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Level 0 Female

 22 yrs old
Cypress, OC, CA
Registered Nov 16 2020
Released Nov 20 2020

30 blogs/77 comments
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Nov 29 2023 03:23PM
     Hey Everyone. Got Any Tips?
Hey Everyone. Got Any Tips For Juicing ?

I'm Going 2 Use My New Juicer 4 The First Time Today.

I Already Purchased Green Apple, Celery, Carrot, Orange,

And Pear For A Random Mix I've Never Tried Before.

Typically My Favorite Is Orange And Carrot.

What Do You Like In Your Favorite Juice ?

Want 2 Share Any Tips On How To Make A Delicious Or Very Healthy Drink?


Nov 15 2023 10:55AM
     I Lub This Weather In Downey California
Gotta Lub This Weather In Downey California

It's Cloudy. Might Rain. Makes Me Excited To Go OutAnd Have Fun, Avoiding Getting Soaked. Hit Up A Bar, Then Go Chill And Eat, Maybe A Hot Bath Towards The End.

What R U All Doing ?
Attached Pictures


Nov 15 2022 02:51PM
     Hello plenty to see here
Happy November 15th 2022 dolls and gems

I am wishing the best for everyone !

Hope your fall is very memorable.

Make a candle or ar bake a cake.

Stay warm + moisturized


Your safety girl


" while you are busy thinking about giving up,

someone else is out there admiring your strength."

- said by someone.

Attached Pictures


Oct 21 2022 04:41PM
     One of my best experiences or most memorable..
One of my best experiences or most memorable.. 
It was a cool night, around 6pm .
He picked me up from home.
Like a real date you know.
Showed up smelling good and looking presentable.
Very kind man.
We grabbed a drink at a restaurant.
I dont think either of us were particularily hungry for food that night.
I agreed to go for a spin in a small plane.
It became the best date ever. ! 
I was aoutmatically inclined to have a good time witht this man.
We crusied, fueled up and did what we wanted to after. I'll always remeber you  , Dave.
I think.

Thought I'd motivate some of you to share a positive experiece.
Please make your comments worth the while since we are limted to 50 comments.
Thank you


Oct 3 2022 06:01PM
     Share your fav quote, here's mine.

Mine at the moment is one I will share with you all.

" In order to not be disspointed by others, have zero expectations of them at all."

A genius said this.

Share your fav quote if you'd like.

Happy October


Sep 20 2022 10:00AM
     I've been having such a great time.
I've been having such a great time.

Thank you to all I have met and chatted with in the past few months. June - September

Some of you guys, I haven't met but have been kind and helpful, others I have met, have been very exciting and rewarding meets.

Just keep being yourselves gals and lads.

There IS someone out there for YOU.

On another note, I am excited for Halloween, spooky music, and chill weather! 🍄 👻👹☻️

I'm mostly excited to meet my October fans. Rawr 💋


Jun 24 2022 12:11PM
     My favorite part about HX
My fav part about Humaniplex is that

there are so many horny dogs on here.

Woof !

Male and female.

Everybody is VIBRANT with horniness..


Writing about it makes me want to, you know, get it in.


What is your favorite part about HX.

Maybe it's the H , I like the X.


Jun 23 2022 02:22PM
     Has anyone noticed ?

Has anyone noticed how guys have WAY more creative handles?

My handle is ACTUALLY my name.

That's how uncreative I am.

Some of the best I've read so far are guy handles like;

nextkbe , trackstar, fitdentist, nightdweller lol

and so many more!

There was one that was a female handle

bcotto , I like that one a lot.

I think it's Italian for cookie!

What are some of the best handles you've read so far?

Hope many of you read this blog

and enjoy this discovery ad much as I did.

Thank you.




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