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 58 yrs old
Registered Nov 2 2010
Released Nov 3 2010

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Oct 30 2019 12:38PM
     Republican Platform part #2. Reply to B2yellow
From B2Yellow:
Instead, this President focused on the economy -- freeing up businesses to grow, expand, create jobs and generate earnings and wealth. The end result is the lowest unemployment in the last 50 years, and lowest minority unemployment ever. He focused on illegal immigration, and is trying to stop our country from being overrun by hordes of uneducated and unwashed masses, seeking to change our culture into a 3rd world cesspool. Finally, he is addressing issues with world bullies -- China, Iran, North Korea. Bit by bit, he is making progress on those fronts as well, especially with the China trade deficit, their stealing of American intellectual property, and currency manipulation.

Donald Trump is what the Republican platform SHOULD be! Putting America first, Making America Great Again, and Keeping America Great.

The unemployment rate when Obama left office was 4.8%.
The National Debt doubled to $9 trillion under 2 term with Obama.
Under current administration the debt is now $22 trillion in less than 1 term.

I don't think the US economy is healthier today than before
The rich did get richer and the income gap has increased.
By the way, the USA is considered a third world nation by economic definition uses income disparity.

Iran is more unstable and so is North Korea. China still loans money to the US. Good job there.


Oct 30 2019 07:13AM
     What do Conservatives believe in? Do they need a new name?
The traditional conservative beliefs seem to have changed.
Can't really use the word conservative anymore to describe the Republicans.
What would be a better title?


Oct 29 2019 05:30PM
     What happened to the Republican Party Platform?
Anti-National Debt?
Russia Hawk?
Christian Conservative Values?
Social Conservative?

It seems like Republican Party has done a 180 turn.

I don't get the unwavering support for this administration.

Not that it matters anymore but the Republican Establishment has no morale ground and zero principles.

Really Sad Times


Oct 23 2019 04:12PM
     Don't Believe? or Don't Care?

Which camp do you fall into?


Dec 12 2018 05:20AM
     Doing Crazy has worked so far. So who is the fool?
Very successful at changing the narrative. When the heats on, does something more outrages and the media jumps to the next topic every time.

Anyone of the past crazy shit should have stuck and been on the news 24/7 for months and years.

Is it the media? Or the audience with a short attention span?

Either way, politically speaking, well done.

For what's best for America, needs to go to jail for all the dirty deeds to restore faith in our political system. (Not because of policy)


Dec 8 2018 10:19AM
     Which is your Economy? How do you feel about 2019?
American economic cast system:

Poor - entitlements - no changes in 2019?
Working poor (minimal wage earners) - unemployment is low - will it stay that way in 2019?
Blue collar - shrinking group, low wages - continue to shrink and wages drop?
White collar - shrinking too, wages dropping - more of the same?
Professionals - got higher taxes - no changes in 2019?
Business owners - optimistic - fragile, volatile in 2019?
Rich (multi-millionaires) - huge tax cuts - stocks crash? Will do well with either Party in control?

Do you know that the US is considered a third world country by economic definitions. And getting worse.


Dec 3 2018 01:08PM
     Locked. No further comments permitted.intelligent comments only please. what has he really accompli
I can agree with some of accomplishments mentioned, some I can't. (I guess it will depend on what your personally philosophy is)

Do you the think it could have been done with more grace?

Do you the accomplishments are for the benefits of the common US citizen?


Dec 3 2018 06:56AM
     intelligent comments only please. what has he really accomplished?
I'll start.

-tax cut
-appointed judges.

Anything else? Especially things that have benefitted the average American.


Nov 28 2018 05:23PM
     Who is Saudi's and Russian's Biotch?
Don't have to give a name.

You all know who it is.


Nov 27 2018 09:22PM
     Mississippi Senate race proves it
There are states you can be openingly racist and that's a good thing.

"If a supporter asked me to a public hanging, I'll sit on the first row"

America is sure great again.

Shame on you..... Wait... You have no shame....


Nov 21 2018 03:00PM
     Xmas songs already?
It's not even Thanksgiving and Radio is playing Christmas songs.

What's your favorite?


Nov 20 2018 06:44AM
     White meat or Dark meat?
Breast or thigh?
Thanksgiving Turkey!


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