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Level 5 Female

 41 yrs old
Rancho Cucamonga, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Sep 17 2016
Released Sep 17 2016

115 blogs/462 comments
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Mar 1 2020 10:01AM
     Made in USA
I have to give a shot out to Paul's Orgasm Alley. He recently made me a machine that I must say is quiet phenomenal. In he past I have spent shit loads of cash of some not so well crafted machines. They are were from China and just couldn't muster enough torque (Just Learned the word) to get the Job Done.
Well I am very and I mean VERY pleased to report that the Mini Stallion made by Paul Is MORE THAN ENOUGH to get it done and done just right!


Feb 25 2020 01:40PM
     When I
In case you don't know me or know how I operate, here is a PSA
This covers a wide range of scenarios
Today it is about my new friend. Please know at it is a bad idea to try and pull some BULLSHIT with someone that I have invited to join this community.Trust and believe if I have invited them I am going to be helping them figure shit out. That is the responsible to do and its how we help keep this thing as safe as possible.
It does not take a rocket scientist to know that you are not following the rules of networking if you can read and comprehend the questions.
YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED to use your level as leverage.
DON'T act like an ass just because you think you can cause you don't think they know any better.
Have some integrity.
Because If they are a friend of mine they will know.
Okay rant over......
Wait one more thing....Don't drop names either as a way to weasel yourself past whatever requests are being asked of you. I have made it clear that caution should be used when ever that is the opening line.
Now let's get back to doing whats fun......


Feb 13 2020 07:08AM
I am one of those girls who is on the fence about Valentines Day. It is a sweet holiday IF you are in love or THINK you are in love. It can also be a very sad or hostile day if your heart has been broken. I have been on both sides of the LOVE fence.....
Send flowers for No reason at all....not just because its a Holiday or cause you fucked up......
Say I love you and show appreciation every day because you never know if it could be your last......
(Especially if you fucked up)
Some say it's a holiday for Men to give to their Special someone.....I disagree. Men should should be woo'ed and romanced too.
So fella's show love......everyday
And ladies you do the same......if your bitter subscribe to this little thought....
V-Day can be whatever you want.....You have the VAGINA........Take back your power and Love yourself (and your Vagina too) lol


Oct 1 2019 11:28PM
     Late Nighter's in LA
Boy there are a bunch of you night owls out here


Sep 12 2019 11:20AM
     Are you BI? Part 2
Okay, Well thank you so much for the ladies that answered. Just to clarify there are some responses that mention AP
Well there are 2 of us....Arabian Princess and Addison Parker.
So maybe we can figure out a cute nickname to decipher the two.

Arabian Princess- I do want to say I am not sure what you are angry about but I do hope things settle down for you and you can find some peace and love. It is so much work to be angry. The worst part is when your anger is expressed to folks who probably don't care.

As for reason for my inquiry- I agreed with the person who said threesomes with 2 girls that are into it is ALOT more fun than when they are not.

I also think the just because you are BI doesn't mean you are not equally pleased by a member of the opposite sex. Male and Female obviously bring different skills to the table. In my experience One cant do what the other can and vice versa.
I will say the men are my preferred main course. And every now and then women can be one hell of a side dish. Just my opinion


Sep 11 2019 12:12PM
     Are you BI?
How many of the ladies here are Bi-Sexual? I am curious for a number of reasons. But before I state them I think I should see what kind of shit comes from the blog


Sep 4 2019 01:27PM
     Tell Me
CAN it Be any fucking hotter?
My room is a cool 69 degrees.
"If you have to be fucking hot, be hot from fucking!"


Aug 28 2019 08:28AM
     FYI-FAKE Benjamins
Client from different site who I just found out has a profile here paid in counterfeit bills. They are decent and pass the pen test, but they fail the ink and light test. He did just call so before totally putting him on blast...I will give him an opportunity to make it right. But regardless....Be aware.
I will keep you all posted as to how this plays out....


Aug 20 2019 09:16AM
     Class is in Session
With everyone going back to school.....I thought I should get my studies on as well.....So Tantric Massage, Yoni Massage and Prostate Massage here I come.....
Any one else starting a new class?


Jul 11 2018 09:57PM
     Moving is NO FUN 2
I am excited for the new place, no lingering memories, or marked up walls from throwing a shoe at your ex, leaving behind that one red wine stain that you've spent hours trying to remove. Tose things I wont miss, however.....when I think about the really cool shit that happened under that roof I get a little weepy.
And then I remember what the leasing agent said...…"Every night between 8 pm and 10pm a magical trash fairy comes by your door and takes your trash out to the dumpster!!!!
FUCK, LIFE can not get ANY Better than that, right?


Jul 11 2018 01:15PM
     Moving is NO Fun
I hate moving, I mean really hate moving.... So I am thinking of hiring a moving company to assist little ole me with all of my really big shit. Any suggestions? Tips? It will be happening sooner than I think so I am trying to be pro-active and get ahead of the game.


Nov 13 2017 09:23PM
     Drunk folks Cell Conversation
So, I am sitting here at the Resturant where I am staying. Alone, in the far corner.....enjoying my dinner when a fairly loud voice echos thru out. I am trying to pin point where it's coming from......and it doesn't take long. I spot her a very intoxicated woman..... on her cell phone...... taunting the poor soul on the other end how she's coming for him...." mmmhhhmmmm that's what I said baby, I am coming and you can't hide from better get ready cuz I am gonna get you real good" I swear her exact words.... there are people sitting much closer to her than I am and I have no idea how they are not busting up laughing.....
It is taking all I have not to wet my pants..... that poor fella on the other end of the phone must be scared shitless 😂😂

I love drunks!


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