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Level 5 Male

 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 29 2022 09:26AM
     MODERNA SUES PFIZER! Vax Manufacturers STILL Not Legally Liable
As an individual you can not take either Vaccine manufacturers to court. You can thank the Regan era for that. and look at all those who have Autisum. History repeats itself. However,...

Will anything really come about from all the deaths and the people that are suffering from being forced to take the jab just to keep there job ?

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Aug 26 2022 12:04AM
     Now These Psychopaths Must Face The Consequences Of Their Mass Murder
But will they ever ?

And if Trump does not get on board with this he is finished.

David lays it all out here v

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Psychopaths Must Face The Consequences


Aug 21 2022 10:01AM
     Get the F out of here with that BS. BeHold ! A Pale Horse
From the Man who started me on this path in 1989 at the San Diego Convention Center. RIP

Even before Kennedy was shot in the head by the Limo driver. You have look at the drivers head to see it.

In Bill Cooper's literary masterpiece, Behold A Pale Horse, he laid out a future scenario where mankind would be destroyed through a series of governmental decisions in order to prioritize a new way of life for those that survived.

The cutbacks to the human population was the overall goal, with the methods including a retardation of both technological and economic growth, the elimination of meat from the human diet, strict control of human reproduction, a total commitment to preserving the environment, the colonization of space, and eventually, a paradigm shift in the evolutionary consciousness of man.

The Globalists have a plan to reduce the world's population and they are using the playbook that Cooper described, it's just a matter of understanding the playbook then looking around at what is currently happening and seeing the connections.

Taylor, Your Future has been preordained long ago. ~ Dr. Zeus

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The Future According To Bill Cooper


Aug 20 2022 11:49PM
     They all admit they lied to everyone. Klaus Schwab Announces Army of
Klaus Schwab Announces Army of 'Info Warriors' to Take On America

The announcement that the WEF is enlisting over 100k 'information warriors' to take aim at Infowars and the American people. 110,000 Warriors

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Army of 'Info Warriors' to Take On America


Aug 18 2022 11:48PM
     Follow Your Leader... Off A Cliff Will the real Fake Guy Please Stand Up.
You Trump haters will like this, He's really on your side. David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast

Like U2 said, Nothing changes on New Years day...

Attached Links
Follow Your Leader... Off A Cliff - David Icke Dot


Aug 16 2022 01:32PM
     Social Credit Score System Beginning On December 13th 2022?
And you thought Dec 23 1913 was bad enough when Congress wasn't even seated during the Holidays and a Yes voted happened.

You haven't seen nothing yet.

And part 2

Attached Links
Social Credit Score System Begin On December 13th
What Is Executive Order 14067? (Part 2)


Aug 12 2022 11:28PM
     CDC Now Admits Covid Is Just The Flu
So you had nothing to worry about after all.

and now there is study after study that,...

40,000 thousand dead in this country alone. From the Emergency mRNA shot.

People need to be charge and spend Life in Prison. That is all there is to it.

The good news is , Royal Caribbean and Princess Cruise are dropping the Passport Mandate.

So which lovely would like to go.

Attached Links
CDC Now Admits Covid Is Just The Flu


Aug 7 2022 11:26AM
     For the Alex Jones Haters
The End of American Justice

Cause you maybe next.

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The End of American Justice 516,498 views


Jul 29 2022 10:39AM
     Car Ownership to be Outlawed and you will like it.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling for an end to private car ownership. A recently published paper calls for an end to "wasteful" private vehicle ownership in favor of public transportation and communal cars.

Why is Big Oil so quiet on this ?

Which ties into

How Close Is America to a Civil War? and much more.
With Brannon Howse

Go ahead, keep your head in the sand, you ware it well.


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Car Ownership to be Outlawed
How Close Is America to a Civil War


Jul 27 2022 11:27AM
     The End of American Justice for all of us
And you will be Happy.

The New World Order vs Alex Jones and Info Wars

Now the real Criminals may come out. Following this post.

By Greg Reese

Attached Links
The End of American Justice


Jul 19 2022 05:08PM
     I have to ask, is it really that

Apparently so. As if it was 1939 all over again.

This government is a joke and you may have to pay dearly.

With Attorney Robert Barnes.

Attached Links
World at the Crossroads Emergency Report, Robert B


Jul 10 2022 10:38AM
     Want to see Kidmen eat Mealy worms
It's only 3 min of your time. Perhaps I shouldn't be laughing. To bad it wasn't Anna Jo....

This is Gaslighting at it's best. You go first.

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Sri Lanka Overthrown By Populist Uprising, EU Rock

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