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Level 5 Female

 41 yrs old
Rancho Cucamonga, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Sep 17 2016
Released Sep 17 2016

115 blogs/462 comments
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Feb 13 2024 09:56PM
     My achin' back and the stupid damn car.
I don't know what came first my achin neck, shoulders and back
This stupid damn car!!

Any suggestions to fix both are always welcomed.
Any mobile massage folks in the area? I am not even able to lay still in one spot for very long before the pain starts again....

I need a good nights rest. My exhaustion level is there, it is the muscle feeling like it is on fire is too much to bare....


Nov 13 2023 09:28AM
     Sending Flirts
This blows my mind......I am sure my feelings about this particular subject may come across or bitchy but it really does bother me.

Why do men think it is okay to use a site they are too cheap to support?
I mean honestly, you come on here you troll around you find a hot one, and then you flirt. FOR sure a lame flirt, so I respond with an equally lame flirt and then they respond with?????
YEP another flirt.
I am sure there is yet another flirt waiting to annoy me.....Hoping I get the hint to send my menu.

Here is the deal fellas......If you think that the mail cost is too much I promise you I will be too much.
Every site like this that is worth a damn has an overhead, cost of doing business. HX provides one of the best layouts. It has way more options than most of the others. They allow us girls to use album points to pay for a ad. Do you know that other sites charge $125 a week to advertise? They provide networking options but they are time consuming. HX its simple and to the point.
IT IS SAFE. It checks on its people, it's a community that although they talk a lot of shit, they also look out for each other and that is pretty damn awesome.
I really don't want to bother with someone who wants to use something with out supporting it. Hell what prevents that transpiring if I were to meet? It says something about your character. Maybe that doesn't matter to some people but it does matter to me.

So please don't be a MOOCH, if you use the site to do your thing, have the decency to do your part to keep the site up and running. If you can't afford to do that maybe you need to reconsider what you are even doing on here in the first place!

Ladies HX is pretty damn good to us. Do your part by not allowing this to continue. I know things are tough but if we start doing this type of crapits only going to get worse. It is up to us to set an example and to determine our worth. If we keep participating by letting them book with us thru a flirt we are part of the problem. It won't be long before you are having a buy 1 get 2 free deal going on. WE all know if it gets to that point, well why bother.


Oct 12 2023 04:42AM
     What will it take
For Phoenix Parker to come back?


Mar 13 2023 10:34AM
     It is everyone LUCKY FUCKING DAY
So, How do I spring someone from HX quarantine? I have enough point to buy everyone a damn unicorn but apparently I can not buy her out of quarantine. Can't we vote her in or something other than the GC thing?

Let me know.....


Sep 17 2022 12:28PM
     Last visit - I am expecting
I wanted to make an official announcement that I will more than likely be away until after the first of the year due to an unplanned pregnancy.





My frenchie is Pregnant.
So come visit while I am here in So Cal. I'll be returning back home on the 23rd.


Apr 7 2022 05:43PM
     Looks vs Personality (part 2)
PhoenixParker.........It wasn't the ladies that came up with the 3 hour half hour.....How would they know how long you were with a fella....That was the fella's.....How and why would another female share that info even better why would they ever promote that?


Aug 12 2021 08:12PM
     What are you really here for?
So I pop on HX every once in a while right before I make my trip to CA and I read some of these blogs…..and t can’t help but wonder what Some of you fellas are here for?
Lately it seems like everyone is all worked up over dicks in politics rather than the pretty ladies…..
***News Flash***** getting worked up over shut you can’t change causes high stress which could cause a heart attack, stroke or Death!
However participating in certain adult activities can elevate your mood due to the release of dopamine and serotonin.

So stop complaining already, we are here to help (lol)
That is your public service announcement for living your best life !
You are Welcome!


Apr 4 2021 12:02PM
     TOO much to Move
Oh My Heavens,
If I did not know any better I would think I was storing the back stock for an adults lingerie and toy store......A swing and Stand- NIB toys galore, and Lingerie so much I make Victoria's Secret look empty.....I think I might do a online auction or a virtual adult store what do you all think?


Jan 24 2021 04:35PM
     ❤Home Owner
Hey just wanted to let you all know I am leaving CALIFORNIA and moving to Prescott, AZ
I just purchased my very first home......I will be back to visit once a month.....If all goes well escrow closes end of March. I will linger until my lease is up the first of May...... Not deleting my account or anything just wanted to let ya' all know!! SO EXCITED


Dec 5 2020 05:40PM
     Sneak over but where your mask
It's only a problem if you get caught right?
What if we take temps, spray each other down with Lysol and wear a naughty nurse outfit.....
Shouldn't that count for something?
Asking for a friend....


Aug 27 2020 04:51PM
     Just my luck
Just my luck I get all the way out to Burbank I go and unpack my stuff and low and behold what if I forgotten my laptop charger! Lord knows I have every other charger in the world except for the one that helps me communicate. You know with every birthday your eyesight gets worse and now I’m trying to communicate a little tiny phone as opposed to my computer I don’t think they make readers strong enough for that. So let me apologize ahead of time if my grammar is not perfect or my responses seem a little off it’s not that I’ve lost my mind it’s just I can’t see


May 2 2020 01:37PM
     SHIT Talking Cowards
Just curious how pathetic and lame to you have to be in order to PM a person and talk some shit and then block a person from responding? What does that mean? That they cant handle the harsh ugly truth? Or that they are just a little bitch? Just asking for a friend.........


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