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Level 5 Male

 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jul 6 2022 10:47AM
     Judge Orders Pfizer To Turn Over Vaccine Ingredients Within 48 Hours and Georgia Guidestones
Owen comments on breaking news about a Judge that is ready to hold Pfizer accountable for the ingredients in their covid vaccine. Then forward to 7:40 , unless you want to buy storable food.
And then, this morning;

Georgia Guidestones Blown Sky High

The English side of course where it talks about returning the global population down to 500 Million

Attached Links
Judge Orders Pfizer To Turn Over Vaccine Ingredien
CHOPPER VIDEO: Georgia Guidestones Blown Sky High


Jul 2 2022 11:53AM
     Go ahead chew the fat on this one AI to process
As we celebrate our independence this year we must remember that the 1973 film Soylent Green took place in 2022.

A.I. Run Factory To Process 5000 Tons of Meat Per Day - Delivered Via Trains

And the questions to ponder.

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A.I. Run Factory To Process 5000 Tons of Meat Per

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Jun 30 2022 11:12PM
     New World Reserve Currency As America Commits Economic Suicide
While America is falling, BRICS ( Brazil, Russian, India, China,and South Africa ) and the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum announce plans to lead the world into Globalism

That is the plan that is being executed.

Attached Links
New World Reserve Currency As America Commits


Jun 30 2022 10:54AM
     To Understand The World Is To Know The Scale Of Evil That Runs It
Dot connector.

Attached Links
To Know The Scale Of Evil That Runs It

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Jun 27 2022 10:21AM
     Dr. Jane Ruby Blows Lid Off the Clot Shot with Photos & Proof from Embalmers
Flyover Conservatives

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Blows Lid Off the Clot Shot with Photos & Proof


Jun 25 2022 09:41AM
     Give up your stupid guns part 2
We saw what happen in Australia during Covid because of that.

Now ask yourself , Why has the IRS purchased 700,000 rounds between March and May of this year. I maybe a bit off on the dates. And don't have a link just yet.

The Service use to offer a more kinder and friendlyer Service.

1 comment

Jun 18 2022 11:22PM
     Massive Bio-Structures Found in Bodies of the Vaccinated
Mortician finding anomalous structures inside the vascular system of deceased vaccinated people.

It's not to late to,...

Attached Links
Massive Bio-Structures Found in Bodies of the Vacc


Jun 12 2022 10:34PM
     X Files Prediction of the Next Plandemic with Clay Clark
So you think it's over do you. Scully starts 11:45 in ?

Listen to the last guy, putting it all together in less than a minute.

Breaking Down X Files Prediction (2016) of the Next Plandemic with Clay Clark

Attached Links
X Files Prediction of the Next Plandemic

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Jun 5 2022 04:25PM
     It can not be a Conspiracy when it is written and out in the open.
Jay Dyer of gives an overview of the once hidden history of Bilderberg and the people who called the meeting into being.
Attached Links
A Brief History Of The Bilderberg Meetings


May 28 2022 10:45AM
     How We Can Take Back America
If we are unwilling to come together and lawfully police our elected leaders then we don�t deserve freedom.

Sadly I learned about Jordan Maxwell's passing in March of this year.
I have met and talked with him twice. One of many great educators.

Attached Links
If we are unwilling to come together and lawfully


May 25 2022 09:40AM
     Everything we know about monkeypox that the corporate media won’t tell you
The Media Cartel is the Real Virus


Attached Links
The Truth About Monkeypox


May 22 2022 10:28AM
     The New World Order Prepares Their Final Attack
By Greg Reese

The One World Government finalizes their plans in Switzerland as Monkeypox appears on cue

Attached Links
The New World Order Prepares Their Final Attack


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