     Ray Epps Admits He Orchestrated Jan. 6 In Court Documents
Truth always raises to the top. It's in the Court documents.

In the newly released transcript of January 6th provocateur Ray Epps being questioned by the House Select Committee, the suspected undercover government operative confessed that he "orchestrated" the riot.

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Ray Epps Admits He Orchestrated Jan. 6 In Court Do


Dec 11 2022 07:56PM
     Biden Expected to Sign Tyrannical WHO Pandemic Treaty
Amazing how a dying man can ruin your life though your Primary Care Doctor.

Biden Expected to Sign Tyrannical WHO Pandemic Treaty

Remember Trump took us out of the WHO. Biden put us back in. Another failure on his part.

Starts about 5 min in.

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ENSLAVING mankind This coming May ?

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