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Level 5 Male

 62 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 22 2022 10:12AM
     Dr. Peter McCullough Exposes Bill Gates’ Plan For Next Lockdown & The Truth About Monkeypox
The break down the true dangers of the monkeypox amid outbreak hysteria.

Never forget that the death rate for mRNA shot is higher than all of the Vaccines in history.

Attached Links
The Truth About Monkeypox


May 19 2022 11:16PM
     Yep your Dr. Ashton has done the Fauci flip flop.
Doctor on Good Morning America Admits Covid Jab Can Cause VAIDS

ABC News Senior Medical Contributor Dr. Jennifer Ashton subtly admitted vaccine-induced AIDS exists during a recent edition of Good Morning America.

Now that it's gone main stream, what will you do now ?

What is the difference from a Conspiracy theory and the Truth,... About 6 months.

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Doctor on Good Morning America Admits Covid Jab Ca


May 18 2022 10:13AM
     Democrats Introduce Bill To Put Americans In Quarantine Camps
HR 6666 and others.

Clay Clark of joins The Show to expose the Dems' bill to send American citizens to quarantine camps.

Read the bill here:
And then City Mayors Working Directly With U.N. as U.S. Government Surrenders Authority to the W.H.O.

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Democrats Introduce Bill To Put Americans In Quara
City Mayors Working Directly With U.N. as U.S. Gov


May 15 2022 10:59AM
     What Biden's Ministry of Truth Doesn't Want You to Know
Here is a list of reasons why Biden needs a ministry of truth to silence Americans.
And better than a bumper sticker.

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Biden's Ministry of Truth Doesn't Want You to Know
Alex was Right fly over in LA


May 11 2022 09:05AM
     How the US could be destroyed with one EMP weapon

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A sobering reminder


Apr 26 2022 10:20AM
     Humans Are Hackable Animals
You will have NO Privacy.

Watch the original full length August 24th 2018 interview with Yuval Noah Harari on Al Jazeera English HERE:

The mouth piece of Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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Humans Are Hackable Animals

1 comment

Apr 24 2022 10:17AM
     Thee Most Powerful Interview with Attorney Robert Barnes on the State of Affiars. A Must See
Alex interviews Constitutional Lawyer Robert Barnes about the state of the country and what needs to be done.

More like, What is Really Going On. So much Corruption in DC courts and Blinders on Congress. And the Desperation of the Globalists is there destruction

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Apr 16 2022 10:50PM
     Guess what is in Snake Bite Anti-Venom ?
Most will not believe the answer. The list starts 10 min in.

Also explains why the Corona Virus has never been isolated.

Attached Links
Your Questions Answered with Dr. Bryan Ardis


Apr 16 2022 11:18AM
     Forced Lockdowns Are Coming Back To America and Dr. the land of OZ is for it
What is being shown to us in Shanghai is a foreshadowing of what's to come.

Course you won't see this anywhere on the main stream. And just another way to take your Guns.

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Forced Lockdowns Are Coming Back


Apr 12 2022 11:45AM
     Dr. Put On Big Pharma Assassination List For Publishing ...
Devastating Data About Covid And Vaccines

Dr. Bryan Ardis joins Owen to talk about the real consequences for those that disagree with Big Pharma

Confirmed by his Attorney

Should we be surprised ? Or stuck in disbelief.

And why they wanted to burry the nearly 1300 side affects for 75 years.

Attached Links
Big Pharma Assassination List For Publishing


Apr 8 2022 09:46AM
     East 60 FWY Shut Down tonight 4/8
In the Badlands past Moreno Valley.

If anyone going to Morongo or Palm Springs, stay on 91 through Riverside to SB / Redlands, take 10 East.

or if on 60 East get off Redlands Blvd. Turn left. Turn Right on San Timoteo Canyon Rd. takes you to I-10

Enjoy the back country and the road side Donkey's.

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Apr 7 2022 09:41AM
     Are covid vaccines behaving in a similar manner?
Which are not a true vaccine as reported.

REVEALED: Pandemic of the Vaccinated

After close review, we find that the vaccine "rebound" effect can prevent natural immunity from developing properly. We also discover that the Bill Gates Foundation has been supplying Ivermectin annually to 30 different African countries - could this explain their low covid case rates? Also, we learn that the new RTS/S (Mosquirix) malaria vaccine can actually cause malaria - Are covid vaccines behaving in a similar manner?

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The new RTS/S (Mosquirix) malaria vaccine can actu


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